Chapter 1

Cloaked Tears

Heechul POV

Hangeng was smiling and laughing. He was finally happy, that was all that mattered.

"Wo ai ni," Heechul whispered even though he knew Hangeng couldn't hear him.

He closed his eyes in sadness as he saw the incoming phone call, he knew what was coming.

Hangeng POV

It was finally the breakthrough of my album! Even thought Super Junior would always be part of my heart, it felt wonderful to be free. 

He heard his phone ring and saw the screen read "Leeteuk" He picked the phone up excitedly ready to tell Leeteuk hyung the news but he instead heard sobbing on the other side of the line.

"What's wrong hyung?" Hangeng asked.

"Heechul is dying," And the world fell apart.


Heechul POV

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. He hadn't expected for what happened to Yunho to happen to him. He guessed he had lost that down to earth feeling once everything that chained him down had left him.

He didn't expect the anti fans to poison him, he didn't expect to see his lifeless cold body lying on that hospital bed.

Heechul sighed, the choices. He had been left with 2, just die peacefully or struggle for life?

He didn't understand the point, he knew his friends would cry, but how long would their tears last?

Hongki along with his other friends had once said that Heechul was the most lonely star they knew of and even though his face just laughed it off, Heechul knew it was true.

No one could fill the empty hole that was in his soul, it was like a black hole which threatened to swallow him up every second, it was a stuggle just to breathe.

He stared at his lifeless body as he comtemplated the choices and he heard the door creak open.

Hangeng POV

It had been a long time. The members had welcomed him teary eyed and the fans were crowded in the street.

Heechul, Hangeng had thought, do you see you many people would miss you if you died?

The news of what the anti fans did spread like wild fire and the countries were in uproar as they found out what happened to their Big Space Star. Celebrities that had known Heechul, that nobody had known he had known, flew in from America, Japan, Kim Heechul had known everyone, yet still no one knew him.

He had walked into the hospital room with Jiang Kai Tong, his close friend.

He walked in to see Heechul's priest father yelling at the lifeless body, saying how stupid he was for being gay, that this was God's punishment on him.

Hangeng knew from when he talked to Heechul that his father had been what made Heechul so sensative, so willing to create so many barriers, but now he fully understood why. He cried as he thought of how Heechul broke off all contact with him after he had left, his defense mechanism.

Heechul POV

Heechul was numb to the pain of his father's words, they didn't matter any more.

But, he did feel a stabbing pain as he saw Hangeng and Jiang Kai Tong walk in, so they are a couple now? Heechul thought.

So they are happy he whispered.

He smiled a bittersweet smile as Hangeng literally kicked his father out and grasped his cold hand.

Hangeng was crying, "Can I talk to him a little alone?"

Jiang Kai Tong smiled and left. She's nice, pretty, and her personality isn't insane Heechul noted, she's perfect for Hangeng.

As Hangeng held his lifeless hand, Heechul walked quietly towards the man, though he wouldn't be able to see him. He lightly hugged the man for what he thought would be the last time and whispered into his ear,

Woi Ai Ni

I love you.

Every song that Heechul had sung alone had reminded him of Hangeng, he wondered if Hangeng had noticed the lyrics as he wrote them with his soul. As he let go of the man, he felt invisable tears drip down,

Hangeng POV

Heechul's hand was so cold, in comparison to how Hangeng had last seen Heechul. Vibrant, full of energy, but he hadn't even contacted him during the time he had left.

He could tell that Heechul had changed, he had lost so much weight, and when he had looked at the dorm before hand he had seen Heechul had taken up drinking, judging by the mess which covered Heechul's half. Hangeng's half had been myseriously left untouched, like a fragment in time.

He heard the whispering, "Wo ai ni," He turned around madly to see the source, but nothing was there, nothing was to be found.

He saw droplets on the floor and he curiously tasted them, salt.

He didn't believe in ghosts, but there was no harm trying.

"Heechul? Chullie? Can you hear me?"

Heechul POV

It hurt so much to hear Hangeng call me by that endearing nickname again. 

He had just moved on, why did he come back to mess with my heart? His head screamed.

Hangeng began softly singing Heechul's song, the song that he had wrong for him,

The blowing wind becomes faint...

huimihaejyeo puteoneun baramkyeote

Spirit by Heechul 

As the song reached its end, Hangeng stopped at the Annyeong, the Goodbye.

and whispered, "It isn't good bye yet, Please come back,"

"How can you be so cruel Hannie?" Heechul whispered, "Are you here to break my heart again?"

Hangeng did no hear anything Heechul said, he just told the empty air, "I love you Kim Heechul, I will always love you,"

And as soon as Hangeng said those words a huge rush of beeping and doctors flooded in who were hired by celebrities for Heechul. 

The machine began to stabilize, and Heechul seemed to be breathing normally as he opened his eyes to see the face of Hangeng looking back at him.

"I've missed those eyes,"

"I've missed you diva,"

"Wo ai ni," Both said.

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Chapter 1: ugh hanchul ;u;
zuzuaikha #2
Chapter 1: I love you for writing this ..^^.
I think I melted... <3 HANCHUL!!! <3 <3
Awwww so sweet!!
welcome back chullie :3
followurdestiny #6
a miracle! :) ahwww...
Update soon