When Eunhyuk Hates TV Shows

When Eunhyuk Hates TV Shows


They were on the flight back to Korea. Kyuhyun’s seat was actually beside Siwon. But he decided to move to an empty seat beside Eunhyuk when he saw this what-Kyuhyun-called pleading and pitiful look from Eunhyuk’s eyes toward him.

“What is it?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Nothing,” Eunhyuk replied, looked away to the window.

“Just tell me!”

“I’m just...tired.”

“Let’s sleep then,” Kyuhyun pulled Eunhyuk to sleep on his shoulder.

“It’s not that!” Eunhyuk said, pulled away from Kyuhyun. After some seconds of intensive eyes-to-eyes gaze, Eunhyuk rested on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, “I’m tired being on variety shows, talkshows, any TV shows.”

“Uh? But that’s your speciality.”

“But I’m tired.”

There was silence before Kyuhyun asked, “And why are you tired? I thought you enjoy it.”

“They always make fun of me. They make me looked like I’m the stupid one.”

“But that’s how you look like, Hyung. Stupid.”

Eunhyuk didn’t reply, but Kyuhyun could feel tears watering his sleeve.

“I’m just kidding.”

“I hate you!”

“Why?! There’s nothing to do with me when you looked stupid on TV shows!”

Eunhyuk left Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “I watched Strong Heart yesterday, the episodes where members were there, you said that I’m ugly and made fun of me!” he hit Kyuhyun’s arm.

“But then I told a story where my crush was your fan! That was a reversal!”

“But in the end they still made fun of me!”

“That was out of my control!”

Eunhyun sighed, rested his back on the seat and looked outside the window.

“I’m sorry, Hyung.”

“Forget it, I won’t watch TV shows anymore!”


Even until they reached their dorm, Eunhyuk still had this gloomy expression on his face. When Kyuhyun asked if he’s okay, he just said ‘okay’ and lock himself in his room for the rest of the day.

Kyuhyun, eventhough it wasn’t his fault, but he wanted to make Eunhyuk get his happy mood back. Kyuhyun, eventhough he wasn’t an angel, but he didn’t like to see the gloomy expression on his hyungs, especially Eunhyuk.

He stayed up til late to find some ways to bring his happy hyung back. He started to list things to do for the next day since they had no schedules tomorrow. He even browsed in the internet to find Eunhyuk’s liking or what Eunhyuk wanted to do, because in some case fans even know better than the members.

First, he would make...stratch that, he better bought, breakfast for Eunhyuk. It must be sweet food because Eunhyuk likes sweet taste and Kyuhyun knew that sweet could bring a happy mood. After that sweet breakfast, maybe they could take a walk along the riverside, just to feel some fresh air. Then amusement park would be the best place to spend the day. And he sure that Eunhyuk would like amusement park a lot.

Finished writing his plan list on his cellphone’s memo, Kyuhyun moved to sleep, hoping that his plan would work well.


Kyuhyun stepped in to his car while brought a box of sweet and colourful cupcakes. He put it on the back seat, where he put all the foods he brought this morning to make a sweet breakfast. Strawberry milk (it’s a must, he noted), fruits like strawberry and banana, and some chocolate flavour snacks.

He sighed, “I don’t even know why am I doing this. That silly hyung...,” and drove back to the dorm.

When Kyuhyun reached their dorm, he heard someone laugh...not someone, but that particular hyung. He quickly walked toward Eunhyuk’s room. His mouth opened in disbelief when he saw Eunhyuk was sitting in front of his computer, laughing like crazy, watching TV shows online.

“What...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Kyuhyun yelled.

“WHAT?!” Eunhyuk automatically yelled back in surprise.

“You...watching...how could you...?”

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes in confuse, “What...?”

“Yesterday you said that you hate TV shows and depressed like you wanted to die! I stayed up at night to find a way to make you feel better! I even bought you these!” Kyuhyun shoved the cupcakes box to Eunhyuk’s hand, “BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY WATCHING VARIETY SHOWS ONLINE?!” and left.

Eunhyuk blinked, a bit confused with a storm that passed by him just now.

Kyuhyun walked to his room in anger. He should know that this particular hyung would never stuck on gloomy mood for a long time. One day was more than enough. He should know that this particular hyung won’t ever leave TV shows. Because TV show is Eunhyuk’s life, just like Starcraft for Kyuhyun.

Eunhyuk didn’t need a long time to understand what happen. He came to Kyuhyun’s room, wanted to apologize. He brought the cupcakes box with him. But when he saw what Kyuhyun was doing, he immediately forgot the reason he came to his dongsaeng’s room.

“You’re playing Starcraft again?!” Eunhyuk asked in disbelief, “Ah, I should now it’ll happen sooner or later. You lied when you said you quit gaming!”

“Why can’t I? You did the same. At least I’ve tried to quit for some weeks or months. You even didn’t need a full 24 hours to back to your TV shows.”

“Well...uh...,” Eunhyuk put the cupcakes box beside Kyuhyu’s laptop, “I’m sorry then. You know, I have to work on TV shows no matter what.”

“That’s okay. As I said, you and TV shows has nothing to do with me. Besides, Starcraft is much more fun than you.”

“Fine! I’m leaving then! We’ll doing our different things separatedly from now on, just like before.”

“You know you’ll come back to me.”

“Why would I?”

“Because you love me.”

Eunhyuk laughed in a mocking way, “I think you made a good choice with back to your Starcraft, because reading fanfics made you crazy somehow.”

“You love me, just like how I love Starcraft and you love TV shows, or maybe more than that?” now Kyuhyun was the one who put a mocking tone on his words.

Eunhyuk hissed and left Kyuhyun’s room.

“See? You come back,” Kyuhyun said, half laughing, when he heard Eunhyuk’s steps. “It even haven’t been a minute yet.”

“I’m not coming back for you. I’m coming back for this,” Eunhyuk put his hand on cupcakes box, wanted to bring it with him.

“No!” Kyuhyun pulled the cupcakes box back.

“But you said that you bought it for me!”


They ended up sitting face-to-face in the living room. Two laptop placed between them on the dining table. One with TV shows online in it and one with Starcraft in it. They got busy with their own things, but eat the same breakfast, cupcakes.

Kyuhyun would hissed anytime he heard Eunhyuk’s sudden laugh from watching TV shows. Eunhyuk would jumped in surprise anytime he heard Kyuhyun’s yelled or cursed when he made a wrong step in Starcraft. But that was all okay for them, as long as they could feel each other presence.




uh...i think it's a fail... /sobs/ but i hope you'll like it ^^ 

i'm writing the next sequel, i hope it'll turn out better than this.

leave comment please~ thank you ^^

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Chapter 1: Kekeke,,
They just too cute >.<
Nobody can resist them,,
Thanks for making the sequel :D
hahahah. this is a true modern dating look like! together, but not together! cute couple.
I laugh a lot at the end XD
yuyumunaw #5
Lolol these dorky xD
can't stop smiling reading this <3
Kyuhyuk is sooo funny!!!!
carolina #7
I like it and love it this very funny..
thank you for all the comments ^^
LollipopChuleta #9
Loved it! Seriously... I love how childish are they sometimes... They are just too cute :3 <3