Chapter 15

I'm Not Perfect

Chapter 15

“We’re not doing anything wrong,” I was indeed tired to explain to them but they don’t seem to believe me. To make it worse, Chanyeol didn’t really joined my defensive attempt because he was busy tapping his forehead due to dizziness.

“It’s okay noona, we realized that hyung is 21 years old already. Both of you were grown up person so…” Chansung smiled meaningfully.

I feel like hitting my own head with hammer. No use! There’s no use! They saw with their own eyes that we still wear our outfit fully. Just because we sleep together which means we sleep side by side and it’s because Chanyeol was the one who held me tightly that it suffocates me… other than that, there’s nothing. We didn’t do anything more than that.

“I can’t believe it,” Chanmi shook her head and walked to the bedroom and shrieked. “Yah… you sleep here? Don’t tell me you stay with oppa?!”

I blinked my eyes innocently. If only I can tell them that it was only for challenge and bet. It’s not that we’re the happy couple who live together in the name of love. Plus, I was running away from chimpanzee named Adam Park in the first place and that’s the real reason why I’m here.

“She will stay here for a few more days and after that she will go,” Chanyeol explained while continuously frowning.

“Why?” Chanmi was very curious.

“Her… parents have to somewhere and she feel scared so I told her she can stay here for a while. After all, she’s also volunteer for Nowon hospital,” Chanyeol lied. At least, part of his explanation was a big fat lie and I know he was doing it to save me from bullets of question from Chanmi.

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me when Chanmi stopped asking.


“They will return to their hostel tomorrow,” Chanyeol suddenly spoke while I was busy cutting the vegetables. Yes, can you believe it? I’m standing here in the kitchen to help him doing this stuff. Why? I have no idea.

“Oh…” I just don’t know what else to say as my mind kept on thinking whether he remember what happened last night. That kiss. Our kiss. My official adult first kiss ( minus child peck lips that people consider as first kiss ). Ughh…


“Ouchhh…” I threw the knife away as I accidentally cut my own fingers. Blood quickly ooze out from the cut area and I winced in pain. Chanyeol quickly grabbed my finger and wash it with plain water. It was painful to me but seeing him concentrate on wrapped my finger with bandage-aid, I felt somehow… touched.

“You cannot daydream while playing with knife,” he said and took the vegetables. “Let me do the cooking.”

“What about me?”

He inhaled deeply and looked at me straight. From the way he reacts, that kiss last night doesn’t leave any impact. Could it be that he already forgot about it?

“Go watch your favorite drama, Dream High,” he chuckled.

“No. Let me help you,” I refused and shook my head.

“You’re my boss, you can’t do all these works,” he said politely.

I wanted to say something in reply when Chanmi suddenly chimed in. “What boss? Who?”

Chanyeol and I exchanged our gaze. “Err… nothing.”

So there goes my awkward moment in live by dealing with Chanmi and Chansung. They returned home because they wanted to visit their mother grave together (and it’s what they did every single year) and I just let them go there together and decided to go to the hospital. It was pretty boring to just stay at home and do nothing.

At the hospital, I was talking to Nurse Jihae when Jino suddenly ran toward us.

“Jinki… Jinki… he’s…” he was panting and tried to speak. “Jinki is sick… where’s Chanyeol?”

“He visit his mother grave with his twin sibling,” I replied.

“Oh…” Jino mouth formed an ‘O’.

“What happen to Jinki?” Nurse Jihae asked.

“He’s…dying…” Jino ran and his word struck my head, penetrating my mind.



I rested my head against the cold wall, staring deeply on the floor. After several hours struggling, they still couldn’t save that little boy. He died. Everyone was crying their hearts out. All the staff nurses and doctors feel sad but most of them didn’t show it. I know it was their professional policy but it still breaks my heart when I heard Yura was crying silently inside the toilet, avoiding her sob from being heard by others but I was there that time and I heard everything.

Like Chanyeol always said, Jinki was one of the special kids out there and that’s why everyone loves him.

“JINKI-YAHH…” Chanyeol was running and grabbed my arm. “He’s…”

Tears drop from my eyes when he shakes my body. “He’s dead Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol closed his eyes and shook his head, refused to listen. He got up and screamed Jinki name but some other male nurse tried to calm him down. I know he was crying loudly inside his heart even though his face doesn’t show it.

( A few hours later )

Jinki body already transferred to Incheon hospital as been requested by his relatives. All that left for us was his unforgettable smile, cute voice when he’s laughing as well as his random stuff that his relatives didn’t take with them. His mother hugged us before they go and even thanked every staff for taking care of Jinki when he’s still alive.

“Thanks,” she touched my cheek and tears still b inside her eyes. I forced myself to smile and bend down to hug her once again.

“Be strong… we will never forget him. Thank you for giving birth to such a wonderful kid like him. You’re one amazing mother,” I whispered to her ears.

“Thanks…” this time, her tears rolled down uncontrolled.

She diverted her attention toward Chanyeol. She cupped his face with both of her hand and smiled. “You’re like big brother to him and one of Jinki reason to smile. Thank you for always stay by his side like a wonderful guardian and precious big brother.”

“…………..” Chanyeol wanted to say something but he couldn’t. His eyes were all red as he kept on frowning to prevent himself from crying.

“I think Jinki want me to give you this,” she handed a book to him. I recognize that book. ‘I’m Not Perfect’.

“But…” Chanyeol stared at the book.

“He wrote your name inside here. Park Chanyeol is my superhero. I want to be like him when I grow up,” she re-read what’s on the first page headlines. It was Jinki handwriting. Without saying a word, Chanyeol took the book and hugged her tightly. His body was trembling and shaking as he sobbed on her shoulder. This breaking my heart.

I took the book and read the sentence again.

Park Chanyeol is my superhero. I want to be like him when I grow up


The night air breeze touched my cheek and I pulled my thick jacket closer to my body to gain some warm. Seriously tonight was so cold especially when you crazily went to high building rooftops, only to get all your muscle cramped due to coldness. I couldn’t help but to shiver but why do this human beside me doesn’t show any reaction of being cold. In fact, with just wearing thin shirts, he’s just staring blankly to the sky as if he was talking to God. His swollen eyes that obviously looked red. He didn’t even say a word and just sit there, silent.

“Chanyeol-ah, don’t you feel hungry?” I tried to ask and breaking the 2 hours silence. However, he doesn’t seemed to reflect or giving any reaction upon my question. To be honest, I had no idea why I was here, accompanying this all-of-sudden-to-be mute guy. I just think that Chanyeol need someone beside him so here I am. Although nothing much can be seen.

“Chanyeol-ah… I know you feel sad but look at the bright way, at least Jinki doesn’t have to suffer anymore,” I don’t know if my word will bring any difference.

“My mum used to say that when people died, they will fly up to the sky and become a star to watch us,” Chanyeol suddenly voiced out. His voice was hoarse, probably because he was crying and didn’t say a word for many hours already. He didn’t even bother to clear his throat.

“Oh really?” I joined him staring up to the sky. There’s a lot of bright star tonight. “You know what, for some funny reason, my mum said the same thing when she’s alive.”

“I guess they were right then,” he shrugged and turned his attention toward me. He just stared at my face without speaking and this make me blush like crazy.


His lips creased. He smiled bitterly. “Thanks for being here, beside me.”

I poked his arm. “Of course silly. I’m you friend right?”

“Hana, can I… borrow something from you?” he asked slowly.

“Uh… sure. What is it? Money?”

He shook his head and pointed to my right side. “Turn that way please.”

I raised my eyebrows in curious. “What?”

“Turn that way,” he repeated and softly led me to turned the other side.

I nodded and turned to my right side until my back facing him. I kinda felt confused on why he did this but before I could think much, I felt his head leaning against my back. His forehead was on my back and he began to cry. Errr, does he want to borrow my back so that he could cry?

For a few minutes, I just let him cry without saying anything. Usually, in some kind of romantic movie, people will borrow someone else shoulder to cry but Chanyeol is weird, instead of shoulder, he need my back. Was it because he doesn’t want me to see him like this? So fragile, heartbroken and sad?

“My mum died on the same date as Jinki. 17th July. Eventhough it was a few years ago but the pain still there. I wasn’t there when my mother’s died and I regret until now. When Jinki died today, I’m not there as well and I couldn’t even get to see him for one last time. How should I feel now?” he was mumbling behind me. My eyes were glistening upon hearing his word. I don’t know what else to say to be honest. If only I could say magic words to calm him down, I would.

“It’s painful, when someone that you love gone and you didn’t get to see them for one last time. Why everyone leave me like this?” he was still mumbling.

It’s okay Chanyeol-ah, just burst everything out of your heart and mind. I could see how suffer you are.


(Two days later )

It was two days after Jinki’s death. Things get better and everyone seemed to move on. There’s a huge pictures of Jinki with the kids hang on the wall and they will treasure it as part of their memories. Some of the kids were scared because they thought they will become the next person to die. Some of them were crying especially those who closed to him. Even Minah crying non-stop.

I know things will stay like this for a while. It wasn’t easy for everyone to accept someone’s death, especially when you are closed to them. At least, to Chanyeol, he was a bit lucky because his brother and sister was with him at the moment like this. He felt better whenever Chanmi talk to him, Chansung play jokes on him. Sometimes, I think that it was the twins who were older than him and take care of him, not the other way around. There’s a soft side that hard to be seen on him but he only show it in front of his family. I think I’m lucky to be able to see it.

“Aigoo… we have to go now or we’ll miss the bus,” Chansung said and adjust his bag pack.

Both Chansung and Chanmi were standing in front of the bus, wearing a complete school uniform. They had to return to their hostel and that’s mean I finally able to sigh a relief. No more awkward moment with Park twins. It’s not that they’re bad or didn’t treat me nicely but it was me who had some kind of problem to mix with them. I just don’t know how to talk friendly. It was me who’s being weird.

“Hyung, we will return home next month during school holiday. That time, please bring noona so we can spend some times together,” Chansung said while grinning at me.

“Take care of your health okay. I guess you don’t need me anymore to take care of you,” Chanmi said while pouting.

Chansung flicked his fingers. “I knew it. You’re just jealous because hyung get a girlfriend. Chanmi-ah, it’s time for you to find a boyfriend now.”

Without wasting anymore time, Chanmi smack the latter harshly until he yelps in pain. I couldn’t help but to smile when I saw Chanyeol was smiling as well.

“Okay you two… enough with fighting,” Chanyeol said and leaned to hug them both. “Come home soon. I miss you guys so much.”

“Yeah right, you miss us huh? That’s why you forgot that we will come back home this week. Aish hyung, just because you have girlfriend, don’t forget us,” Chanmi whined.

Chansung laughed. “See, she’s jealous.”

Chanmi manage to slap Chansung’s back when she approached me. “I’m sorry unni if I’m being harsh. I just… don’t want to see oppa hurt. He always hurt when it comes to love.”

“Chanmi-ah…” Chanyeol called her name softly.

But the girl ignored him. “I guess we can try to get to know each other next time when we come back home. Next month okay, unni?”

I smiled. “Sure. Thank you Chanmi.”

Err… thank you?
Why? Why should I thank her?
Why am I acting as if I am Park Chanyeol girlfriend for real?

“Bye noona, bye hyung,” Chansung waves and walked into the bus, followed by Chanmi.

When the bus disappeared from our view, Chanyeol finally took a deep breath. “Finally, the pain in a$$ has gone.”

I poked his arm. “Yah, it’s not nice to say that about them.”

“I’m just joking. They’re my precious treasure that I ever had in this world.”

I clung onto him playfully. “Yah, are you okay now? For real? No more crybaby scene?”

He blushed. “I’m fine because you are right. At least, Jinki will not suffer anymore. That was more than enough already.”

“Whoaa… such a huge optimistic mindset.”

I never knew that there was so much side of Chanyeol apart from his stone face, blank expression like my first impression on him. He can be sweet, lovely, playful, caring, a bit mysterious and he might be scary for some reason too.

Maybe, just maybe, I should get to know him better and discover more hidden side of him.


I stared at my phone and saw the remark date that I set. Two more days because the bet ended and I had to leave Chanyeol and return to my old life. I sighed. Why does it feel so quick? It’s been 8 days already and I should’ve thought that it was damn too long. I haven’t spend money in night club, shopping like crazy shopaholic, enjoying my time doing useless stuff in fact, I’m doing charity now by volunteering here. It was totally opposite from what Jung Hana will do in every semester holiday.

“Errr… where’s Chanyeol?” I asked Doctor Youngjae when I saw him walk passed me.

“He’s not in children ward?” he asked me back.

“I was from there and he’s not in children ward,” I said.

Youngjae nodded. “I guess he still in male ward because he and Jino needed to help the nurse there. Too many patient and no helper in that section today.”

“Oh, thanks. I’ll go search for him then,” I said and bowed. As I was about to walk, I paused and turned. “Doctor Youngjae,” I called for his name.

He turned.

“Congratulation for you and Yura-ssi engagement,” I said with grin.

“Thanks Hana,” he smiled back and excuse himself.

After long walked, I finally arrived to male ward which situated in building C. It was a bit far from children ward. I rarely came here except when I helped Nurse Kyuri to re-arrange some filing desk. The atmosphere here was different from Children’s ward.

“Hi Hana,” Nurse Hyeri waves her hand and today she worked in the front counter.

“Hyeri unni, have you seen Chanyeol?” I asked her.

“Ahh… he’s in room number 8 along with Jino,” she replied.

“Thank you,” I bowed and searched for him. My legs finally stopped when I reached room number 8. I was about to turned the doorknob when I heard two familiar voices was talking. Their voice was quite loud because the door wasn’t really close. I pushed slowly and eavesdropping.

“I can’t believe you actually stay with that princess,” Jino said.

“What are you trying to say?” Chanyeol replied.

“We’re talking about Class B princess, okay,” Jino sounds a little sarcastic.

“Stop calling her that,” Chanyeol said defensively.

Jino laughed. “So now you even back her up. Wow, world has change.”

Chanyeol sighed. “Jino…”

“Yah, you still remember why we call her princess? And B princess?”

“I do remember that.”

“Then? What are you doing with her? Since when did you two becomes an item?”

“We’re not an item!” Chanyeol voice sounded firm this time. My heart immediately clenched for some odd reason.

“Oh, so you guys are not an item but a friend. Gosh, who can really imagine B!tch princess like that be friend with someone like us. She usually bought her friends. Did she buy your time too?”

My heart clenched even more. So the princess nickname wasn’t for a good cause or reason. It was them calling me a b!tch princess of class B. He hates me. I know many people hate me from the very beginning. I used to receive hates from everyone around me and money is the thing that able to shut their mouth. I treated people badly and I never trust anyone before this. Not before when I met Chanyeol.

It wasn’t surprising to hear that from Jino but what makes me sad was to think that Chanyeol might have the same opinion about me. That hurt me so much already until my eyes began to welling with tears.

“Jino, I know you don’t like her but…” Chanyeol was about to say but Jino pointed to the door and me. He just realized that I was here and heard everything.


“I’m sorry… I came here in the wrong time,” I said and quickly wipe my tears away and ran.

“Hana…” I heard Chanyeol voice calling for my name but I ignored him and continue running as fast as I can.

He hates me?
Park Chanyeol hates me?
That’s explain on why he acted so cold toward me in the beginning.
Why I feel like someone stab my heart with poisonous blade and it hurts like hell to know that he hates me?
I guess, he just keeps holding on because he worked for me, for my money, for that 5 billion won.
All the thing that happened before this was only a big fat lie. LIAR!






Notes :

OMG thanks for reading... yay ^_^ more subscribers and commenters. I love you guys... kekeke. I thought no one would really like this story cuz it's lame. hahaha...

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thank you for making this great story omg im a mess bcs ive been crying so hard and its 04:59 here
Chapter 29: i am totally blamming you for making me cry throughout the story. No kidding. I really cried (and still crying).
seriously you've play with my emotion T.T

- Mir desu d(T.T)b
Chapter 29: Author nim u are greattttttt
Chapter 29: aaaahhh~ it's cute cute cute cavity,
congratulation author-nim chanyeolhana jjang!!
Chapter 29: Hahahahahahahaha~ Im laughing but its so ADORABLE~ They are so adorable~ GOMAWO FOR SUCH BEAUTIFUL ENDING~ TTuTT
Chapter 29: They are survived. I'm glad..
Chapter 29: omg finally happy ending.....
amming #8
Chapter 28: Nooooooo hana... Jukjima.. Is it what God do for them? Hana keep saying please take her instead him. Andwae. Please don't die both of them..
Chapter 28: omooooo :( andwae~