When Kyuhyun Hates Starcraft

When Kyuhyun Hates Starcraft



Kyuhyun couldn’t sleep yet at that late night. He his laptop and browsed anything related to him randomly. He stopped at a site where some fans chatted about him.

Fans 1: Do you think Kyuhyun Oppa can live without game?

Fans 2: Are you crazy? Of course not!

Fans 3: He’s definitely a game-~ XD

Fans 1: Yeah, GameKyuuuuu~

Fans 3: I think even if he lost his memory or something, he’ll still be a gamer.

Fans 2: Absolutely, even when he’s reborn. Hahaha...

Fans 3: He’s sooo into Starcraft. Don’t you think that’s the reason why he’s still single? Because he loves Starcraft too much?

Fans 1: I think so. He should live in Starcraft world instead.

Fans 2: Nooo... That means he’ll leave us to Starcraft world... /sobs

Fans 3: This is random, but don’t you guys think that he’s gaining weight now? He should exercise a bit.

Fans 1: He played Starcraft too much, no time for exercise XDDD

Fans 2: But I still lo...

Kyuhyun closed his laptop, couldn’t stand it anymore. Am I into Starcraft that much? He asked himself. He knew the answer. Yes. But he won’t admit it.

Okay, I won’t play any game anymore! He even asked himself if he could fulfill his words or not, but somehow he felt sick being called as GameKyu all the time. He wanted to show that he’s not living in Starcraft world.

I won’t be GameKyu anymore! He crawled to his bed and burried himself in the blanket.


“So what do you do in your spare time, Kyuhyun-sshi?” the MC asked.

“Uh...,” he even haven’t answered it yet and the audiences start to screamed “game” and “Starcraft”, two words that Kyuhyun had avoided these days, difficultly. Oh yes, they know you so well, Kyu.

“It’s written here that you loves game so much,” the MC continued, wanting an answer from Kyuhyun, not from the audiences.

“I quit gaming, I’m reading some books this lately,” Kyuhyun answered.

Some noise came from the aundiences seat. He could barely heard some words like “woah...”, “he’s lying”, and “that’s impossible”.

At this point, he got pissed off. But of course he couldn’t do anything about it, he was in the middle of recording though.


He opened his twitter account and hissed immediately when he remembered that his username is “@GaemGyu”. He was thingking about change his username when he scrolled down to see some mentions.

@xxx1: I wonder what are you doing now Oppa...? Playing game? #GameKyu

@xxx2: Wow...you said in a talkshow that you’re reading book this lately? What kind of book? Gaming book? LOL #GameKyu

@xxx3: What’s so good about Starcraft? I bet you prefer to date me than Starcraft when you meet me, kkk~ #GameKyu

@xxx4: blablabla ―he didn’t understand the laguange― *poke @GaemGyu* RT @xxx: blaba Starcraft! blablabla

@xxx5: #GameKyu #GameKyu #GameKyu #GameKyu #GameKyu .........................

He threw his cellphone to his bed. This is so annoying! What’s with all that hashtag?! He hissed in annoyance. I need to find other interest than game!


Eunhyuk came to Kyuhyun room when he was laying on his bed, “Do you have any recommended games, Kyuhyun? I’m bored. Ah, except Star...,” his word stopped when a pillow hit his face. “...Craft. ..... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINGKING YOU’RE DOING TO YOUR HYUNG?!” Eunhyuk bursted.

“Stop mentioning any game, especially Starcraft, or I’ll send you off my room in a harsh way,” Kyuhyun said with deep voice, showing that he’s serious.

Eunhyuk chuckled, “Starcraft!” he shouted and in a blink of an eye a PSP ―one of Kyuhyun’s favourite PSP― being thrown toward him. He quickly stepped out and closed the door, making the PSP hit the door. Eunhyuk could hear from the outside that PSP broke into pieces. Eunhyuk gulped, “He’s serious.”


Kyuhyun stepped in Eunhyuk’s room, tried to find something to entertain himself. Eunhyuk was sitting in front of his computer, watching variety show online. Didn’t get any attention from the owner of the room, Kyuhyun took a comic from Eunhyuk’s bookcase and laid on Eunhyuk’s bed to read.

“I don’t mind if you borrow my comic, but shouldn’t you apologize about something?” Eunhyuk finally spoke.

Kyuhyun sat up, looked at Eunhyuk who was facing him now, “What?”

 “Yesterday, you threw a PSP to me. That was rude, Kyuhyun.”

“I’m not in the mood to talk about that.”

Eunhyuk sighed and turned to his computer, “I thought you came here to apologize. Because if not, you must be playing-,” Eunhyuk stopped when he felt a sudden laser gaze on his backhead. Eunhyuk turned his head slightly, “What?” he asked when he saw Kyuhyun’s death gaze.


They stared at each other eyes. Kyuhyun with his death gaze and Eunhyuk with his oh-my-god-i’m-going-do-die gaze. The silence suddenly broke up with a noise from Kyuhyun’s stomach.

“Let’s find something to eat,” Kyuhyun stood up.

Eunhyuk didn’t move.

“I’ll treat. Take it as my apology.”

Eunhyuk immediately stood up with his gummy smile.

Kyuhyun talked a lot during their meals. Seemed like Kyuhyun had forget his sick-of-Starcraft thing. Eunhyuk listened quietly to Kyuhyun or told jokes sometimes that made Kyuhyun couldn’t hold his laugh and ended with stomach ache.


Since that day, Kyuhyun always asked Eunhyuk to go out with him anytime he felt bored. Even Kyuhyun himself amazed how he could talk a lot with Eunhyuk, not like when he was with other hyungs. And Kyuhyun didn’t know that Eunhyuk could be that quiet and calm when listening to his story, not like his hyperactive personality on camera.

Sometimes they only went to eat breakfast or lunch, or had a walk along the riverside. And the other times they went to mall or grocery store to buy some things. Eunhyuk get used to go out with Kyuhyun. And he was happy too, because Kyuhyun would treat anytime he forced Eunhyuk to go with him.

But that was before Kyuhyun found his new hobby...

“Ah...no wonder you didn’t ask me to go out these days,” Eunhyuk said when he saw Kyuhyun was busy with his laptop.

Kyuhyun didn’t give any respond.

“So you’re playing-,” Eunhyuk stopped when he saw Kyuhyun’s screen was full of words, “YOU’RE READING?!”

Kyuhyun nodded but it was clearly seen that he was still absorbed with what he read.

“What is that? Fanfiction... I read that sometimes too, but...wha...?” Eunhyuk widen his eyes when he saw the tag of the fanfiction, ‘kyuhyuk’. “What are you reading?!” and left Kyuhyun’s room.


Eunhyuk didn’t realize that he slowly got annoyed with Kyuhyun’s new hobby. Kyuhyun would laugh by himself reading on his cellphone when they were on schedule. He would completely drown by reading in the dorm. And the most important matter for Eunhyuk was : Kyuhyun never asked him to go out anymore.

“I’m bored,” Eunhyuk said once when he sneaked into Kyuhyun’s room.

“Not watching variety shows online again?” Kyuhyun asked, not leaving his gaze from laptop.

“Na-ah, I’m going to take a walk,” Eunhyuk left, hoping that Kyuhyun would ask to go out with him.

But he got no respond from Kyuhyun.

“You won’t come with me?” Eunhyuk asked, sneaked his head into Kyuhyun’s room.

“Later, Hyung. This is a really good story.”

Eunhyuk huffed and walked out by himself.


Kyuhyun kept reading everyday, but sometimes he felt like something was missing. He realized that Eunhyuk never came to his room just to disturb him reading anymore. And somehow, he was missing it.

“What are you doing, Hyung?” Kyuhyun sneaked into Eunhyuk’s room.

“Nothing,” Eunhyuk answered, sat on the bed with his back rested on the headboard.

“But you’re reading a comic,” Kyuhyun sat on Eunhyuk’s bed.

“You see, why asked?”

“... Are you angry, Hyung?”

“Why would I?”

“Because I neglected you these days?”

“... And why should I angry about that?”

“Because...you love me?”

“Tsk, you sure read fanfic too much.”

“It’s fun though.”

“So you really quit gaming?”

“Guess so. I’m ReadKyu now...or is it FanficKyu? Which one do you prefer?”

“Uh? No more GameKyu?”

Kyuhyun came closer and rested his head on Eunhyuk’s lap, “I prefer being called as ‘Kyuhyuk’.”

“That’s a couple name, you silly!” Eunhyuk put his comic to cover Kyuhyun’s face, didn’t want Kyuhyun to see his blushing face.




another kyuhyuk's story ^^ it's a bit fail but i hope you like it!

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Chapter 1: Ohhh~ you're killing me here. I had to bite my lip to not squeal because its so late and I've stumbled upon your kyuhuk heaven
Chapter 1: Oh kyu gives me cavity ♥
Chapter 1: this is so cute ;wwwwww; so fluffy and kind of sweet :"">
Chapter 1: “I prefer being called as ‘Kyuhyuk’.”
I never thought kyuhyun say this thing :D *grin oh-so-widely*
Chapter 1: I can never imagine Kyuhyun getting bored of starcraft lol, but this was good!
aww... fluffy. so cute
As I saw your starting a new story, I wanted to read the previous one-shots, and really, this is so cute >_<
WorldWideFailure #8
aww the ending was soooo cute! ^.^
yuyumunaw #9
Lol-ing at the fans convo xD
Ah its hard to believe that kyu quit gaming. Starcraft is his life lol. But now, kyuhyuk fanfics is his life yay! Horay! Haha
That was adorable!!!