


It was a day in midst of autumn, the leaves on the trees were already turning into various shades of yellow, orange and red, splayed out on the pavements. A chilling breeze runs through my hair and I nuzzle into my scarf. It is quite cold today but still, this day is nevertheless beautiful. I loved autumn days. Everything is coloured and I liked the crisping sound beneath my shoes whenever I stepped onto leaves. My hand is in the pocket of my jacket, the other entwined with a familiar hand of another person. We are walking over the graveyard, breathing in cold, fresh air and as I look at the other man next to me I couldn't contain my giggle. He looks cute with a red nose and squinting eyes. He looks back at me, confused and I just shake my head.


We come to a stop and I crouch down in front of a grave. Because I usually always kept it tidy, I also start this time to pick up every leaf off of the grave and threw them aside. While one of my hands is pre-occupied the other still kept holding onto the other man, who just watched me first a moment ago and then starts helping to get rid of the leaves one by one.


After we finish, I straighten up again, pull down my scarf and reveal my face, showing a faint smile pulling at my lips. I walked a step along the side of the grave and placed my hand gently on the stone, fingertips brushing along the length of the top of it. The stone was cold against my fingers.


Hey, Yoseob.


I always had talked to him in my mind whenever I came here. I walk back to face the stone from the front now, standing opposite of it.


It has been two years now. Two years since you have been gone and I haven't heard your voice anymore. Two years in which I couldn't see you or touch you or feel you, but I know you're always with me. I know you're by my side and watching me and heck, I still miss you so much. I still think about you every day. I still need you, but as the people say: life goes on and I guess they are right. I'm still walking and breathing on this planet so I promise I'll make the best of it. I need to keep going, I need to find my way into life again after all those years of stress, but I could never say I regretted any decisions and moments I went through with you. You were tired too, right? Tired of all the fighting? When you stopped eating, when you stopped wanting to live. I noticed that. I noticed when you already had given up, Yoseob. And when I noticed I cried all night and I cried more seeing you getting sicker and sicker. Maybe I should've tried harder, but was that even possible? I would have never rescued you out of this misery and I'm sorry, but I know you're in a better place now. And hey, as you might see, I gained some weight again. I'm slowly starting to get healthier again, happier even. I work less and went back to continue studying law. Are you proud of me hearing this?


I notice as a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me closer to the body behind me and lips are kissing tears away I didn't notice were wetting my cheeks. I felt myself blushing and smiling even wider.


Yoseob, I'm happy again, can you see that? After your death I couldn't determine if I could ever be happy again, I thought I would keep being unlucky and I suffocated in my sorrow and drowned them with alcohol. I was a train wreck. I was anything but happy or content with life. But then he came. Doojoon is his name. He accepted me and the situation I was in, he supported me and he loves me and I love him as well. I don't think I will ever love anyone as much as you though, you were the love of my life and I would've done anything for you. You're still taking up the most part of my heart. And if I could've I would've taken that condition away from you, hell, I would've taken it over if that would've been the only option to get it away from you. But life doesn't work that way and I hope I have been a good fiance for you until the last breath of yours.


Ah, lately I haven't visited you as much as in the beginning and I'm sorry. And of course the reason is Doojoon. He's trying to help me to stand up on my feet again. It took long for me to let him into my heart. I know him for a year now and I just realized how wonderful he is in the latest weeks. I never realized how much he tried to help me to get out of my sorrows after he knew my story - our story, Yoseob. He knows that I'm still hurting and still mourning and that he kind of will be only second to you. I know I shouldn't do that, I know I should get over you...but I can't and don't want to. You were the most important person in my life. You should know that nothing can be compared to you, no one will ever mean as much to me as you did to me. But he accepts it and he understands it. Isn't that great? Isn't he wonderful? He's more than I could've wished for.


I sigh shakily and lean back into Doojoon, who nuzzles into my hair.


"He'd be so proud of you..." I hear him murmur.


"Do you really think so?"





it's dooooone ;A; finally! sigh. 

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Chapter 8: Ich wusste dass das ende tottraurig ist. T__T Zumindest was Kiseob betrifft.
Obwohl ich es nicht grade toll finde das Yoseob gestorben ist, ich finde du hast wirklich gute arbeit geleistet mit dem ende. Ich finde es eigentlich in gewisser weise gut, dass Yosoeb gestorben ist, da die beiden mehr und mehr unter seiner Krankheit litten und daran zerbrachen. Mit seinem Tod wurde dem Leid praktisch ein ende gesetzt, auch wenn mir Gikwang, aber auch Yoseob, so endlos leid tun! Ich liebe Gikwang dafür, dass er sich so sehr um Yoseob gekümmert hat, obwohl er selbst so sehr daran zerbrach. Und ich ich liebe ihn dafür, dass er ihn immer von ganzen herzen geliebt hat und auch immer lieben wird! *wein*
Ich bin froh, dass es Gikwang nach so viel leid langsam wieder besser geht und dass Doojoon für ihn da ist! Auch wenn ich es schade um Kiseob finde, und ich nicht grade ein fan von so traurigen geschichten bin, das ende ist nichts desto trotz schön geworden.
Eine schöne tottraurige FF!
Aber bitte tu meinem armen leidenden KiSeob Herzen ein gefallen und bitte schreib noch mal eine Kiseob FF full of fluff oder zumindest mit happy end! Ich flehe dich an! T^T
Anyway, loves ya~ *hugs*
Ace_B2uty95 #2
Chapter 8: ...I'm crying hard or at least I would cry if I wasn't in class right now ;~~; omg I'm happy for Kiki but Seobie ... ;~~; I really loved the story I cried even in the past few chapters
Sorry for didn't comment before but I really loved it
cwscik182 #3
Chapter 8: It's the end? Wow, sorry, I only realized now that I have never left a comment to this story. It's a great story after all. Although me and sad stories like this one don't go that well together. I don't know why I always end up reading them nevertheless and grieving over my precious Beast boys suffering. (I find it especially hard when one of them dies. I don't really cope that well with death-fics.)
But still, don't think I didn't like your fic. I liked some twisted masochistic kind of way, lol. ;D

I have to admit the ending came rather abrupt and very sudden, though. I didn't expect it at all. And I have a question: Is Junhyung the same Junhyung Yoseob saw on that picture some chapters earlier? Yoseob's ex-boyfriend?

Ah, this story somehow broke my heart. It's especially the huge Kiseob-shipper part of my heart that suffers, because they can't be together now... ;)

Sorry about all my rambling. Still this remains a very sad but great story.
Chapter 8: I cried T_T that was an unexpected ending. Anyways, great story! ;)
Chapter 7: Gott ich halt das nicht mehr aus! Das ist so schrecklich! So endlos traurig! Es bricht mir das Herz! Armer Gikwang! T__T
Jetzt habe ich alle Hoffnungen auf ein Happy End verloren (ich wünsch mir aber trotzdem noch eins! XD).
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich überhaupt wissen will wie es weiter geht! XD Das ist einfach so unerträglich! T__T *wein*
But still update soon dear! ♥ XD
Chapter 7: I can feel the pain. Its surreal. Wow you have talent. Incredible talent. Please continue while i still feel pain with this story. I want it to last and quickly read the next chapter!
Chapter 7: THIS IS so Great,yet so sad.CONGRATULATIONS for this awesomeness!!But it would be a “Happily ever after” right ?
