chapter final

Voice of My Heart

I don’t know anymore. Was there really no solutions back then? My dream, which was more of a nightmare, was just like what happened six years ago. The memory of that night is constantly coming back to haunt me as if it wants me to go back and solve it. I let out a long sigh, not trying to think too much. ‘Come here’ is what the voice echoes repetitively whenever I want to forget. I cover both of my ears as I try to get rid of the voices. I feel scared, knowing that I don’t deserve to be love or happy like any other. Is there any way to erase my sin? I question myself after it has subsided. Many unanswered questions are lingering in my head. You broke my heart, tore me apart. My heart that’s been shredded, I can’t find the answer to solve it still. Your oblivious lies, you still try to deceive me. These not-so-simply overflowing emotions, what are just trying to imply and convey?

“Still thinking about that?” a voice startles me as I was being pulled back into reality. I lightly nod, not knowing what else to say to my brother, Eli. The awkward silent was filling up the atmosphere around us. I was staring into my bamboo pillow, which I am hugging tightly on my lap. I let out a deep sigh and suddenly, something cold was press against my cheeks. I like the coldness. It was swaying away the hotness that I am feeling. I am not feeling this way because I am drunk; it’s because my body is being dehydrating.

“Just get some sleep.” He ruffles my hair and I manage to give him a weak smile. I start to lay down my bed, snuggling the bamboo pillow. His fragrant was still left behind. I silently cry myself to sleep, missing him. His eye-smiling, his soft lips…not to mention, his love; he didn’t deserve that. I did. Relationship is all about trust and honesty. I keep having doubts due to insecurity. If that weren’t to happen, none of these would’ve happened. If I didn’t fall for him, I would be the one who’ll die. If he wasn’t too kind, I would’ve warned him about the upcoming event. Why am I so stupid?

“Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t want it to happen either,” he whispers as he embrace me into his arm. I hug him back tightly, not wanting him to go. He slowly breaks the hug and kisses my forehead. My tears were forming and he caresses my tears gently.

“Be happy. I don’t want to see you like this. Remember that Sungkey is infinite,” he said, smiling. I quickly wipe my tears, smiling. He reminded me something important. Thankyou Sunggyu, you reminded me something important. Running away means you are denying that you are facing. Sungkey is infinite. I smile as I watch his back as he was walking further away from me. He might be gone but he’s always in my heart.

 A/N: Herrothere. You must be disappointed that this is a OS again, right? I was planning to make it a fanfic, but it's my school's short story submission D: Oh wells, let's hope it get selected 8D Please Comment and Subscribe ^^ Enjoy :D

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KPOP_survivor #1
nice story love it he=^^= daebak
the story fits the title... hehe =D
btw nice story!!! =)
i like your story and actually i love your poster too XD
Fingers crossed ><
This was good. I hope you get selected. (:

~ FlyingHigh
This looks interesting, I'm looking forward to it. xD

~ FlyingHigh