
It's like candy stuck in your throat [one-shot]


AN: Again, this story does contain . If you don't like that, please don't read it. 


Sighing Kyuhyun the faucet and watched how the water filled the bathtub.


Sungmin, I'm home”, he placed his keys and phone onto the kitchen counter and loosened up his tie. He frowned when he got no answer from the elder one. He slipped off his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair. “Sungmin?”. Still no reply.


Kyuhyun shrugged and just assumed that his lover was out with one of their friends. He snatched an banana off the plate full of fruits, that stood on their kitchen table and walked towards their bedroom. He threw his bag somewhere in the corner and started to his shirt. His head snapped up when he heard the sound of water moving. Or rather, someone moving in water.


Kyuhyun got to his feet and walked towards the bathroom, where the sound came from. He held the banana in his mouth, placed one hand on the door frame and with the other he carefully opened up the bathroom door. He slipped his head through the opening and instantly froze with the sight he met.


The bathroom was lightened by candles everywhere. Rose petals were covering the floor, counter and also the water in the bathtub. Wine and glasses stood on an little wooden table next to the bathtub together with an box full of berries. Now what Kyuhyun stunned the most was the body of Sungmin in the bathtub. The candles in the room shone light onto him on the perfect places. He looked like an angel in Kyuhyuns eyes. The definition of perfection.


Sungmins burst out in laughter when he saw the awestruck expression of Kyuhyun. His eyes were wide and the banana hanging funnily out of his mouth. The latter blinked a few times and and let the fruit slip out of his mouth. He approached Sungmin with fast steps, knelt down beside the tub and cupped his face with both of his hands. The elders laughter had died down and an gentle smile was on his face, his eyes memorizing every feature of Kyuhyuns face.


You look beautiful”, the younger said in a low tone and leaned in to capture his lovers lips with his own. The kiss shot electricity through both of their veins, made their hearts beat faster and their body temperature rise. Kyuhyun swiped his tongue over the elders lower lip, asking for entrance. Sungmins hands came out of the water and encircled them around the youngers neck, opening his mouth to let the others tongue in. Their tongues met in a slow dance.


Kyu, join me”, Sungmin had whispered when they broke apart for much needed air. Dreamily the latter nodded and started ridding himself off his school uniform. Sungmin moved forward so that Kyuhyun could sit in the tub behind him. Once the younger situated himself he possessively pulled his lover against his chest and started placing kisses on his shoulder and neck.


I love you, Kyuhyun”, Sungmin moaned out and threw his head back when the said man started marking him on a very sensitive spot.


He winced when his toe touched the water. He made it too hot but stepped into the tub nonetheless. He scooped some water into his hands and wet his shoulders, face and hair.


Sungmin walked out of the bathroom with one towel draped around his waist and with another he was rubbing his head with. He stopped for a moment to admire the handsome young mans side profile. The younger one was sitting at their desk, hovering over books. One pen in his hand, scribbling down things and his other hand clenched in a fist where he was resting his face on.


Studying, Kyu?”, he asked and sat down on their bed. Kyuhyun put his pen down and turned around halfway to stare at the older one. The youngest held out his hand for Sungmin to take and he did. Sungmin stood up, walked over to entwine their hands and sat on his lap.


Sungmin?”, the younger one asked when Sungmin rested his head against the others shoulder. The older one among them hummed in response. “Have you used my shower gel again?”, Kyuhyun asked trying to say it in a scolding manner, but not hiding the enormous grin on his face.


Let me”, Sungmin replied giggly and weakly slapped the others well-built chest. Kyuhyun let go of the others hand and wrapped both of his arms around the smaller one. He kissed his forehead and swayed them back and forth a bit. “Now you make me feel like a baby”, Sungmin whined, but secretly enjoyed the embrace.


Well sometimes you are”, Kyuhyun said teasingly, earning a kick of the heel of Sungmin on his shin. He leaned down to kiss the cute pout that had formed on the elders face. It instantly was replaced by a smile when their lips connected. For the both of them, it felt right. Perfect.


Kyuhyun reached over to grab the shaving foam and razor from the flat surface at the end of the tub. He spread the foam onto his hand, put it onto the ground and started to cover the stubble on his face. He twirled the razor into his hands absentmindedly.


They were in the living room. Kyuhyun sitting on a chair with Sungmin straddling him, swaying his legs back and forth. The smaller one insisted on shaving him because he didn't wanted the taller one to slip and cut himself. Kyuhyun had laughed at him but let his prince get his way, he couldn't resist the big, fox-like eyes and his lower lip sticking out.


Sungmin expertly placed the shaving foam onto Kyuhyuns face, all while the younger one was groping his . “Kyu, do an Santa Claus imitation!”, the oldest suddenly exclaimed and in excitement threw the bottle of foam somewhere into the room.


W-what?”, Kyuhyun asked taken-aback at the sudden request. “Oh you heard me! Now be a good boy and make me happy!”, Sungmin was bouncing and swinging his legs in excitement. He looked adorable like that.


The youngest scraped his throat and looked down embarrassed. “Ho Ho Ho! I'm Santa Claus!”, and that sent Sungmin into a fit of giggles, almost falling off of Kyuhyun if it wasn't on the long, slender fingers digging into his .


Aw, you're adorable Kyuhyunnie”, Sungmin awed and pinked away a tear at the corner of his eyes. His face was red from laughing and he was panting to get some air into his lungs. Now it was the youngest turn to pout and he looked away. Sungmin grabbed the back of his head and turned it so that Kyuhyun was facing him. He leaned in for an apologizing kiss, not caring that the foam was now covering his nose, mouth and chin. Kyuhyun responded all to eagerly and his hands went up higher and grabbed his forearms, locking Sungmin in a cage made by his arms.


”, Kyuhyun growled when he accidentally sliced himself while shaving. His hand immediately reached up to pat the wound and when he pulled back his finger was covered in blood. He started to tremble so he quickly wiped the remaining foam off his face, not caring if there was still stubble. He tangled both of his hands in his hair and tried to push down his tears.


The handsome, muscled and tall man, names Siwon, left their apartment and as soon as the door closed, all hell broke loose. Sungmin tried to touch Kyuhyun but he slapped his hand away hard, ignoring the hurt expression of the oldest. “Kyu, let me explain”, Sungmins voice was desperate and hurt.


No- No”, Kyuhyun turned his back to him and created space between them by walked a few steps back. “How the can you do that?! Why the did you do THAT?!”, Kyuhyun was screaming and flailing his arms everywhere. The oldest one shrank back at the harsh tone that he had never heard before.


Kyuhyun, listen to me! I can explain!”, Sungmin ran over to him and tried to grab his arms, only to be pushed away so hard that he fell onto the ground.


What is there to explain?! You brought back another man, introduced him as your FIANCE and ask me to be your best man?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!”, Kyuhyun was bawling his eyes out as he continued to scream.


You have to understand, Kyu, please”, the smaller one was on his knees, begging the other to listen. “You know that what we had was wrong. You know that! For s sake, Kyuhyun, we are each others flesh and blood!”, he fell back at the intensity of the dead glare the youngest gave him. For the first time in 19 years, he felt afraid of Kyuhyun. He got up carefully.


How long?”, Kyuhyuns voice was tamed but the hurt was lacing each and every letter, stabbing both their hearts. “W-what?”, the other stuttered, not expecting the sudden change of tone. “HOW LONG?”, Kyuhyun roared out.


Sungmin bit his lip and looked down shamefully. “Two years”, and that did it. Of anything, anything that could've happened, he didn't expect Kyuhyuns fist to collide with his cheek, sending him head first onto the ground.


You led me on for two years. Made love to me for two years. Threw our entire history of 6 years away for one of 2 years”, his voice was shaking as he spoke. Kyuhyun felt betrayed, angered, vulnerable but he couldn't bring himself to hate Sungmin. He just couldn't.


Sungmin lay on the ground, sobbing silently. The pain in his cheek nowhere near as painful as the pain he shared with Kyuhyun. The youngest sank to the ground, brought his knees up to his chest and cried together with his brother. His own flesh and blood.


I love you, but- but this if for our own good”, Sungmin whispered, not only to his younger brother but also to himself. “We are brothers, brothers aren't supposed to love each other like this. They aren't supposed to touch each other like we did. Share particular memories like we have”, while he whispered it he crawled towards Kyuhyun and sat on his knees in front of the curled up ball.


Words couldn't even describe how painful it was for Sungmin to see his little brother like this. To know that he was the reason for hurting him. He cupped the youngest his face and pressed their foreheads against each other. They cried like one for a while like that. Sharing each others pain.


Do you love him?”, the raspy voice of Kyuhyun croaked. His throat was dry from the loud cries he just let out. The others reply hit him like a wall made of bricks and spikes. “Of course I love Siwon”.


A bitter smile was found on the face of the taller one and he gently pushed his brother off of him. He stood up and walked towards their bedroom, Sungmin following him slowly. Kyuhyun reached down under their bed and pulled out a suitcase. The elders eyes went wide and he looked at Kyuhyun in shock.


Pack everything”, his voice was blank and emotionless. “I don't want to see you or any of your stuff in my apartment when I come back”, he didn't wait for a response and with his head held high and a blank expression on his face he brushed passed Sungmin and walked out. The shredded pieces of his heart were teared even in even smaller ones with each step he took.


When he came back, every trace of Sungmin was gone. Only his scent lingered but as the days passed by it faded. Leaving the place empty and cold, as if he never lived here.


30 minutes later Kyuhyun was dressed, his hair was done and his face was shaved neatly. He examined himself in the mirror. The eyes that once shone with happiness were now dull, black orbs. The lips that were always smiling were now set into a straight line. The once warm, social and happy boy had turned into a cold, silent and dark boy.


Four months after his brothers department he got an wedding invitation. Kyuhyun had wanted to rip it into pieces and burn it along with his place and him inside of it, but after a deep breath he came to his senses again. Putting the wedding invitation between a pile of other papers.


His bell rung and he made his way to the door to open it. He was met with the smiling faces of his and Sungmins childhood friends: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Shindong, Nari, Ryeowook and Zhoumi. All of them were now used to the cold Kyuhyun, they never knew the truth behind his sudden attitude change. They had tried to get it out of him for a while, Donghae was still trying, but Kyuhyun would remain silent.


Kyuhyun grabbed his coat from the coat rack, grabbed his keys and phone and closed his door. Zhoumi helped him with putting on his coat and then slung an arm around him in a comforting manner. Kyuhyun liked Zhoumi the most. He never questioned but somehow always knew in what mood Kyuhyun was. The tall Chinese man never failed to comfort him in the most darkest periods, even if Kyuhyun never actually showed it. Zhoumi just knew.


Kyuhyun got to ride with Zhoumi and he was thankful for it. He knew that if he got to be in a car with Donghae he would be questioned again and again. He liked the man, he really did, but the constant nagging like a mother was just annoying.


The ride was silent and comfortable for the both of them. Zhoumi the radio and halfway down the road this particular song came up that made Zhoumi speak up.


I like this song”, he had said. Kyuhyun turned his head towards the driving man and cocked his head to the side, questioning him with his eyes. Zhoumi chuckled and started tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat. “The entire song is the only song I've ever came across that described heartbreak that specifically. Oh listen now, this rap verse”, Zhoumi started bopping his head and had a open-mouthed smile on his face. Kyuhyun did as he was told and found himself drawn to it.


dul bbaegi hananeun yeong-i anin hana dul bbaegi hananeun yeong-i anin hana”, both Kyuhyun and Zhoumi repeated after it was rapped. Then suddenly Kyuhyun felt a bit lighter and leaned back, relaxed. A faint smile was playing on his lips when the words clicked into his head and made sense.


He's right, you know”, Zhoumi said, eyes focused on the road and a big smile on his face. He had not missed the sudden change of Kyuhyuns posture and he had definitely not missed that smile.


Yeah, yeah he is”, Kyuhyun muttered softly. When they arrived at the church where the wedding was being held, he found that the ache in his heart had lessened. A big part of the tension was off of his shoulders and he strangely found himself smiling.


The wedding went by smoothly. Shindong had taken the place of best man instead of Kyuhyun and Sungmin had looked absolutely flawless when he walked down the aisle. He tried to lock eyes with his younger brother but when he had, Kyuhyun had shifted his gaze. However they did lock eyes and that was more than enough for him.


Sungmin was disappointed when he found out that Kyuhyun had already left before the reception started. How selfish it sounded he just wanted to dance with Kyuhyun for one last time. Have him one last time in his arms and pretend that for just a few minutes, he was Kyuhyuns again.


That was the same thing Kyuhyun was wishing for, but he knew that that would've been out of line. He knew that it would make the gash in his heart even bigger. The tension that he had gotten rid off would be back again the moment he would let Sungmin go.


So he left.


For good out of Sungmins new life.



When Sungmin received Kyuhyuns wedding gift from Zhoumi he had locked himself up in the bathroom and cried. It was the ring Sungmin had lost just a month before the announcement to Kyuhyun. The silver band was cleaned up and there was something engraved into the inside.


'Kyu + Min = Kyumin'


What Sungmin didn't know was that Kyuhyun was wearing an identical one, on his ring finger. 

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*crying*....our kyumin ;____;
MintyCoffeeFTW_13 #2
Aww... I'm crying now... :'( So sad... and beautiful...
Ouchh..... My heart is breaking..... AMAZING Writing!!!

If you have the time would you check out my story too??
