From me to you

A fools letter

"Honestly, I am not a good person
I am really a jerk
Me who couldn’t be a real man
I am like this only now babe"
Was the begginig of that letter we writen or me
A piece of paper where you said everithyng that you never said when we where together
This piece of paper, where the words that you write, where more meningfull
then everything that you ever spoke to me
Reading this it made me want to go back to dose days were we where so happy togheter
Where nothing could go wrong and not heaven the hot summer days, that we spend together, close to each other could seperate us.

But that's when I remeber that you heart me
You let my heart fel on the floar
You let it split into a thousand pieces
And dont even bother so pick them up, and tried to fix them

Thats why, I can never go back, to that......

You continuou your beautiful, full of soul paper with letters
Saying :"Like a fool like a coward
I couldn’t tell you I loved you
I now feel like I know about your love"
A coward you where, but now its too late
You didnt appreciate what you had in front of your eyes
Our love grow appart,
You leave me alone, in a dark corner, with a tear draining from my eye.

And even after that I stood up and said to my self: You're BEAUTIFUL!


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