A Clear Past, An Unknown Future

Without Knowing Death


“Run… Run and don’t ever look back.” She told them as she shoved a notebook into his hands. Her hair unkempt and her lovely eyes, swollen and already teary, evidence that she was already at her limit.


She coerced the very few of them who had manage to hide from the enemy into a secret passage way which lead out into the coldness of the night and into the denseness of the forest that surrounded their little haven.


As she looked at their retreating figures, endearment in her eyes, she her heels and closed the passage way behind her.


“I’m sorry.” She sighed as she walked over to her desk drawer, opening it to pull out a gun. She walked to the door and held on the knob with a shaking hand. “Farewell.”


She opened the door and walked out of the room, ready for whatever fate had in store for her.




He held the notebook close to him as they ran away from the deafening screams, the continuous gunshots and the crackling of the fire that started to engulf the whole facility. Following what might have been their final instruction from the doctor.


They ran not bothering to catch their breaths, all focused on keeping up with one another. Miles upon miles they ran as tiredness finally got the best of him, he stumbled and fell on all fours dropping the notebook in the process. He couldn’t take it anymore, image upon dreadful image raged into his mind.


He pushed himself up and looked back only to find darkness staring back at him. The bright red flames were nowhere in sight, the smell of gunpowder and smoke untraceable in the air.  It might have been the very first time he had disobeyed the doctor and might have very well been the last.


He delved into the thought, as tears started to form in his eyes, everything that he had loved was gone. The facility that they had called their home, the people that they had shared thousand of memories with and the doctor who had raised them, treating them as her own, gone.




He quickly wiped away the tears with the sleeves from his lab gown, huffing out a fog before turning around and looking at the few who had bothered to turn back for him. He looked at them one by one, endearment in his eyes much like the doctor’s a few hours ago.


“Where are the others?”


“Ran further up ahead.” One spoke from the group of kids. “Might as well have died for leaving you here.”


“Shut up hyung!” The shortest one from the group shot back, covering his mouth as he did, startled at his own outburst. “I-I mean… You shouldn’t say that Baekhyun-hyung...”


Baekhyun glared at the younger but slowly eased up knowing that he was in the wrong for saying that about their friends.


“It was a joke Zitao!” Baekhyun shouted rolling his eyes and flailing his arms in the air. “Don’t take it too seriously.”


“I have to agree with Baekhyun-hyung, don’t be so serious Zitao-hyung.” Another one from the group suddenly spoke. “We can’t actually die you know?”


“Right on Jongin!” Baekhyun merrily said as he raised his hand to signal a high five from Jongin, only for him to be stared at by the younger.


“You really should watch what you say sometimes.”


“Ye-yeah… You really should hyung.” Zitao said getting a bit of courage to stand up to his hyung knowing that Jongin was backing him up.


“You two!” Baekhyun said as he placed his hands on his hips and glared at the both of them. “Remember, I’m the hyu-“


“Stop it you three!” The last person of the group shouted finally quieting the three down. “Stop bickering. We still need to get further away from here.”


“What?” Baekhyun whined, his eyes popping as he sat on a patch of grass, rubbing his sore feet as he did. “But I’m already tired Suho-hyung… Can’t we just rest for a while?”


“No.” Suho stiffly replied. “The might still be able to find us. We’ve got to keep moving, that’s what the doctor told us. So stand up already and bring Jongin and Zitao with you.”


“Fine. Fine.” Baekhyun said as he stood up and grabbed Jongin and Zitao’s hands and pulled them into a run. “Come on, let’s go.”


As the three figures disappeared into the darkness, he couldn’t help but laugh. It was like they had never left the facility. Those three bickering non-stop and Suho having to play big brother to stop them, it was a daily thing for them back then.


“You all right?” Suho said interrupting his train of thought, a warm smile on his face.




“We should hurry up. We don’t know what Baekhyun might do to those two if we leave them alone.” Suho said trying to make him smile more.


“Sure. I’ll be right behind you.” He said, giggling at Suho’s attempt of a joke or so he thought.


Suho nodded and ran into the forest as quickly as he can, trying to catch up to the three.


He stood there as the darkness engulfed Suho’s outline, the reality of things crashing into him. This was his future now, those people were the only things remaining from a utopia he was forced to leave behind. He vowed he would protect them unlike how he couldn’t do anything to protect the doctor.


He was about to follow Suho and the others when he remembered the notebook that the doctor had given him. He picked it up and traced the words embossed in its covers


My Eternal Angels


Clutching the notebook to his side, he broke into a run into to the forest where his new life was waiting.


With the cold wind stinging his face, tears streaming down his cheeks, he softly whispered into the still night the words he knew he would regret never saying.


“Thank you…”




He sighed as he looked at the mirror fixing his tuxedo for the wedding, hating the fact that their bodies stopped aging at a certain time of their eternal lives. Most of his friends called it a gift but not for him though. Being stuck looking like he was just in his pre-teens definitely wouldn’t count as a gift, more like a curse in his opinion.


He did and undid his tie trying to fix them when his phone suddenly rang. He took the phone out of his pockets and answered it without even looking to see who was calling knowing only a select few knew his number.


“Luhan-hyung, are you ready yet?” Jongin’s voice rang from the other end. “I’m almost near your place.”


“Yeah, sure thing.”


Flipping the phone close, he walked over to his bed, his eyes landing on the notebook the doctor had left them decades ago, it’s cover and pages already worn out.


He smiled a bit to himself as he realized he couldn’t even recall the doctor’s face anymore only her long jet black hair tied in a bun that she usually sported during those days and her eyes that streamed rivers of tears on that fateful day.


Slowly taking the notebook from his bed, he opened his bedside drawer, placed it inside and locked it away with the key around his neck. Placing the key back inside his shirt he felt satisfied that his most treasured item was well protected.


After finally being able to fix his tie and one final look at the mirror, he walked towards his front door and out from his apartment to wait for Jongin.

-Chapter 1 END-


A/N: So yeaaaahhh.. I don't what to say LOL Fic will be updated weekly? Unless I'm busy or something XD  BTW This is no way related to MAMA! No similar powers and whatnot :P So yeahhhh! Thanks to the subscribers and to those who commented! :D


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bluegroove10 #1
where's sehunnie?
ooh.. what happened BTW? ^Y^
I'm curious about what happened to them actually~
Update! :)
there's no image. ^Y^ update soon~!
Taestea #5
this sounds really good :D!!