
Bump! Set! Score!


“What should I wear!” you were running through outfits in your closet to debate what to wear today. Today was a special day for you as it was your first official date with Sehun.

“I’ll just wear this!” You said as you threw on a tight white V-neck T-shirt with a small silver cross chain around your neck. Some shorts to match and flats as the sneakers you owned were all beat up from volleyball.

“Oh my god! I didn’t do my hair yet!” you said and ran to the bathroom to fix your hair. It was placed in a bun but you took the rubber band out and let your long hair flow down your back reaching almost to your waist.

“Okay done!” you smiled at the mirror one last time before grabbing you bag and your white watch that was placed on the counter table.

“Oh right and phone!” you said to yourself as you turned back into your room and grabbed your white phone. You were a simple girl that loved simple colors, never really the type to show your body off even though you had an amazing proportion.

“Oppa!” you smiled as you ran to your boyfriend who waited outside your apartment. He looked dashing, only wearing a simple V-neck that matched yours perfectly as it was white also, a royal blue cardigan on top and some skinny jeans and sneakers.

“You look amazing” he smiled and interlocked you hands with his

“Stop it! I know I look plain” you pouted and began to walk away from him still holding his hand

“No, you look beautiful” he said and kissed the back of your hand

“Stop it!” you said embarrassed and turned around. You saw JiEun as she left the house that’s when you felt a halt

“Hey ~~~~~!” JiEun greeted and she nodded at Sehun too.

—~~~~~’s POV—

“Hello!” I smiled at her and was waiting for Sehun to say something too but he only stared at her

“Going on a date?” JiEun asked looking down on the floor

“Yeah!” I was so excited I couldn’t wait, we were going to go to an all you can eat festival today!

“Oppa?” I said shaking Sehun’s hand since all he did was staring at JiEun

“Oh…? Yeah.” He said looking away from JiEun.

Is there something going on between the two of them? I mean they’re looking at each other awfully long.

“Where are you going JiEun?” I asked breaking the awkward silence between the three of us

“To B.A.P’s practice” she said

“Oh… Daehyun-shi right?” I asked and she nodded looking away

“Are you and Daehyun-shi together?” I asked and she blushed but shook her head

“Let’s go baby” Sehun said dragging me away before I could ask more

“Bye JiEun! Say hi to Daehyun-shi for me!” I yelled as Sehun quickly pulled me down the block

“What’s with you?” I asked stopping in my tracks

“Nothing” he said and continued to walk

“Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?” I shouted behind him as he turned around

“I’m not. Now come on, the food will be gone if we go any slower” he said reaching his hand out waiting for me to place my hand in his.

“Okay” I gave up and placed my hands in his. If he doesn’t want to tell me what’s wrong I can’t force him to. I just wish he’d tell me though, I’m his girlfriend aren’t?”

—Sehun’s POV—

I didn’t want to hear it about JiEun and whoever she wants to hang out with. This was supposedly going to be a fun day with ~~~~~ but after seeing her, it just ruined my mood.

“Hey want to get ice cream?” I asked while seeing ~~~~~ a little down. She must be worrying about me.

“YEAH!” she showed me her biggest smile as we went to get ice cream.

“I’ll go order okay?” I told her as I left her on a bench. Moments later I came back with two ice cream in hand but she looked at me with her head tilted

“Which one is for me?” she asked and I handed her the Green Tea ice cream but she made a face

“I don’t like Green Tea ice cream, I’ll take this one instead” she said and grabbed my chocolate ice cream. That’s right the one that likes Green Tea isn’t her. What am I doing! I’m on a date with ~~~~~ and all I can think about right now is her. I’m horrible.

“Do you like Green Tea? If not I don’t really mind eating it, after all you got it thinking of me” she smiled at me and grabbed the ice cream from my hands and began to eat it

“Yeah…” I said, I know I shouldn’t have said that since I didn’t get it thinking about her

“Oh yeah! Remember the game last week? The one you couldn’t come to I forgot to you tell you but I had like around 13 aces the first game and 14 the second” she smiled widely looking at me

“That means I owe you more cake?” I laughed and messed with her hair, even though now it’s all over the place she’s still cute

“Yah! Why did you do that for?” she pouted tempting to fix her hair while she smudged a little ice cream on the corner of her lips.

“Hey look over here” I told her and when she did I kissed her pink lips leaving her in shock as her eyes widen.

“You had ice cream on your lips” I laughed watching her blush

“You’re so cute” I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we continued to eat our ice cream

“Oppa” she said breaking the short moment of silence we had


“Are you sure nothing’s wrong? You’ve been spacing out a lot today” she said putting her hand up to my head. It’s these small actions that make me skip a heartbeat. I sure that I like her there is no doubt, but I keep thinking about, ah I shouldn’t be thinking about her.

“Nothing” I smiled and kissed her cheek to let her know that I’m here

“Let’s go eat something else” she said standing up from the bench as she slipped her hand in mine. I looked down and remembered how my hands also fit perfectly with hers, but now she’s no longer here and instead I have ~~~~~, a girl who likes me as much as I like her, or so I hope.

“What does my princess want to eat?” I asked her as she kept going from here to there trying out the food of every stall we saw

“Seriously, if you didn’t play volleyball you’d be a fat pig!” I laughed at her as she continued to chomp down food

“Yah! I hate you!” she said and ran away from me

“I know you don’t mean that” I ran after her and pulled her into my arms not caring about the other people looking at us

“Stop it, people are staring” she blushed and pulled away but I didn’t let her, I tightened my arms around her and held her close to my chest. The soft fruity smell of her, so sweet and delicate just like the type of girl she is. That’s right my girl.

“I don’t care” I turned her around and placed another kiss on her lips making her blush even more as she placed her tiny hands on my chest.

“I really like you” I told her once more before letting her go. When we did break apart, I saw her form a small smile even though she was looking down

“Oh! Isn’t that Sehun!” I heard someone call my name and turned around

“It is! Sehun!!!!”

“Hyung!” I smiled and waved at the two people approaching us

“It’s been so long! How are things?” they asked as we high fived each other

“Oh who’s this?”

“My girlfriend” I smiled and pulled you closer to me

“~~~~~, meet Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They’re my hyungs from this volleyball club I use to go to” I said introducing her to them

—Narrator’s POV—

“Hello there” Chanyeol greeted you

“Nice to meet you” Baekhyun smiled at you

“How did you meet Sehun?” Chanyeol asked in curiosity. You blushed a little and looked at Sehun who was playfully hitting his arm

“Volleyball….” You answered still looking down

“Ohh. You play volleyball too? Just like-” before Baekhyun could finish his sentence Chanyeol covered his mouth

“Like who?” you asked in curiosity

“Oh no, just like Sehun” he then laughed awkwardly

“Well I’m on a date so I’ll catch you guys later” Sehun said and held your hand and the two of you walked off

“When did that kid get over her?” Baekhyun asked looking at Chanyeol

“I don’t know but he seems happy now doesn’t he?” Chanyeol nodded his head up and down as if he was proud that Sehun grew up or something

“I know but, he did love her like crazy. He even quit volleyball for a period of time for her” Baekhyun said

“I think we should ask Luhan hyung, he might know”

“No don’t.” Chanyeol said stopping him

“It’s Sehun’s problem, he needs to deal with it himself. We shouldn’t interfere”

“Your right” Baekhyun said putting his phone away

“I just hope that he really moved on and won’t hurt ~~~~~”

—~~~~~’s POV—

“I’m so full!” I said while sitting on the train with Sehun

“You get full?” he mocked at me as I slapped his arm

“Jerk!!” I stuck my tongue out at him

“But you love me” he smiled and hugged me

“I never said that.” I but he knew that I didn’t only like him anymore.

We’ve been messaging each other every single day. And on days that we couldn’t meet each other we’d talk on the phone the night of and tell each other everything. I couldn’t think of a day these past 5 months that went without Sehun in my life. If he were to suddenly leave me I wouldn’t know what to do.

“You wouldn’t leave me right?” I asked him

“No. I promise” he said and placed my head on his shoulders to rest

“Good. I hate liars” I told him before making myself comfortable in his arms, he just laughed a little and leaned on my head.

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two chapters in a day! WOOT I'm on a roll!!!


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Chapter 37: This story is so good omg hahah (: I love it!
Chapter 37: finally i'm done reading this story it was fantastic and it gave me the complete package i love this story ^_^ <3
catherinewong88 #3
Chapter 37: I love the story. :)
Chapter 37: I love the ending!! Its so adorable!! I'm so gonna love all of author-nim's stowies from now on!! ^-^
Chapter 36: Aww... Luhan's proposal is so sweet!!! ^-^
Chapter 24: the story is cute :3 your plot is so creative ^^
Author-nim! Please update soon! (New reader kekeke ^^)
lululemon_lover24 #8
So glad she lived :)
I know this shouldn't be my main concern, since the rest of them seem to have moved on, but I'm still angry at Sehun for cheating on her with Jieun...I don't want them to be happy together ugh
Quackerz #9
Sooo glad she didn't die!