
Addicted to you



Everyone was busy today since today was one of the biggest festivals that happened during the school year. At the front entrance, was a sign reading "Joint Festival".Little cafes were set up in the classrooms and fundraiser stands were set up all over the place. A huge stage stood in the middle of the football field and numerous chairs were placed below it. You counted the chairs by 10's and gulped at the numbers.

"How does this school even fit 500 people inside?" you said to yourself. 

You were tense and worried about the performance, so you hugged the stack of flyers you were holding tightly

"BOO!" a voice said.

A pair of of hands grabbed you from behind causing you to scream . . .very loudly. You dropped your flyers in the process, causing it to scatter all over the concrete floor.

"Ah I didn't mean to scare you that badly," Kris said bending down to pick up the papers. 

"Ah no it's fine. It's my fault in some way," you said picking up your paper as well.

"Are you going to stay for the talent show?" Kris asked you.

"Yeah and you?" you replied.

"Yup. Lay and some of the other boys are going to do a dance." Kris said.

"I heard they're really good," you replied in an impressed tone.

"They won every year so far, so I guess you can say that." Kris said shrugging his shoulders.

*EVERY YEAR? Panic mode activated*

You quickly picked up the flyers on the ground and stood up.

"Thanks Kris, now I need to go find someone. BYE!" you quickly ran off leaving Kris dumbfounded.

After searching for a few minutes, you found Kai at one of the food stands munching on some goodies. You were about to walk to up him/ call his name, but Hailee interrupted you. 

"YAH!" Hailee yelled.

She ran up to you in a ridiculous maid outfit . . . with ridiculous heels . . . and a ridiculous headband.

"Hailee this isn't the time," you said trying to shake her off.

"YOU NEED TO GO TO YOUR POST!" Hailee yelled.

"What post? I didn't sign up for a post. Me at a post?" you said frantically. "I think I see someone I know BYE!" 

You tried to run away, but it was useless. Hailee latched onto your arm and dragged you off into the school. You helplessly looked back at Kai's back and trudged along side of your friend. 

After a few minutes of walking, you arrived at a classroom that was decorated in all pink and girly. 

"What am I looking at?" you asked.

"Our class was in charge of the maid cafe." Hailee said.

"Nice," you said turning around to exit the room.

"O no you don't." Hailee said.

"What now?" you whined.

Without a word, Hailee's mouth curved upwards into something like a sinister smile. She held up a maid uniform and then looked at you.

"I am NOT putting that on." you said pointing at the hideous uniform.

"O yes you will." Hailee said shoving it into your arms.

You groaned and walked out of the room.

"UNNI!" a voice cried.


"Hey! Can you wear this and go to that room? I'm just asking for a favor. I'm in a big hurry so GOOD LUCK!" you said handing the girl the uniform. 

You raced out of the school and looked left and right for Kai again. As soon as you found him, you ran over and spun him around.

"We need to talk," you said dragging him into a secluded corned.


*She wants to talk to me? What if she's confessing her feelings to me? Were the guys right? What do I say? Yes or No?*

Soohyun peaked around to see if anyone else was listening and the took in a deep breathe. 

"Can you give me some time to think?" you blurted out.

"What?" Soohyun asked confused. 

"Uhh . . . " you said.

"Anyways. About of performance." Soohyun started.

*Should have expected that. Should have totally expected that*

"I heard the one of the teams were REALLY good." she said.

"Go on." you replied.

"We need a finale. Something that will last in the audiences' mind." she said.

"Ahh I'll think of something." you said.

"You sure? You promise?" Soohyun asked.

"Yeah, I'll think of some cool moves I can do at the end." you replied.

Soohyun held up her pinky finger and put it in front of your face. You blinked a couple of times and took your pinky finger and wrapped it around hers. 

"Then it's a promise," she said with a big smile. 

"SOOHYUN!" a loud voice yelled.

"It's Hailee . . . " Soohyun said as her face turned white.

She crouched down onto the floor and stared at the wall.

"What happened?" you asked.

"If she finds me, she is going to kill me. Then she's going to drag me back to . . . that room," Soohyun said shuttering.

*That room?*

Hailee's voice became closer and closer and her yells didn't seem to stop.

"Kai-sshi please hide me," Soohyun said.

"Eh?" you asked.

"Hide me from Hailee for a little bit please." Soohyun said.

"What am I going to get in return?" you said purposely stalling.

"ANYTHING!" Soohyun said frantically.

"FIne. Every time you call me Kai-sshi, you owe me a wish." you said.

"Okay okay!" Soohyun said.

"Good!" you replied.

"KAI!!!! DID YOU SEE SOOHYUN?" Hailee said with piercing eyes.

She wore some sort of weird uniform and hat, which puzzled you.

"Not recently." you replied shrugging.

"Good grief. Once I lay my hands on you Soohyun. It's OVER." Hailee said walking away.

"The coast is clear." you said motioning Soohyun to come out of her hiding spot.

Soohyun took in a deep breath and looked relieved. 

"Thank you so much," she said.

"No problem." you replied.

"It's almost time for the talent show to start. Don't you think we need to get ready?" Soohyun asked.

"I think we need to go too." you said.

"Then let's go!" Soohyun said.

She grabbed onto your hand, and lead you to the stage. You didn't know why, but he hands felt really soft and "cushion-ny". You smiled to yourself and allowed her to drag you once more.

"Kai-ssh . . . I mean oppa. Change into your uniform and meet me here okay?" Soohyun said.

"Alright." you said.

As soon as you two were about to part, you grabbed onto Soohyun's arm causing her to look back at you.

"By the way. I think I earned myself my first wish." you said smiling cheekily.

Before Soohyun could respond, you quickly fled to the nearest bathroom to change.


"Hello and welcome to the the 21st annual Joint Festival! Is everybody ready?" the MC boomed.

Well he was really your gym teacher, but he was acting as the MC for tonight's show. Anyways, as soon as the MC said those words, the crowd boomed with loud cheers. 

"As we all know, we have many promising participants this year. Two teams actually caught my eye. One team being the continuous winners, THE BLACK DRAGONS!" the MC boomed.

The crowd went wild just by the sound of the team name.

"This next team is a rookie group, but according to my sources, I heard that they're extremely talented as well. They call themselves Exotics" the MC said. "What a peculiar name. We definitely have to ask them about that when they come up on stage."


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Chapter 1: First chapter i read and i already love it ♡
Maru_ji #2
Chapter 39: I don't like that the o.c calls kris 'kris oppa' but doesn't call Kai 'Kai oppa' until he makes her do it. Also what did kai spend his wishes on and, is Kris going to go on a date with her and then given her his present?

Apersonn #4
Chapter 39: I want more Kris in it :(
Chapter 39: yehey you updated author-nim im so happy ^_^
LoverDreams #6
Chapter 37: I'm really ad at Kai. How is a kingka playboy as naive as this? Haish. Hope (you) survive and move to another country.
Chapter 37: Please let it be happy ending. Please please please chebal putaktidimnida(i dont know this but i think it means please in formal korean)
nesrinooo #8
Chapter 37: Omg plz let it be a happy ending
Chapter 37: omg i kinda was about to not continue reading this story cause i forgot everything lol but then when i read the plot again, it made me realize that this is one of my fave fanfics so I kinda like read 11 chapters again haha! But it's a good thing that u updated :) I just forgot everything~ LOL. Thanks for the update!
hana55 #10
Chapter 37: to be honest i almost forgot this story and i forgot the story line too because it's really long time since last update so i reread again. i think kai failed to protect his own girlfriend. he should know from the beginning to never be friend with his ty ex again and cut all his connection with his ex girlfriend. if i was soohyun i will really get mad at kai if it need i will broke up with him cause there's no girlfriend is okay if they know her boyfriend still really close with their ex. kai should know how hurt she is and feel uncomfortable. her silent not meant she's okay. now the scars will left in her body forever im pity soohyun who have a dumb boyfriend like kai who can't protect her.