Chapter 4

Under The Sunset

*One week later*

"Were home!" MyungHee called out as they approched the living room where Mr Park was. MyungHee went to hug her dad, he hugged her back then pulled away.

"Oh, HeeYoung, Kyujung came to visit you, He's in the garden." Mr.Park said to HeeYoung.

"Oh.... Okay." HeeYoung answered quietlythen went to put her bags in her room.

"Appa, Why does Kyujung-ssi keep looking for HeeYoung?" MyungHee asked her dad.

"Remember your samchon (Uncle from dad's side) wanted them to get married? Why do you ask? Do you like him?"

"Anniyo appa. I was just wondering." MyungHee explained. Mr. Park pulled Myunghee into a hug.

"I know, I was just teasing." Mr. Park said. "Go put your things away and get ready."


"I want you to go with me to a confrence since your Omma can't go." Mr. Park explained.

"Do I have to?" Myunghee asked.

"No, Its okay. I can go by myself," Mr. Park sighed deeply. "I guess thats what I get for not having a son." He started walking slowly towards the door.

"Fine, I'll go with you appa." MyungHee said. Mr. Park turned around and smiled.

"Kyujung Oppa" Heeoung called out as she approched Kyujung. He turned around and smiled.

"HeeYoung, Anneyo. How was shopping?"

"Hm... It was fun. Ah Kyujung Oppa did you wait long?" HeeYoung asked.

"Not that long. I wanted to take you somewhere."


"I wanted to take you to meet my mom." Kyujung answered.

"Wae?" HeeYoung asked as Kyujung walked towards her and lifted her chin up.

"Because Ichowahae said quiely then leaned down to kiss her.

"HeeYoung!" MyungHee interupted them. Kyujung quickly let go of HeeYoung's chin. "I'm going with my dad to a confrence, araso? I just wanted to let you know."

"Araso." HeeYoung called back as MyungHee turned to leave.

"Should we go then?" Kyujung asked.

"Where?" HeeYoung asked confused. Kyujun just smiled at her then took her hand and lead the way to his car.


Ryeowook was walked towards the building when he bumped into someone.

"Oh, Minhae." Ryewook apploigized and help her up. The girl looked up and started at him for a while before bowing.

"Gwaenchaneyo." The girl looked down shyly. "I'm Yoona. Im Yoona."

"Kim Ryeowook.Chombaekasomida (Nice to meet you)" Ryeowook smiled then left ahead.

"For today's confrence, My lovely wife couldn't come so I bought my daughter with me today." Mr. Park annonced. MyungHee looked around to see Siwon, Kangin, Yesung and Donghae. Myunghee stood up.

"Annyeonghaseyo cho'neun Park MyungHee inmida." Myunghee introduced her self then sat down quickly.

"I Brought my daughter too." Mr. Im said the Yoona stood up.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Cho'neun Im Yoona inmida. Please take care of me." Yoona introduced herself as she put on an innocent smile and bit her bottom lip.

After the confrence MyungHee went to the bathroom. On her way there she saw Siwon with Sunny , MiYoung's older sister. They were talking then Sunny suddenly reached up and kissed Siwon. Siwon pushed Sunny away and turned to see MyungHee.

"MyungHee, It's not what it looks like, Please don't tell HaeSun." Siwon plead.

"She's my friend, she deserves to know" MyungHee said then walked past them to the bathroom.


"Eomeoni! I'm back!" Kyujung called out. "Come 'on"He said to HeeYoung then dragged her to the living room. "Eomeoni, This is Park HeeYoung."

"Annyeonghaseyo." HeeYoung bowed. Mrs.Kim smiled at her.

"Anneyo, Make your self at home." She said.

"Araso. Komowoh." HeeYoung bowed agian.

"So HeeYoung, What do you like doing?" Mrs. Kim asked randomly.

"Um... I like singing and shopping. I also like to hang out with Myunghee-unnie and my friends." heeYoung answered.

"Wha~ HeeYoung-unnie, mind if I hang out with you sometime?" EunA (Kyujung's little sister) asked comming into the living room.

"hm.. Sure I don't mind." HeeYoung smiled.

"Yah! EunA, why are you so rude? Didn't even introduce yourself."Kyujung said.

"Oh neh. Chuneun Kim EunA imnida. I'm Kyujung's little sister." EunA introduced.

"Nice to meet you" HeeYoung replied.

"EunA, lets leave these two alone, Araso." Mrs. Kim said then took EunA out of the living room.

"HeeYoung-ah, Minhae , EunA was a bit rude." Kyujung appolizied.

"Gweanchaneyo, Kyujung oppa." HeeYoung replied. Kyujung smiled.

"Come on I'll show you the rest of the house." Kyujung said then took a hold of HeeYoung's hand agian.


"Ryeowook-Ssi!" Yoona called after Ryeowook. Ryeowook turned around as Yoona ran up to him.

"Yoona, drop the Ssi and call me oppa." Ryeowook said.

"Oh araso Ryeowook oppa." Yoona blushed. Ryeowook smiled at her. Yoona Handed him a card and ran away. Ryeowook stood there confused. He looked at the card and saw numbers.

"Appa!" MyungHee yelled.

"Oh Myunghee Your back." Mr. Park said.

"Sorry if I took too long." MyungHee appoligized.

"It's okay." Mr. Park said as he hugged his daughter.

"Myunghee?" Mr. Lee said as Mr. Park let go of MyungHee. MyungHee bowed.

"Anneyo. Mr. Lee."

"Yah~ Why don't you call me Uncle Min Soo anymore?" Mr. Lee asked jokingly.

"Uh... Minhae." Myunghee said as Donghae walked up to his father.

"Abeoji. I'll be leaving first." Donghae said to his dad. He looked over at MyungHee. MyungHee returned his look while Mr. Lee looked at his watch.

"Araso, safe trip home." Mr. Lee said to his son. Donghae nodded then looked over at MyungHee agian. MyungHee narrowed her eyes at him. Donghae started walking away but stopped and turned to MyungHee.

"MyungHee, I have to talk to you, come on." MyungHee looked at her dad then shook her head. 

"No thanks Donghae-ssi."

"Yah that wasn't a question" He said then stepped toward her. MyungHee hugged her dad's arm.

"Appa, I don't trust Donghae-ssi"

"MyungHee-ah, why don't you call him Oppa." Mr. Park said. "You guys used to be friends."

"Yeah" MyungHee stared stright to Donghae. "Use to be." Donghae stared at her then sighed. He walked towards her and grabbed her arm and dragged her away. "Yah! Appa help!" MyungHee yelled out to her dad. Mr. Park just looked at them while Mr. Lee shook his head.


"Yah! Kyujung, Come here. I need your help on something." Mrs. Kim called out to her son. 

"Okay, I'll be right there." Kyujung replied the turned to HeeYoung.  "Sorry, I'll be right back." he said then stood up. HeeYoung stood up too. 

"Um.... It's getting dark. I should probably go home." 

"Oh. How about you wait untill I'm done helping my mom then I'll send you home." Kyujung said.

"Anniyo, It's okay Kyujung oppa, I'll get home on my own." HeeYoung replied. 

" Are you sure?" Kyujung asked. HeeYoung smiled.


" But I don't feel safe if your going home alone."

"Kyujung oppa, stop worrying. I'll be fine. I promise."  Kyujung sighed.

"Araso, I'll see you tomorrow then." Kyujung said then HeeYoung left. As Heeyoung turned the corner she bumped into someone, making their stuff fall.

"I'm sorry." Heeyoung said starting to pick up the stuff.

"HeeYoung?" The person asked. 'that voice sounds familiar' HeeYoung thought then slowly lifted her head to see Kyuhuyn.

"Kyuhyun Oppa. HeeYoung said then stood up.

"Yah, what are you doing here so late at night?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Kyuhyun oppa, It's not that late." 

"It's not safe for you to walk home alone." HeeYoung sighed.

"You sound just like Kyujung oppa." When Kyuhyun heard Kyujung's name his smile fell.

"Were you with Kyujung?"

"Neh, but he was too busy to walk me home and I didn't want to bother him." HeeYoung said then looked down. "Ah" Heeyoung suddenly said scaring Kyuhyun. "Kyuhyun oppa, how about you walk me home?"  

"Well you see, I'm kindda busy too~" Kyuhyun said. HeeYoung's face fell agian.

"Oh. Sorry for bothering you then." HeeYoung said disapointed then started walking away. Kyuhyun looked after her and smiled.

"Yah!" He called out then ran to her, he stopped infront of her. "I'm just kidding, Of course I'll walk you home." HeeYoung looked up and smiled.



"Araso, kaja." HeeYong said then started walking agian.



"Yah! let go~ what do you want?" MyungHee asked but Donghae ignored it. MyungHee stopped walking and tugged her arm making Donghae stop and turn around.

"I just wanted to talk" Donghae said putting on an innocent smile.

"Don't do that." Myunghee said.


"Aish~ why are you acting so childish?" Donghae's act fell and became serious. He rolled his eyes then looked at her.

"Did you tell Heeyoung or Kyuhyun something?"

"What do you mean?"

"That I like HeeYoung." Donghae answered.

"So you do still like her~" Myunghee said.

"Aish, Anniyo. I was just wondering, because Kyuhyun said something to me about it."  Donghae quickly defended. MyungHee looked at him closly.


"Yah! I already said I don't like her anymore, why are you still being like that?"

"Then why are you so defensive?" MyungHee asked. Donghae scratched the back of his head and looked away fustrated.

"Aish!~ Your so annoying!  I don't want to see you right now." Donghae said as he walked past her. He accidently bumped into her shoulder making her fall. Donghae looked back and saw that she was on the ground. Instead of helping her up he just walked away. As MyungHee saw that Donghae was leaving a memory came crashing back to her.


*Flash back*

"HeeYoung, Let me have Donghae oppa and you can have Kyuhyun oppa." Myunghee (Age 6) demanded.

"Unnie, but I like Donghae oppa." HeeYoung (Age 6 ) Argued.

"Yah! Why don't you ever listen? huh? Maybe it's because you don't listen that your parents died... Its all your falut Aunty and Uncle died!"

"Anniyo, it's not my fault." HeeYoung started crying. 

"Yes it is.Its--"

"ANNI!" HeeYoung shouted. "No its not, your just jealous that Donghae oppa likes me better then you!"

"What did you say?!" Myunghee walked up to HeeYoung and pushed her really hard. HeeYoung fell and started crying harder.

"MyungHee!" Donghae and Kyuhyun yelled at the same time.

 (Kyuhyun) (Donghae)

Kyuhyun went to help HeeYoung up while Donghae went to MyungHee. Kyuhyun tried to help Heeyoung stand up but she couldn't.

"Yah, who do you think you are? HeeYoung sprined her ankle because of you, do you know that?" Donghae said to MyungHee.

"Donghae oppa, she's just faking." Myunghee said then went to hug Donghae's arm.

"Faking? " Donghae pushed Myunghee's hands off him then stepped on her foot and pushed her to the ground.

"Ow~" Myunghee wined then started crying.  Donghae walked to HeeYoung and Kyuhyun.

"Donghae oppa!"

"I'm not your oppa nor will i ever be! Were not even friends, we just let you hang with us cause we wanna be nice. I hate you and your annoying face! Don't ever ever ever hurt HeeYoung agian! If you do..... I'll hurt  you twice as much!" Donghae piggy-back Heeyoung and left. Kyuhyun looked at Myunghee for a while then left too.

***End of flashback***

"Donghae oppa!" Someone called. Myunghee looked to see Kyuhyun and HeeYoung.  Myunghee looked at the three for a while then stood up. "Myunghee-unnie, are you okay?"  Myunghee looked away from HeeYoung.

"Fine" she answered then ran away.

"Unnnie!" HeeYoung called after her while Kyuhyun stared at Donghae, who was looking away.


When Myunghee got home she ran to her room  crying.

"I hate you"


A/N:::: Anneyo=) miss me?? hahah j/k i decided to put in pictures.... isn't it cute??? hahah I like Kyuhyn's because it actually looks like him. *sigh* Sorry for not updating sooner but me and Ae-chaa's been busy so yeah haha bye-bye=)

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Ae-Chaa #1
Ahaha yea Youngmin is my favorite :3 mwahaha LOL and i also love the HeeYonug Kyuhyun pair XD
I love Heeyoung & Kyuhyun pair :) They are just so cute together. I hate Seohyun in this story XD She's just so...devil. Poor Kyuhyun :/ BOYFRIEND! I love that group <3 My fave is Youngmin :D
I'm happy that Siwon and Haesun make up :) Aish, Seohyun! How can she slap Heeyoung? And...Yesung kissed me (Mi Sun) :D Waaaah! so happy :P Thank you for update ^^
yey..<br />
so here the conflict hahaha <br />
update soon ^^<br />
omo siwon kiss siwon...<br />
i must know about this<br />
and all the characters are beautiful n handsome hehe<br />
udpate soon
I have feelings that Sunny and Yoona are going to bring troubles.<br />
OH! Sunny kissed Siwon >:( He's HaeSun's.<br />
Those pictures of children are so cute >.< Agree, that Kyuhyun's looks like him :D So handsome ^^
Insomniaa just remind me super show 2~~<br />
at first i thought goohae will dance n sing with ryewook oppa hahaa<br />
and dong hae seems care with Myung Hee<br />
yesung jealous?hahaha but his voice is awesome too lol<br />
haha cant wait for next chapter^^<br />
update soon..