Somewhere In China


He always smiled for the cameras. It was just something he'd learnt to do over the years. Even when he felt like he couldn't stand up on his own, he'd try to run and play with the others, always smiling at the cameras

He couldn't let his fans down, it was simple as that. 

Well, to be honest he'd felt like he was doing nothing but letting people down lately. His mom would always tell him how proud she was and that he didn't need to worry, but he knew she would say the exact same thing if he'd been moping over a lost fast-food job. It wasn't his mom he was worried about anyways. 

Or his fans, for that matter, if you wanna expose the truth. 

He smiled because, on his way out the dorm door that last night, Heechul had cracked his bedroom door for a final farewell. His neck and shoulders, he remembered so well, had still been flushed a teased pink and he could still recall the awfully feeling that he was just like those players at bars, leaving wide-eyed and unsuspecting girls alone in the morning after a one-night stand. 

"Promise me you'll still smile?" was all Heechul had said. Though "pleaded" might more acurately describe the wet mess his face had been. The plea was repeated after a few moments without an answer, and he vaguely remembers nodding his head, sick to his stomach from the effort of not crying. Heechul had gave him a horribly broken smile and turned back through the door, crying "Hyung~" like a little kid, he realized with a wrench of his heart. 

His phone suddenly went off, startling him out of his all-too painful memories. His phone didn't recognize the number, but he did. And how Heechul obtained the number to China-tied phone, he'll never know. Flipping it open, he braced himself for what ever was inside. 

'Well done on the tribute. 
Your smile is still crooked though

Han Geng smiled at the rainbows his tears left on the LCD screen of his phone. He was still smling because of Heechul, but this time for a whole different reason. 
Or was it really?

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ssapphire212 #1
This is good!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!! :D