
It's Not Worth The Penny


A/N: YAHOOEY!! Two new subscribers!!! Thank you sweet_angel and aiahrocks  for subscribing!!!!!! More subscribers are appreciated!!!!

Kai opened his eyes, only to be met with his leader, Suho, in his angry mood. Immediately, Kai went into his so-called defense move. Suho stepped back and placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. He motioned for the other members to exit the room. Kai’s buddy, D.O., gave him one sympathetic look and left. He sat back down and fell asleep.

“Thank you for coming! We hope to see you again!” your friend said as the last customer left the bakery. You sighed. Your friend looked at you and shook her head.

“If you’re so tired, then why did you come just to help me?” you just shrugged your shoulders and grabbed your bag. You were stepping out the door when a hand covered your mouth, muffling your screams. It then dragged you to an apartment.......APARTMENT?!

Soon the hand had left your face and left you gawking at the handsome face of Kai.

“LOOK WHAT YOU CAUSED ME! Is this what you want to to do? Is this your way of revenge?” Kai burst. You hung your head down in shame. You only wanted to see him again and you caused him trouble. Kai’s face was covered in sweat and tears. You couldn’t stand to see him in pain, yet you were the one who caused it.

“Got nothing to say, huh?! You’re the one who cause me trouble yet you have nothing to say?! Shame, you feel? Stop this! Tomorrow, meet me here at this bakery at 1 and don’t be a minute late, OR ELSE!!!” Kai exploded. He walked away from you as you stood there silent tears streaming down your face.

Don’t cry. It was destined to happen, you thought. You took several steps back before you ran off.

You arrived back at the bakery, all soaked from the rain and a tear-dried face. Your friend took one look at you before exclaiming in surprise.

“Oh my gosh! What happened to you?! Who was that guy!!!!!” your friend repeatedly asked. You didn’t answer, but sulked and walked away. She didn’t ask anymore since she knew when not to bother you. She only gave a look of concern before you disappeared from her eyesight.

What are we going to do with you?,  your friend thought.
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OH NO!! Her so called friends betrayed her and she tries to commit suicide! What will happen?


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Ali you want some punch from me???!!!
You cheated Kai!!!!
pfft~ that b**** aigoo!

Kai what are you going to do??
Take that Kai ! Mwahhahahaa xD Ohhh i loved this chapter ! make Kai suffer ! kill that bastard ! ......o_o ..wow fanfics sure do have an influence ..
Yeah! He had asked for forgiveness!! *_*
WHAT??! ALI! B****!!!
Kai, do you have a heart??? she's your ex-girlfriend!!!! you are careless TT.TT

stup*d Ali...

btw I like this story ;)
Aww I found it cute how they don't know er but they are still willing to e tere for her. Howcuutee!!! Update soon!
oh my god .. this is T_T ....
i love this story :D

Og, this is really sad! But i love it (i know that i say this in every comment, but ir treu :b)
OMFG I WANNA PUNCH KAI IN THE GUTS!!! WTH IS HIS PROBLEM?!?! He has no effing heart dammit -____-
this is killing me TT.TT
U KAI ! seriously -_-" ughh ... this is soo freakin sad !