Thank you


I know many many many boygroups...
German groups, american groups japanese groups...

But I was never so proud of them as with DBSK.
They did/do a great job.
The love they give us even now is unbelievebale...
No one can reach their level... 
no one is able to beat their power...
no one is able to defeat them, no matter what.
The work, their friendship, their love to us is amazing
and cant be compared to one other boygroup I know.

Even SME isent able to destroy such a wonderfull time, such a wonderfull love and world they created... No one is able to do...

And even Cassiopeia is a fandom, no a FAMILY no one is able to seperate.
The love between Cassies is amazing.
The love between DBSK and Cassies is out of this world.

Im so proud to be a Cassie, Im so proud to be part of the world DBSK created.
And Im proud that I finally found my part in this life.

Thank you so much DBSK and Cassiopeia !!! Thank you so much for everything.
I will never stop loving you and support you.
No matter what I will allways keep the faith.

Rue Ryuzaki, Germany

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Chapter 1: Lovely Rue is lovely ♥ :)