wedding bells are ringing - Part I

When you're looking like that. - Part 2

  "Oh my god how do I look? It's fine right?" I asked, feeling more worried than ever. The day has finally arrived! Here I am, stuck in this room with Seol together with the makeup artist. Seol was standing behind me, making sure every detail looks perfectly fine from the reflection of the mirror. 

  "For the third time, YES! Your face looks gorgeous honey. Oh gosh you're not even in your wedding gown yet you're freaking out like a mad woman!" she shrieked. Paranoia. I knew I was paranoid. Damn why am I feeling like this! It's supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but everything felt so torturous. 

  "Okay everything's done. You can get changed into your gown now, so I'll wait outside until you're done," the makeup artist said. She sure has got the talent in total face makeover. I could hardly recognise myself. She went out of my room and left Seol and I alone. 

  "Here you go," Seol said, handing me the gown which was neatly placed on the bed. She helped me out with the zips and buttons, and fluffed out the puffy edges so that it'll look neat and proper. I've got to admit, the dress was pretty fitting and it really showed off my side curves. 

 "Not too bad, right? Comfy?" she asked. I bit my lower lip and nodded. "Okay good."

  I sat down on the bed, being extra careful not to mess up the gown after it's being smoothen out. "It's not working. Get me some water," I said, while gesturing Seol to grab the bottle of water which was laying on the dressing table. I didn't know why but my heart was racing uncontrollably. Maybe it was normal, I thought. I did not want to scare myself any further and desperately gulped the water down.

  "Whoa whoa, slow down girl. You okay?" She asked.

  "I'm just nervous Seol. NERVOUS." 

  "Just relax okay? You're making me feel uneasy by your actions. I'll always be with you for today. I'm here if you need anything. Absolutely anything," she assured me.

  "So whatever I want.... you could get it for me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Unfortunately, yeah."

  Once everything was done and everything was already prepared, Seol led me to a full length mirror, where I could see my full self. Oh my god. I admired the gown that I was wearing, which wrapped the slenders of my body perfectly. 

  "Don't worry too much. You look very beautiful in that. I'm sure Minhyuk will love what he sees. Perfecto. *does the A-ok sign* " Seol complimented.
I sniffed, preventing the tears of joy from trailing down my cheek. I couldn't believe all this was happening. It felt like a magical dream come true. Now all I have to do is, wait for the clock to struck midnight and meet my prince charming in the biggest pumpkin coach! Nah I was kidding, I still had 2 hours left before proceeding to the church to make our respective vows. 

  Now, that's another part. 

The bells in my head were ringing furiously. It was finally time. I stood by the aisle outside the church, with Seol standing beside me. I felt safe whenever I knew she was always beside. Seol brushed off the light dust on my gown and reassured me that I was ready to enter. I took a few steps and reached at the foot of the wooden doors. The doors were still closed, but I could already hear soft murmurs that came from the inside of the church. Nothing looked as grand on the outside, but I was definitely hoping for something different once I entered. 

  Right at that moment, the doors creaked open, revealing my petite self to everyone who were present. Seol stepped back and stood behind me, making sure I made my way down the aisle smoothly. All eyes were on me. I gripped onto the bunch of flowers, which was already in my hands, tighter to refrain myself from panicking at any moment. 

  "Okay walk," I heard Seol muttered softly from behind. I took each step slowly and carefully, being sure not to trip on my own foot. At that moment too, I had my focus automatically turned to my one and only prince charming. It felt like there was this special charm that attracted me. I was suddenly able to walk more confidently and the people around me doesn't seem to matter. All I could see at that point of time was my prince.

  I ignored the audience who were busily admiring in aw and kept walking towards him, like I was in a hopeless trance. I could see a familiar face who was standing by him too, none other than Jaehyo himself. Minhyuk stood with him, waiting for me to come up to the altar. When I finally reached, Seol released her grip from my dress and walked off to sit among the audience as Jaehyo followed her behind.

  The priest led us to read our vows before proceeding on. I stood in front of Minhyuk, not taking my eyes off him at all. His eyes were different today. They were black; is natural eyes. His hair was neatly styled and the little red bow fitted him perfectly. He gave me a smile, which caused my cheeks to burn in shades of red. I was literally fangirling over him deep down inside. Our eyes were interlocked and it felt like we were in our own worlds.

  "Lee Minhyuk-ssi, please repeat after me," the priest started. He nodded.

  "I, Lee Minhyuk, take you Yenny Kim, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health. To love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And here to, I pledge you my faithfulness."  

 "Yenni Kim-ssi, please repeat after me," he continued after Minhyuk had pleged his vows.

  "I, Yenny Kim, take you Lee Minhyuk, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And here to I pledge you my faithfulness."

  "Now, you may kiss the bride," he finally said. 

  Oh no. Here comes the moment everyone has been waiting for. Minhyuk simply leaned into me and planted a sweet, yet the most sincere, kiss I've ever had. He didn't make the kiss a long one though, since everyone was staring at us and it really felt awkward to display such affection in public. After he pulled away, I could feel the heat rising from both sides of my cheeks. I managed to let out a smile to prevent him from seeing the blush I was facing.

  The audience gave us a round of applaud while admiring us in awe. From the position I was standing, I could see Seol and Jaehyo, who stood by the right side of the crowd. Seol gave me a thumbs up, assuring me that I did perfectly well and nothing went wrong. As I scanned through the audience, I spotted Minhyuk's dance crew who sat in line side by side. They were the only ones who stood up while applauding out loud. I giggled seeing their cute actions despite being the rough boys I knew.

  I went closer to Minhyuk as he held me by the waist. All of a sudden, he leaned in to my ear and whispered, "You know, as much as I want to resist it, seeing you like this is killing me. Do you know how much I'm holding all of it in right now?" My eyes widened, leaving my mouth open in surprise. What did Minhyuk just say? Although I was the only one who heard that, it was totally embarrassing! I slapped him playfully on the arm, leaving hin flinched in 'pain'. 

  Both of us stepped down from the altar and walked down the aisle, walking back to the car which had led us here. I turned my head around and saw both Jaehyo and Seol following us behind.

As soon as we were in front of the car, Jaehyo stepped forward and opened the door for us. To be honest, he looked amazing as well. "Thank you," I mouthed to him, as he closed the door after I got in. He got in the driver's seat, while Seol sat at the passenger seat beside him. He drove us off in the speed of wind.

 "Job well done, Yenny Kim. Or should I now say, Yenny Lee?" Seol said from the front. I laughed, hearing the words that came from .

 "Yeah you did great. I'm sure it was Minhyuk who managed to keep your nerves calm. Am I right.....Yenny Lee?" Jaehyo added.

 "Hey come on guys. What's with the change of surnames? Oh come on, stop it," I laughed.

 "Yeah it must be me after all," Minhyuk butted in, adjusting his red bow in vain. I slapped his thigh and reminded him how he could get so full of himself at times. 

 "Yeah keep the mood going cos we've got dinner later at night! Don't be late okay guys," Seol reminded. Great. Now the main event's done. All I need is a short break, and I'm sure the event in the evening would be splendid.



A/N: *rings bells* they've finally tied the knot! Congratulations to Yenny and Minhyuk, woohoohoo~ ^^ Part II of "Wedding Bells are ringing" will be updated soon! Stay tuned dear readers~ Plus, can I request for comments prease? :') I know you're reading this. DON'T IGNORE IT. 


- Admin J

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Anyhow. I shall now work on it since I've finished reading it. Mwahaha. :3
Chapter 25: Lol morning ___ haha just make it happen XD
Chapter 25: Wait what? How come those three chapters are same? 21-23? Oh I like when Minhyuk teases her lol. more!
Chapter 25: AWWWW, I really like this story! ^^
You're doing an amazing job, really! I'm looking forward for the next update :'DD
Chapter 22: This story is just too sweet. I might get diabetes ;p
You better update as soon as possible~
I really enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: New reader here!! Your story is really great, bbomb's really sweet sdfghjlahesdfkl :'D
I just started reading this sequel hahah!:) shall slowly read part 1 later!:)
aqisoo #8
Chapter 9: its so adorable (^-^) im not even minhyuk biased. Im feeling very sad n moody, but thnks to ur story i feel better. Hope u update with ease n with lots of inspiration, looking forward to it author-nim. . . I want a boyfriend now >_<
Super cute!!! Hopefully you update soon!!!
CarmenL #10
wow!! Wedding sure is a big things 0.0
>w< We dance together aaa~~<3<3
The rose part really funnyXDDDD I will burst out laugh if he really do that to meXDDDDD