
KyuSung Fic Collection

Title: Tie
Pairing: KyuSung / YeKyu
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: G
Length: drabble
Prompt: violet
Summary: In which Kyuhyun and Yesung thought of a plan to stop the feud between the Red Country and Blue Country
Note: Might contain errors...
Dedicated to: phoenix_soar Happy Birthday Arvy^^ (sorry I posted the drabble late 

"You're aware that weren't supposed to meet like this right?" Kyuhyun voiced as he looked at Yesung, who was calmly sitting beside him.

He noticed how Yesung still looked so handsome even if he's just wearing casual clothes instead of his formal robes, which was also his daily clothing, well for a prince like him. They were wearing almost similar casual outfits; the only difference is the color of the garments.

"What of it?" Yesung frowned as he glanced at the younger.

"Nothing..." Kyuhyun silently answered as he stared back at the lake in front of them.

They were in their usual meeting place, a hidden place in the borderline of the territories of Red Country and Blue Country. They are living in two different and opposing countries on the same archipelago that can't find a way to agree and disagree with each other so they were stuck to having countless negotiations to figure out what's really right and wrong.

"Come on, spit it out." Yesung playfully hit Kyuhyun's arm. "I'm not used to a Kyuhyun like that. You're either too quite or too snarky."

"Well forgive me your highness," said Kyuhyun as he sarcastically bowed down to Yesung. He straightened his body and cringed, "Eww... I'm not really used in being formal with you Prince Yesung of the Red Country."

Yesung chuckled as he pulled Kyuhyun closer using an arm. "Guess what, I'm not used to your formality too Prince Kyuhyun of the Blue Country. We have agreed to just be Yesung and Kyuhyun when we're alone with each other right?"

Kyuhyun nodded as he noticed how close his face was to Yesung, making him blush a little. "How come you smell like roses? Don't tell me you’re getting more feminine like your older brother?"

Yesung hugged Kyuhyun closer and laughed. "I was helping earlier when they were harvesting the roses for the annual meeting..."

"The negotiation?"

Yesung nodded, "It seems like they wanted to show off again... They still can't accept the fact that there were more blue roses than red ones on the last assembly of the State members."

Kyuhyun laughed, "Adults really lack commonsense. I'm glad we're still young and we can still think rationally."

"How I hope there was no feud against our cities. They were arguing about the territories instead of minding the important problems of their citizens.

"And that way, it will be easier for everyone! Especially the two of us! Do you know I skipped another lesson so I can meet you?"

Yesung rubbed Kyuhyun's head, "Yah! Don't use me as an excuse in slacking off! Moreover, it wasn't my fault that you miss me too much."

"Hey!" Kyuhyun pushed Yesung away from him. "How can you make such generalization?!"

"You don't miss me?"

"I-I uh... Hmmp!" Kyuhyun crossed his arms and looked away from Yesung with a blushing face. "I have nothing to say about it."

"Oh, it looks like Kyu's being silent again," Yesung teased. He pinched the other's cheeks as he brought him closer using his arm, again, and said, "That's how you usually act when you're at the meeting you know? You look so quiet, stoic and mysterious that I spent the whole time just analyzing you instead of paying attention to the meeting."

Kyuhyun blushed harder. "You're lying."

"I'm not. You can ask Heechul or Kangin, ok not that raccoon for he fell asleep as soon he was given the opportunity to do so. I'm so enchanted by you that I'm here, right now, breaking the rules just to meet up with you."

Both of them blushed as they let a silent moment pass by.

"We should really find a way to stop this feud... If only we can find a way to tie our cities together."

Kyuhyun remained silent until he suddenly stood up and looked at Yesung, as if he found the solutions to all their problems, "That's it!"


"Tie! Marriage!"

"Eh? Marriage?"

Kyuhyun nodded enthusiastically, "If someone from each of the royal family got married then the Red and Blue city needed to unite!"

"Hey! That's a great idea!" Yesung also stood up and proudly patted Kyuhyun's back. "But... Who will get married?"

"Well... My older brother Leeteuk is free..."

"We can't pair him up with Heechul because he's aiming for Prince Hangeng of the Yellow country. And for Kangin... I think he's the only hope of our lineage to have offspring."

"Wait! You mean..."

Yesung smiled dorkily as he nodded.

Kyuhyun blushed as he figured out what Yesung was implying.

"Well not that I'm homoual. I just got my eyes focused on someone," Yesung defended. "Well, back to the main issue.... I guess we don't have any more choice..."

"Sorry for thinking of something impossible," Kyuhyun said softly. He was surprised when Yesung placed an arm over his shoulder and saw the older grinning at him.

"What impossible are you talking about? I guess our marriage will be the only key to stop the feud between our countries," Yesung happily said as he hugged Kyuhyun from the back. "I'll ask help from my brothers so we can announce it on the next meeting ok?"

"Ok...?" Kyuhyun nervously and confusedly answered as he allowed himself to melt in the embrace of the person who's the reason why he'd willingly attend the meetings of the different countries. Even if they still haven't started their plans, Kyuhyun wondered if he and Yesung will look good on Violet.

Belated Happy Birthday Arvy! I posted the drabble late since we have an event in Uni....
Fighting! let's do our best! (*ehem* Stranger Under my Roof *ehem*)
so I couldn't finish the long story for you... I'll try finishing it on my sembreak^^
I love you big brother Arvy~

September 18, 2012! really memorable!
right Yesung and GaemGyuBaby? XD (this pic really boosted my energy yesterday...)

I hope I can write something like "You Look" again... next time...

grateful that many liked The Butler~ so many people asking for sequel.... *awkward laugh*

thank you for reading everyone^^

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Chapter 21: This is so sweet. :((
I miss them.
389 streak #2
Chapter 16: where's the part 2? T^T
Chapter 21: Okay, I know I'm not at the last chapter yet but this fic really hit home. I know since the time this was posted, Yesungie has come back from his service and now it's Kyu's turn to go in and Wookie is still doing his service so Yesungie will be missing the KR to his Y :/ but I know it'll still be some time after that but I had read somewhere that Kyu didn't call Yesungie at all during his enlistment till the night before he was officially discharged and Kyu was drunk... (can't remember where I read it) reading this was just like me imagining Kyu writing and wanting to call but not having the courage to do so till the end. It was so wonderful to read!!
fatimakys #4
Chapter 8: So cute , kyu and his big mouth when he is a kid hahahahahahahaha I liked it , all the thing about the children ◉_◉
Still I can not forgive kyu not helping !! ►_◄ ╚(•⌂•)╝
And omg yeye is even cuter kkkk and I liked his responsible personality 〓D ◙‿◙
Here woonie take ten dollars for being a cute kid and a good responsible well built man
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
angelamy #5
Chapter 22: :( awtch! is it painful or just me? :\
Chapter 10: Serious question, why was Kyukyu so clingy in that gif/photoshoot?mi mean. Really babyKyu, really? You are killiiiiing us slowly KyuSung shippers! Gaaaaahhhh
Chapter 9: I love Kyuhyun.
Chapter 4: Aww fan drabbles are so cute!
Chapter 3: I think... I like Pencil best. That's just bordering stupidity Yeye haha but if it was one of the reasons why Kyu took notice of him, then why not! It's so cuuute.. I actually want and hope for a sequel. What happens in their first day. Yeye would reason that he is looking for Kyu to give the pencil back, but Kyu says for him to keep it. He has lots of pencils anyway. Haha! Omg. Ok, anyway. If you have the time.. If you can do it. It would be awesome! Lol..

Next I guess is the third story, PE. Because my Heenim is there! Hahahahahahaha
Chapter 21: BTW I love Heenim. I love how he was importantly incorporated in here. And that he still is the diva that he is. Hahahaha! Sly one. But I'm thankful haha