Ch. 1 The Auditions

New Group, New Beginning, 4ryl


It was as one would say… nerve wrecking. The feeling of your sweat trickling down your face, the feeling of your heart thumping and the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you. They knew it was time… time to be known for something. All of those 4 years of training have helped them get up to where they all were now. Of course, they didn’t know each other at the beginning nor did they know they’ll end up together as a group but they knew that it was worth it, all of it has its worth. But let’s not jump into what happens here; let’s go to the time before they even knew each other…


She wasn’t ready, not yet anyway. She couldn’t do it, but her parents told her to go so she decided to give in and started walking to where the auditions were held. She held her fists tight as she knew she was almost there. So close… then there she was, right in front of the door. She knew she wasn’t fully mature, being only twelve and everything, but she felt the need to go now or else she’d regret it later. No regrets, she thought to herself as she opened the doors. She started walking to the audition stage, no wanting to look at everyone around her right now. She just kept on going until she was in front of the stairs to the stairs. She sighed and started walking upthe stage.

Then when she made it up, sweat was trickling down her face and her heart was beating quickly. She knew it was time, time to become someone. She knew that there were only four judges in the whole room, but it felt like a thousand. She also knew that these were important people, people who would decide whether she would be famous or not. When she got up the stage, there was hesitation to go closer to the microphone, but hey, she knew she had to do it.

“My name is Mary Park, number 26 and I’ll be singing for you Kissing You by SNSD.” She said firmly, trying not to sound hesitant or anything related to it. They were looking for confident singers, not ones that were afraid. Then, the music started playing and she decided to pretend no one was there, just like what her mum said. She knew it was time to sing. 
Then she just started singing her heart out, not caring to whom was there or anything. Without her realizing, the song was over and then she heard clapping, so she decided to open her eyes, the one that were closed throughout the whole song and saw something she didn’t expect... the judges were clapping for her, not anyone else.

“That was excellent! You’re definitely in!” One of the judges said. He had short black hair and looked around his thirty’s maybe.

“Magnificent!” Another judge said and started walking up to the surprised Mary, holding a piece of paper. She looked no older than thirty but looked older than twenty of course. “Here, take this. Show your parents that you’ve made it in and let them decide whether you’ll be practicing here or if you’re going to Korea, the main branch of Loen Entertainment.” She smiled at her and walked back to her seat. “You can leave now. Next number please.”

Mary went down the stage, still surprised by the fact that SHE got in, of course she didn’t expect this but and she went to her parents who were waiting for her, with a huge grin plastered on her face. She prayed that whoever was next was ready.

“Next number please.” She was shocked and scared of what was to come after hearing that. She looked at her parents for a moment and they smiled at her, her mother said.

“Good Luck Maryjo! You’ll make it in for sure!” her words were comforting and the twelve year old girl knew that as she started to walk to the audition room, without looking back. Her parents’ words may be comforting, but NO one could help with the situation, only she could help herself to be more confident. When she got to the door of the audition room, she breathed out a heavy sigh and opened the door. She walked up the stage and while doing so, tripping over the last step up, but quickly regaining posture and blushing from embarrassment. She thought of how she probably made a bad impression.

She walked up to the microphone and looked at all four judges. She breathed in and out a lot of times, trying to calm herself down and it was working… in a good way. She looked straight this time at the judges, kept her back straight as well, trying to give out a better impression. Then finally, she spoke.

“My name is Maryjo Mendoza and I will be singing Replay by SHINee, please enjoy.” She said, trying not to sound too serious, or too calm. This was it, she thought to herself as she started singing her heart out and she knew she was doing everything in her power to be the best. As expected for her, she messed up a bit but she was hoping that they wouldn’t notice, even though they were professionals. 

When the song was over, she panted heavily and looked at the judges, and well, she couldn’t describe what they looked like. They looked pretty stunned at what they heard, she thought to herself, which cause her to stop panting and smile. She smiled because they were amazed by her voice, no one else but her. She smiled because she believed that she would get in now. Definitely!

“That wasn’t perfect… but with little improvements here and there… it’s perfect!” One of the male judges told Maryjo, causing her grin to become even bigger than it was. Then, the judges quickly had a short gathering and then looked at Maryjo seriously for moment, causing her to swallow her saliva with nervousness. Did she do well enough? All of a sudden, the judges were smiling at her, causing Maryjo to be extremely confused.

“Congrats! You get to become famous someday! Now, go to your parents and decide whether you’ll study here or go to the main branch in South Korea! Have a good day now!” A woman judge told her, causing Maryjo to be wide eyed. Her… a K-pop star? Well, it was worth a shot anyway. She went down the stairs and opened the doors calm but when she got out of the audition room, she ran all the way to where her parents were, with a huge grin plastered on her face.


As she saw the one before her run with a huge grin plastered on her face, she knew she had pass and that it was her next. Right now, her mother was next to her and she decided to wait at a bench near the audition room so that way life will be easier. “Well, it’s your turn, good luck.” Her mother told her calmly as she stood up from the bench and walked up to the audition entrancedoors. 

“Thanks mum.” She said, not looking back. Even though she was only the mere age of twelve, she knew that it was going to be tough. She may have looked normal on the outside, but in the inside, she was nervous as she could’ve ever been. She looked up for a second, closed her eyes and sighed. This was going to be VERY long, She opened her eyes and opened the doors and walked up to the stage, to the microphone, not wanting to look at the judges because she knew it would make her even MORE nervous. When she got to the top of the stage, she started walking up to the microphone, but she knew she couldn’t avoid the judges’ gazes at her and she knew that even if she tried to, she’d create a bad atmosphere in the room. When she got to the stage, she looked at the judges’ gazes; they looked like they were anticipating something. I sighed and got on with it.

“My name is Abigail Feliciano and I’ll be singing for you all today ID; Peace Be by BoA.” She said, trying to muster as much confidence as possible into that one sentence. Confidence is everything in the music business as what she’s learnt before said so. Then, she started singing with confidence, knowing that singing has brought her up to this stage. She kept on singing, for the sake of everything that she worked hard for. Practice makes perfect is what they say and she did that, but she also knew that she should relax and enjoy it more, and she did. 
When the song was finished, there was silence. It was so silent you could hear a fly pass by. Then, out of the blue, soft clapping was heard, causing Abigail to look for the source of it and it was from one of the female judges. Soon after that, there was even more clapping from the other three judges, causing Abigail to have a huge grin on her face. But one question still juggled through her head… is she in or is she out?

“Congrats Abby! You’re in! Now go sort out a few things with you parents! Go Go!” a female judge said enthusiastically, pointing to the door. Abigail thought for moment, processing the information. She was in? 

“Thank you!” Abigail smiled and started running down the short flight of stairs. She couldn’t believe it! Her in Loen Entertainment. It was too good to be true, but she knew it was true. When burst through the doors and saw her mother in front of her.

“Well. How did it go?” she asked with a curious tone.

“Great!” I said with a cheery tone and a big smile on her face. She knew that everything she worked hard for was worth it. 


She looked at herself at the mirror. Would they not like her because she looked too fat? Would she do something to embarrass herself? Would she even get in at all? She sighed to herself as she heard her mother calling her to hurry up and get out of the bathroom. You see, she told mum to call her when it was her turn, and so it was. She sighed and took her bag and checked if all of her belongings were there. Then, she got nervous, too nervous for her to handle. She started thinking of nice things to calm herself and then she started walking out of the bathroom. She saw her mum smiling at her, causing her immediately to smile back.

“Well, I’ll be off now, thanks mum.” She said to her as she started to walk quickly to the audition area. She could hear her mum saying “Good Luck Pamela!” to her, causing her to have a great smile. 

When she got to the audition doors, she sighed to herself, trying to breathe out the nervousness as she did. Would she be alright? She’s better be because… she wanted for so long, she knows she’s be torn and ripped into pieces if she failed. Then, building up her confidence, she opened the door and walked up to the stairs of the big stage. She had a quick glimpse of the judges and did they look strict. She thought that maybe, just maybe, if she somehow passed, that she might cry right on stage. She told herself plenty of times not to and so kept on walking until she made it right in front of the microphone. She breathed in and said.

“My name is Pamela Dy and I’ll be singing U by Super Junior.” She breathed in and out, and then she started singing her heart out. She sand like no one could stop her and she sang like she could rule the world. For some reason, every time she sang, she felt free. She felt like she was flying high above in the sky, above the trees and above so many people. Singing has always helped her fight the bad times that she was going through and has helped her smile even brighter than she had before. As the song was finishing, she felt more conscious of her surroundings and the people around her, she then realized she wasn’t alone and so she panicked. She just kept on singing her best though, even though it was nerve-wrecking and frightening to have so many watching you intently. 

When the song finished, Pamela put her head down and sighed and looked back up again at all of the people. They looked as one would call… amazed. Pamela was shocked by their expressions as she had hanging for a second but quickly closed it.

“That was amazing… quickly go tell you parents you’re in…” the male judge said, sounding astounded by Pamela’s singing voice. Pamela had a few tears running down her face and then she bowed.

“Thank you!” she said and ran to the doors. She was shocked and confused. She was chosen? That was something she thought about as she ran to where her mum was to tell her the news.

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