Chapter 17

I'm Not Perfect

Chapter 17

I refused to wake up when I felt some cold water sprinkled over my face. Actually I was having a weird dream of being trapped in some kind of empty desert but all of sudden strange rain poured and wet the whole desert, slowly turning it into an oasis. It happened very quickly and of course, beautifully. But why does the rain kept on falling on my face?

“Miss Hana, wake up now,” a soft voice called my name.

“Hmmm…” I replied and still don’t want to open my eyes. Since when does Shinbi voice suddenly changed into man voice?

“Wake up please. Today is your last day here right?”that voice spoke again, echoed my brain and simultaneously energized my wake up cell.

My last day here?
Chanyeol voice?
I slowly open my eyes and saw Chanyeol was sitting beside me with smile on his face.

“Ehhh,” I hastily woke up and glanced over to search for my phone. “What time is it now?”

He smiled. “8.00AM.”

I frowned. “What? 8.00AM was too early for me. Let me sleep for a while.” I was about to slump down when he grabbed my arm and forced me to stand up.

“Wake up now because I have some surprise for you.”

Surprised? My eyes immediately wide open as I stared at his face. “Really?”

He nodded. “Come on.”

With a lazy step, I finally obeyed him and started walking toward the bathroom and clean myself. I can’t believe today is the day. 10 days had passed and I don’t feel like going home but there’s no reason for me to stay here anymore. I must return or else my father will notice my disappearance.



When I thought my last day would be another usual day spending our time at the hospital, instead, Chanyeol brought me to a place which I don’t know because I was blindfolded the entire time. BLINDFOLDED. Yes! I don’t know why and for what but since he said that this was a huge surprise for me so I think he might prepare an unforgettable present for me.

I don’t really like surprise or unexpected present but Chanyeol triggered my curiosity so much that I was starting to get really excited and anticipated. We were inside this vehicle which I think a taxi but the journey was silent. It was far and I was being blindfolded for almost an hour now. Wait, I think it’s almost two hours and sometimes I even fell asleep.

“Yah, where are you going to take me?” I asked.

“You’ll know once we get there,” he replied so casually.

I was beginning to feel uneasy all of sudden. “Omona, you’re going to kidnap me and ask my father a lot of money to release me. Omo omo omo!!!!”

“Calm down,” he told me softly and like a magic, I stopped panicking and let out a deep sigh.

“At least tell me where do you want to take me,” I begged.

“We’re almost there,” he said. “This is my present for you because you really succeed in this bet. I lost and you can claim your prize next time.”

“Hmm, yeah right,” I smirked proudly and waved my hand randomly until it touched his face. He caught my hand and I could feel the creased appeared on his lips. Chanyeol was smiling and I can tell that for sure. Strangely, my heart beat crazily faster than normal too.

After another fifteen minutes, the vehicles finally stopped moving and he held my hand to lead me out of the car.

“We need to walk a few more,” he said. “Sorry.”

I sighed again. “Yahhhh… I hate to walk.”

“Okay then, I’ll piggyback you.”

And he did piggyback me like usual. I began to think that if we ever get separate from each other in the future, one of the thing about Park Chanyeol that I’m going to miss was his back. I love his back and I don’t know for how many time I already repeat that confession. His piggyback is the best and will always be.

“Finally,” he muttered and put me down and without wasting more time, he removes the blindfold off my face. For a while, I couldn’t see clearly because the sudden light hitting my eyes but later on, I realized where I am standing right now. Memorial graveyard.

“………….” I was dumbfounded because not knowing what to say. I can’t believe that he actually brought me here. A place where I should go ever since I was little but I refused to. I never thought that someday I will actually standing here, facing ‘her’, for real.

My mother’s grave.

“I’m sorry Hana but I know you want to come here but you feel afraid,” he said slowly and threw his gazed at her picture. “She looks like you a lot.”

Tears immediately welling inside my eyes quickly than ever. “Why you brought me here?”

“I…” he wanted to continue but I cut his word.

“I don’t want to be here!” my fist already clenched beside my thigh and I feel like running away. Ever since my mother’s died, I hate to accept the fact that she’s gone so I never visit her grave at all, not even once. I just mentally force myself to believe that she was away for a long time and will soon return to me. I lived with my beautiful memory of her and her death was a starting point of my bitter and painful grown up experience. That’s why I hate to accept that. To me, she’s not dead and to make myself believe it, I promised to myself that I won’t go to her grave at all. I’m weird but that’s me. No one understands how painful it was to see your only source to survive suddenly gone.


My chest rose up and down, holding a mixture of emotion. Right now, at this moment, I really hate Park Chanyeol for bring me to this place.

“If you think I don’t understand your feeling, let me remind you that I lost my umma too,” he suddenly said in a slow tone. “We’re on the same boat.”

“We’re not!” I disagreed. “Your umma didn’t leave you like how my umma did.”

“How do you know that for sure?” he questioned me back and I was now trapped because I don’t know how his mother died or at least the story behind it. I just act like I know.

“………..” my eyes landed on my mother beautiful smile. This time, tears rolled faster down to my cheek because I missed her so much. Seeing her like this was like hitting me with reality that I don’t have mother anymore. I’ve lost her for many years already.

“You’re lucky to have a good father like Mr. Jung. He was the one who requested me to take you here because he said no matter how hard he tried to raised you well, there’s still one part missing and stopped you from growing. Your mother. You still didn’t let her go and that’s what making him sad.”

“My dad…?”

He nodded. “Maybe you just think that he showered you with money without love. You don’t realize his pure feeling because you still trapped inside your past. How many years have gone already? My mother died when Chanmi and Chansung was little. My father was a drug addict. He forced my mother to steal medicine from the hospital or else we’ll get beaten. I still got the scar from what he did to me. It was very painful and I don’t want my twin sibling to experience the same exact pain. Neither do my mother. She died because she was protecting us…” Chanyeol eyes were glistened when he told his story. This was my first time seeing him this way. It was heartbreaking. I didn’t know that behind his cold expression, there was a hidden sad story that he kept for himself.

“I’m sorry,” was only word that I can say.

“Hana, just move on okay? Even your mother was no longer in this world but she still watched you from afar. She will not like what she saw,” his warm advised made me cry even harder. I just realize my wrong doing. I’ve been neglecting her grave for more than ten years yet her grave still looked clean and tidy. It must be my father who took care all of this behind my back. I always thought he didn’t feel sorrow upon her death but I was wrong. My father loves my mother.

“Umma…” I kneeled down and cried. Chanyeol patted my shoulder softly.

“I’ll wait for you there. Take your time,” he whispered and walked away to give me some space alone. As for me, I just sat there staring at my mother pictures. It’s weird when I could feel like she was with me right now, smiling that I finally come to visit her.

“I love you mum. I really do,” I said in a whispery voice.


“THANK YOU~~~~~” I playfully whispered to Chanyeol ears while we’re on our way return to Nowon. He shivered, blushed and looked at me in surprised. Ohh, I forgot that his sensiti9ve part was his ear.

“No problem,” he acted cool but I know he’s not so I touched his ear over and over again. “Stop it,” he pleaded.

“Thank you,” I repeated and this time in more polite way. “For doing this.”

“I’m just doing what I can to make you happy,” he said.

I looked outside the window and pouted. I wish he would talk more than I am because it’s always me who initiates everything. If it wasn’t because of me who keep on teasing him non-stop, I doubt he would started open himself toward me. Why is it so hard to understand him? It’s like he was hiding something and I don’t know if I will ever found out about that.

“Tell me Chanyeol, why do you need that money?” I asked without looking at him. He didn’t answer at first but I could feel his gaze landed on me. “What for?”

He heaved a deep sigh. “If I tell you, please keep it as a secret okay?”

“Sure!” I did some zipping mouth gesture in front of him.

“We’ve been living in that place for so long. I wish I can buy a house so that they can live in much more comfortable place,” he said, looking through the surrounding with calm expression.

“You still so young. No need to rush,” I stated.

“But sooner or later, we still need to move out from that place,” he replied slowly.

I was busy staring at his side profile when he said that. . . . He was one of the best-looking guy’s I had ever seen. Like a sudden memory rage, I found myself comparing him to every single boy I had ever found attractive in my whole entire 21-year-lifespan. Every image of every boy or man I had ever seen in my entire life left me concluding, right-then-and-there, that no boy could ever be in his league – look wise. With his hair slightly too long for his defined bone structure, his features only enhanced them. From his eyes down to his nose and to his lips, he was definitely a sight to look at – like a painting that someone had poured their soul into. His face gave a sense of something sweet, something refreshed.

…. And why do I start thinking that he’s quite attractive now? It’s like all these days he was wearing mask that hide his pretty face from others and only lucky people can see it. One of that lucky people would be me. When I thought Kim Himchan was one of the best looking guy in South Korea ( yes I’m bias because he was my first crush and my first reason to have this painful heart crash ), I guess there’s a lot more handsome people out there if I open my eyes widely and look at them carefully.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” his question suddenly slapped me back to reality. He caught me staring at him and it was pretty embarrassing.

“Ahh, urmm… there’s something in your hair,” I lied and quickly pretend to brushed his hair using my fingers as if there’s really ‘something’ there. “Maggot.”

He frowned. “Maggot?”

Oh sh!t… maggot? Did I just say maggot?

“Uhmm… I mean dry leave…” I lied again.

“Where?” he glanced down and searched for the dry leave.

“Aigoo… it’s disappear already,” and the lies continue without an end.


I thought I would have one more night here with Chanyeol but Adam text message that came out of blue destroyed it. Feeling not satisfy with only a text message telling me to go back home now or else my father will find out, I’ve decided to make a phone call.

“Hello,” his voice appeared from the other line.

“Yah, are you serious?”

“Of course. I heard it from my dad. They will be returning to Seoul earlier so if you want to save your and my , get yourself out of that home and come back now!” his voice filled with threatened that for one second I thought it was another silly joke from him. I mean, look at him, we’re talking about Adam Park Changyeol here and serious was never a good term to describe him.

“Very funny,” I snapped back sarcastically and I could hear that he was tapping his head in frustration. The sound was too obvious.

“Once he arrived here tonight, I don’t care what will happen to you anymore dongsaeng,” he said and hung up as soon after that, leaving me completely puzzle and tension slowly building up inside my vein. He does sound serious this time. I’m a dead meat.

Since I was busy packing my stuff back, Chanyeol offered himself to help but I refuse. I just grabbed everything and stuffed it inside my bag.

“Looks like I’m going to win,” he said slowly.

I shot him a deathly glare. “Whatever Chanyeol. You want to win so b ad right?”

“I was just joking.”


To be honest, I don’t know why I feel mad at him. Why would he feel okay to see me go when I was heavy-hearted and feel like 10 days is not enough? At least he can say nice things to me instead of make that happy face. Why on earth I feel hurt upon his reaction then?

“I’ll go now!” I said, slung my bag over my shoulder and ready to walked away.

“Why are you mad? Was it because I brought you to your mother’s grave?” he questioned.

I glanced over my shoulder. “No.”

“Then, are you going to say goodbye to the rest of the staff nurse?” he still with his question.

I stopped and turned. “I think I don’t have time but I will come for them some other time. My driver already wait for me.” I was talking to him without even gave him a slight gaze.

He suddenly grabbed my hand when I already proceed to step outside the house and his sudden reaction make me jolted back inside. His eyes pierced deeply into me, probably seeking an answer of my sudden anger.

“Did I do something wrong?” seeing him this close, I gulped in panic.

“N-n-no…” I shook my head and tried to release myself.

“There is something wrong. Why don’t you say so? I thought you’re brave enough to express whatever you have in your mind like always,” he might didn’t realized that he was provoking me at this moment. I clenched my finger and pushed him away from away. His simple provoke attempt manage to make me pissed and burst everything out.

“I hate because it’s always me who starts everything. I’m so mad because I think I’m just being so stupid whenever you’re beside me and I am so freakin mad because I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I know it was somehow related to you. Why it’s always who ME initiates everything? What the is wrong with me?! What the f---“ I was about to cursed more when he suddenly cupped my face using his two hand and leaned forward in a quick pace. When I was already dumbfounded with his unexpected reaction, our lips already met.

Chanyeol bend down to match with my height. Our noses were touching and I could hear the sound of his breathing. My eyes were wide open and so were his. He looked equally as surprised as I was, if not more. Instantly, I pulled back and covered my mouth with both hands. I can‘t believe it.

We’re kissed.
I kissed Chanyeol.
…. Urm… wait.
He was the one who kissed me.

Oh my god…









Notes :


OMG thank you guys for the love and support. I'm glad you love this story and I hope I won't disappoint you. To those who leaves comment, this is for you.



I feel so happy that I dance like this ->

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thank you for making this great story omg im a mess bcs ive been crying so hard and its 04:59 here
Chapter 29: i am totally blamming you for making me cry throughout the story. No kidding. I really cried (and still crying).
seriously you've play with my emotion T.T

- Mir desu d(T.T)b
Chapter 29: Author nim u are greattttttt
Chapter 29: aaaahhh~ it's cute cute cute cavity,
congratulation author-nim chanyeolhana jjang!!
Chapter 29: Hahahahahahahaha~ Im laughing but its so ADORABLE~ They are so adorable~ GOMAWO FOR SUCH BEAUTIFUL ENDING~ TTuTT
Chapter 29: They are survived. I'm glad..
Chapter 29: omg finally happy ending.....
amming #8
Chapter 28: Nooooooo hana... Jukjima.. Is it what God do for them? Hana keep saying please take her instead him. Andwae. Please don't die both of them..
Chapter 28: omooooo :( andwae~