Lets begin

Wheel of luck (Hiatus)

"Ani, tell her it's okay. No really. I know, I know. I'm taking the... The bus! It's coming.. Tell her it's coming. Aish tell her I'm okay, I can manage. Arasso, arasso! I'll wait.. Tell her I appreciate it.. Neh.. Gomawo~" I hung up the phone and leaned against the bus stop, waiting for Sunins mother to pick me up. She got so worried when she heard I got all wet and she strongly insisted to come and pick me up, I tried to decline the offer but when it comes to Mrs. Chae you simply cant win. I sighed in frustration and stared at the light up street. Not only that I'm stuck with a strangers luggage, I'm completely wet too. I kicked the plaid luggage and let it fall down. "Just me luck!" I murmured to myself.



"Kamsahamnida Mrs.Chae" I bowed 90 degrees as Sunin pulled my jacket. "C'mmon Minyu, lets go!" She pulled me toward the little house I rented. "Ara! Ara!" I pulled the luggage behind me as she dragged me behind her. She was more enthusiastic about it than I was. "Look the lights are on, your roommate is already here!" She said with a high pitch voice and I just sighed. "I honestly don't have the power to deal with this right now." I whispered to myself and opened the front door. "Annyeonghaseyo Jung Minyu imnida" I said tiredly and bowed, without even bothering to take a look around; Silence, no one spoke back and I sighed. 'An unfriendly roommate, great' I thought to myself and dragged the luggage in, while Sunin bowed herself. I put the luggage against the wall and took my first took around. "You! It's you! The guy who took my luggage and got me all wet!" My eyes opened wide as I saw the guy from the airport sitting on my living room couch, playing his PSP.  He gave me a bored look and returned to his PSP. "Minyu? He's the one who...?" I heard Sunins voice behind me and I nodded, shocked from the guys weird behavior. "What's with all the yelling?" I heard another voice and a tall handsome guy made his way down the stairs. "Oh annyeong. Choi Siwon imnida." He bowed as he noticed us. "Jung Minyu imnida." I bowed again and gave Siwon a smile. 'Finally someone who speaks, please let him be my roommate.' I thought to myself. "And this is Chae Sunin." I pointed at the bowing figure. "Nice to meet you both." He gave us a flashy smile and looked atr the silent guy. "This is Cho Kyuhyun. He's your roommate." Siwon said and stepped down from the stairs. "Kyuhyun-Ah, say something." Kyuhyun just gave him an uninterested look and returned to his game. Siwon sighed. "Mianhe, he doesn't talk much." Siwon smiled. "Anyway, I took a look aroiund and the bathrooms are here. And the bedrooms are on the second floor." Siwon made his way toward the door. "So I'll see you tomorrow." He gave us a mall bowing gesture and walked through the door. 'Random' I thought to myself. Suddenly Kyuhyun stood up, pushed my luggage toward me, grabbed the luggage I was holding and went up to the second floor. As soon as he was out of view Sunin nudged me and jumped happily. "OMG, did you see him?! He's so beautiful.. That Siwon guy.. Aigoo~" She smiled happily and made me giggle. "Right"

That evening Sunin helped me organize the house and her mother delivered us some foods; While Kyuhyun didn't even step outside his room. 




I woke up early in the morning because of the bright sun that was shining through my window. I changed my cloths from this:

To this:

And went downstairs to cook breakfast. Friendly or no, I cooked something for Kyuhyun too. I placed the plates on the round white table and put whip cream on the pancakes. At around 7:40 AM Kyuhyun made his way down the stairs and sat around the table, reaching for his plate. With out even a sign of gratitude he started eating. "Gomawo?" I tried to get a word out of him but he simply gave me a light nod and kept on eating. I really wonder how much this roommates thing is going to work.



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annyeong.. I'm the first reader ya?? ^^
Ah I like your story, so when you want to update again??
I'll be waiting :)