
It Started At The Subway...

Hey everyone ^_^ Umm This is just a preview of the story. Im sorry I cant updated sooner, but im almost done with chapter one. Here a little preview of chapter one just to get things started. Once I finish chapter one, I erase this chapter and replace it with the real Chapter 1.


(flash back)

One day, while coming home from soccer practice, Yoseob yelled at his dad, enraged for forgetting to pick him up at soccer practice for the 3rd time that week.
"Do you know how embarassing it is to wait for your dad infront of the school for 4 hours?!?!?!  I HATE YOU! " the upset boy yelled and he stormed straight into his room. 
Yoseob's dad, sensitive and caring man he is,  felt guilty and decided to walk to the the store to buy a present for his son, Yoseob, hoping to calm the boy and forgive him for forgetting to pick up his son up, wishing his son would find a place to forgive him.
On his way back home, Yoseob's dad, carrying myriad of presents and a cake for his precious son, got distracted by the black cat that was passed by him while crossing the street. 
Suddendly out of nowhere, a car stuck him on his blindside, leaving his on the ground laying soaked with blood. His present for his son was scattered everywhere.
When Yoseob got to the scene,he saw his dad being wheeled-in in a strecher and being put away into the ambulance “APPA!!!” he yelled, tears streaming down his face. 
Yoseob heard the engine of the ambulance. He sprinted to the car, putting much effort to his running, but was unable to reach it. The only thing that was heard was sound that the ambulance was making and the Yoseob’s crying.
But before heading to the hospital, Yoseob looked down and saw the cake that his dad had bought him and a letters, smuged but legible. And it reads~
My Beloved Yoseob,
  My son, you know that  I love you. I maybe the most forgetful person but i'll never forget how proud i am of you.
Yoseob couldnt control his crying anymore, he felt like everything around him was moving slow. He felt mad at himself for yelling at his dad, blaming himself on everything that happened.
As he dash to the hostipal, he drop the letter that was written for him. The wind blew it away to an unknown place. As it drop to the ground, one word can only be seen on the letter, one word that struck Yoseob more than anything. “SARANGHAE”
On his dad’s final breath, Yoseob held his father’s hands, crying, apologizing and mumbling how much he love his father. 
His father died knowing his son isn't mad at him anymore.  His dad would always say " Yoseob do well in school and  become the most amazing soccer player ever. Always put one-hundred and ten percent on everything you do. Im so proud, you're the best son I could ever ask for"  So, to grant his father’s request, Yoseob went back to school and tried his best.
So how was it everyone??? Please Comment :)
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- Chaenin <3 And Her co-author Jeosupu O.o
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bad seobie! Wow update soon!
oh the drama!!! lol that is one heart breaking preview XD
and the gifs!! lol you had me laughing so hard at the gifs!!!!