Chapter 01 out of 03:Breaking Up.

My Best Friend,Dongho.[Three-Shot]

Chapter 01 out of 03:Breaking Up

Jungmi's P.o.V.-

Ugh..Everyday at school I see ~~~~ with MY Changjo!Doesn't she understand me when I say he is MINE!Girls these days are retarded,just like ~~~~.I don't know what Changjo sees in her..I bet he is being bribed by ~~~~'s parents to be with her.
Well,today is going to be their last day together as a couple..haha.Can't wait for school to end,and for Changjo to be all mine tomorrow ;).
I put all of my belongings in my locker and took out my Geometry text book,then walked to class.Hope to see red puffy eyes tomorrow,haha.
I went into the Girl's Restroom near the school's front door while making sure no one was there.Thank goodness luck is by myside today,since no one was here.
I locked the Girl's Restroom door to make sure no one comes in.I started to take out all of my make-up products and set them in the sinks.
I started to put on shimmery bronze shadow on my eyes,then matte white liner,and then black winged liner.I opened one of my miniture boxes and carefully put on false lashes,full falses and added on half falses.

Ta-da~I look differenter then how I usually do at school,hehe.I could've been a Queenka,but luckily to my smarts..I didn't want to.
I took out a pair of hair salon scissors that I took from my Appa's private hair stylist and started to cut my own hair.
*snip,snip* *SNIP SNIP SNIP!*

I look nothing like my usual-self..I changed from my plain hideous school uniform into a creamy short summer dress with matching light creamy boots.

I wore white shades so no one will notice who I am.

Afterwards I applied dark red lipstick to my soft,plump lips.I smirked and twirled around.
"I look beautiful..Oh wait,I already am beautiful..haha!"I chuckled,silly me.
I shoved my uniform into my bag and carefully put my makeup products into the bag.I unlocked the door,making sure no one was outside.
I started walking out of the school while some students looked at me with awe.Haha,struck with beauty eh?
"Who's that?"     "She's beautiful."     "She should be mine"
"Why isn't she wearing her school uniform."    "She doesn't look like a student from here"     "Maybe she's picking up someone?"
"Nah.."    "Maybe she's a new student~"    "She would've came earlier if she was one!"    "Oh..nevermind."
"Maybe she's a teacher.."     "She looks too young to be one."     "Yeah,you're right."
I entered my car that my dad bought me for my birthday even though I'm too young to drive.He forged a fake driver's license and ID card for me..Oh how I love you Appa~!
I grabbed my car keys from my bag and drove to INFINITE-TEA[Haha,couldn't think of a name.] Restaurant at xxx xxx street.
I entered the restaurant and looked for a guy who was in his 30's or 40's.I found him,sitting near the glass window of the store.I walked over to him and casually sat down"Annyeonghasaeyo.You're ~~~~'s cousin right?"
He nodded and held out his hand"Neh,nice to meet you.I'm Sung-bim,Yoo Sung-bim."
I hesitated for a moment,but shook it anyways.First time shaking hands with a filthy commoner,ugh.
I plastered a fake smile on my face"I have a favor to ask you..I'll also pay you if you do it."He grinned"What is it madam?"
Ew..madam,that's an old,disgusting word!!I smirked"Make ~~~~ and Changjo break up.It doesn't matter what way you do it,just..make them break up.You got it?"
He nodded"With pleasure.I've always wanted them to."I smiled,at least there is someone who's against them being together that isn't me!"I'll pay you,10,000,000 won($10,000 USD) if you do so."He nodded and got up"Alright then,I'll be going now to do so.See you again madam?"
Before he left,I secretly handed him the money.
I felt my face cringe..I made a fake smile and nodded"Neh.."He left and I got up to leave also,well..not without a raspberry ice tea of course!

Sung-bim's P.o.V.-

I chuckled while walking out,happy that I get to break those two 'love birds' apart.I've always seen Changjo looking bored sometimes whenever I visit ~~~~ and he is there talking to her.I'm SO glad that they are going to break up for three good reasons.
One,I'm getting paid lots to do so.Two,I hate Changjo's guts!And three,I'm not the only one who wants them to be seperate.Keke..I fished out my phone and dialed Changjo's number.
"Yeobosaeyo?"His voice is just..annoying.
I smirked" this Changjo?"I'm going to play dumb for now.It took him a few minutes before talking again.
"Neh..may I ask who this is?"
"Ah..I'm Sung-bim..remember me?"
"...."Haha,he got quiet.
" there something you need from me?"
I furrowed my eyebrows"Yah!Is that how you greet your girlfriend's cousin!?"
"A-Ah..M-mianhe..H-how are you Sung-bim sunbae?"
I hissed"Don't call my name nor say sunbae to me!I want you and ~~~~ to break up!"
"W-wae!?"He seems shocked.Score!
"Because!I can tell that you seem bored of her whenever you guys talk to each other and I don't like it at all!I want my baby cousin to be with a man that will always be happy and excited when talking to her not a man who always looks at her boredly the way you do!"I yelled.
"...Break..with her..."I heard him sigh.Oh well,never did like him,never will.

Changjo's P.o.V.-

Mianhe ~~~~-ah..,but I have to leave you..I don't want to,but I have to.You'll always be in my heart..forever..
I unlocked my cellphone and dialed your cell number.
"Ah...~~~~-ah,its me..Changjo.."
"Changjo Oppa~!Are you..alright?Your don't so good..are you sick?"
"'s me at our special place at the park,alright?"
I hung up,water forming on the brim of my eyes.I wiped them away and took then wore my hoodie on.While walking to the park,I thought of ways to break up with her,without hurting her badly.
When I arrived at the park..I saw her sitting down on the white bench,near some of the bushes and trees.

I sighed and mumbled to myself.."You look always.".
I walked over to her and sat down next to her,but not really close..She grinned at me"Annyeong Oppa~!"
I weakly smiled"A-An..nyeong..."She raised an eyebrow,putting her hand on my forehead,then put her hand on hers"You don't seem like you have a fever.."
I tried looking at her with modest eyes"~~~~-ah..."
I felt as if I was going to cry any moment now.."Neh Changjo Oppa?"My heart ached..she can't call me Oppa anymore..
"We should..break up."I looked at her cute face,not looking so cute anymore..since it's frowning,not grinning.
She looked at me with watery eyes and a shocked expression"B-Bwoh!?Waeyo?!"
"I'm's just..nevermind..Anyways..I've always had loved you up until now.."
"...."She was silent,I know I hurt her badly..We've been going out for 5 years already,she was my first love..I was her first love..
I stood up and waved at her"Goodbye,I should be going now..I hope we can still be..friends"
She stood up and I saw her frustrated face"BWOH!FRIENDS AFTER WHAT JUST HAPPENED SECONDS AGO!?NU-UH!"
I sighed,and nodded.I started to walk away,sadly and took one last glance at her"It'll be hard to get over you..Saranghae ~~~-ah.."
I gloomily walked home,hoping the day would get better for me..even though I know it wouldn't..
While walking home,I felt like I forgot about something important today..I shrugged it off and started thinking about ~~~~ again.


Author's P.o.V.-

What Changjo didn't remember was that,today was his and ~~~~'s yearly anniversary which caused ~~~~ to be even more sad,depressed,and gloomy.~~~~ was truely disappointed that he broke up with her and nor knew a clue about what today was.
~~~~ had prepared a lot of items and was already at Changjo and her's special place at the park since school ended and paided lots of money to get people to help prepare.

~~~~'s P.o.V.-

I was tearing up while I was still at the bench.I pressed the button which made lights appear on the bushes with tree decorations.*sighs*
Changjo Oppa..was I not that great?I called the people who helped me prepare to take everything down immediately,then paid them a bit extra for a way of saying thanks.
I got up and wore my white wool sweater and started to walk,to my house.Memories of me and Changjo were popping back in my head..making me cry even more,tears trickling down my face.
When I arrived at the front door of my house,the lights were off.*sigh*Umma must be watching a KDrama right now.I entered the room and Umma had a happy expression on her face,guess she can't see my red,puffy eyes.I sniffled and she ran to my side"What happened!?Did you guys..not have a good time?"
I shook my head"W-we..b-broke..up.."Umma hugged me and brought me to the couch"Are you alright hun?Do you want to eat or drink anything?"
I shook my head"A-Ani..."My voice croaked and Umma had a sad expression on.She looked at the clock near the television"It's already 9pm..go to bed now..or at least try,arasso?"
I nodded and slowly went to my room,up the flight of stairs.
I was dressed in my pj's and I laid on my bed.I got out my phone and texted the only person who could cheer me up,or at least..try to.
My Best Friend,


                                                                                                                                        Okay,So that's the first chappie for the Three-Shot~!
                                           Sorry for the readers who were waiting for Dongho >, Please comment or suscribe(if you haven't) to this story >u<~!
                                                                                                                                                                        Saranghae my lovely chingus~

Was listening to:
Teen Top:
Going Craxy
Can U Smile
Cover Girl
While Writing this Chapter for the Three-Shot.

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 1: UPDATE! I CANT WAIT >< Both changjo and dongho are my biases :( poor changjo. Hope the gal will feel better with dongho.. /; UPDATE SOOON! Hwaiting!