
Searching for Clover


I could only stare at the stranger, and when he noticed it, he darted his eyes at me.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, smiling.

“Were you always this friendly?” I blurted out.

“It’s either that, or I’m too naïve,” he replied. “Why’d you ask?”

“Why would you even offer me this seat?”

“Why would you even accept my invitation?” he returned.

My eyes widened, and feeling my face grow hot, I looked away while clearing my throat and crossing my arms. I could’ve sworn him chuckle, but I took no notice of it.

“Welcome,” he said.

I glanced at him. “What?”

“I’ll pretend you said thanks, and I’m returning that with a simple ‘welcome’.”

I smirked, and shook my head hopelessly. He was something else, but his aura wasn’t something I’d be so curious about. To put it simply, he wasn’t like Clover at all. He was too transparent—too honest. It felt like if I asked him basic questions, he’d give me a very detailed answer.

And I didn’t want that. It felt, somehow, burdensome.

The ride was quiet and comfortable at the same time. He’d hum to himself every once in a while, and I kept my eyes fixed on my hands. My stop finally came into view, and along with the other passengers, the stranger alighted the vehicle with me.

I looked at him, a little cautious, and he disregarded my suspicion with that beguiling smile of his.

“Well, what do you know?” he began, as he shoved his hands inside his jeans’ pockets. “We’ve the same stop.”


I went to the bank to withdraw the money my Mom sent me, and I noticed he was still around after a while. I kept on walking, and he kept on following me. In a snap, I halted, and faced him with a glare.

“Why are you following me?” I seethed.

“I’m not,” he replied.

“Then why are you always behind my back?”

“I’m just going to the same direction as you,” he pointed out.

“Just where the heck are you going?” I asked again.

He smiled a little, and nodded at the tiny coffee shop standing in front of us. “The sky’s a little gray now, and I think it’ll rain. Wanna grab a cup of something with me in there?”

I looked at him, and he looked at me. His smile didn’t waver—not one bit. I didn’t know what took over me at that time, but instead of saying something, I turned my back on him and walked away.


Before anything else happens today, I’d like to tell you something. This has been in my mind for some time now. It’s a bit late, so you might have to forgive me if my grammar fails or if you see any typographical errors. I’m too lazy to proofread my letter to you now. You can either delete this or keep it. It’s your choice, Thunder.

To be quite honest with you, I have this fear I’ll wake up one day only to realize you’re not here anymore, and that I won’t be able to get a hold of you. It’s not impossible, this I know, but as much as possible I’d really like to keep in touch with you. You’re one of the few people I’d like to meet in the future, you see. However, I’m prepared if one day you’ll really be gone. I won’t be surprised about that. Not one bit.

Someone told me I’m puzzling today. Of course, this happened in real life. It’s funny how my mind automatically thought of you, though. I’m sorry for wasting your time on this pointless, pointless message.

Good night!


I read the letter over and over again, trying to find out something between the lines. However, I discovered none. Clover simply had this pull to him. For me, he was an expert for leading someone on. He could make people look into things too much, and like what that person said to him, he really was a puzzling, puzzling being.

Oh, so you’re still alive? Haha. Kidding. Don’t worry. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay here. It’s not like I’ve somewhere else to go, anyway. The thing is, it might be you who’ll leave in the future. Before that time comes, I’m still hoping we could go to a café or something.

I really think you’re puzzling, so I can’t blame that person for telling that to you. It’s funny, though, because you’re pretty open to answering people’s questions and yet we still can’t get a grasp of what makes you tick. I guess you can be iridescent, too.

It’s funny, because we’ve been talking for a long time now and I still can’t figure you out. But I guess if I do, then that’ll kill all the suspense, and you won’t be the Clover I know anymore.

Have a nice day.


I wanted to slap myself unconscious at that time, because this was the very thing I wanted to tell him: I miss you.


“Hey Sunggyu,” I called out.

He looked up from the book he was reading. “What is it?”

We were sitting on the bench which we could consider as our spot again. The sky was blue, and the leaves rustled with every gentle whisper of the wind.

“How do you know if you like someone more than you should?”

There was this long, eerie silence, and finally Sunggyu answered, “If you ask a person how you’d know if you like someone more than you should.”

“So do I like him?” I asked.


“Him,” I answered.

“Do you know him?” he returned.

I looked up thoughtfully, and said, “I hope I do.”

“Are you trying to imply you haven’t met this person yet, Hana?”

I shrugged.

Sunggyu scoffed, and this caused me to shoot him a curious look.

“It’s hilarious,” he remarked. “How you said Romeo and Juliet were a laughable couple.”

“We’re different,” I defended.

“You’re not,” he replied with a smirk. “You’re no different from the supposedly pathetic star-crossed lovers.”

I kept quiet, then. I knew I’d lose the debate, considering Sunggyu was good at arguments. His team usually won during class disputes, you see.

“It’ll end up as a tragedy, as well,” he added as an afterthought. “That person and your story. I think it’ll end up as a tragedy.”

With this, Sunggyu stood up to leave me hanging with the things he said.

Sunggyu was unbiased most of the time. Sometimes he’d care too much. Sometimes he could be the biggest jerk alive. I liked that about him, though, because not once did he even try to sugarcoat his words with lies just to make the person he was talking to feel better.

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Chapter 16: I love this story... it's so different from the others fanfics that I read.... this story sometimes confused me but sometimes... I don't know how to describe it.. well... sometimes I can see myself as thunder... I looked bubbly and friendly online but the reality is so different... I don't know how to describe my feelings right now... this story is just so amazing... I hope someday I can be a great writer like you... thank you so much for such an amazing story...
aSyazN #2
Chapter 16: I've been rereading this ztory for the umpteenth time.I love how you play my feelings haha.All in all,this is a worthy story.I love it ♥
Chapter 16: It is indescribable.
I love it.
Chapter 16: It's been a while since I read a story I couldn't tear away from until the very end. I don't see the resemblance though, that you spoke about, between Clover and I.
vivianchan #5
Chapter 16: Omgomifmkmgomgimgomg IM IN LOVE SINCERELY AND TRULY I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I... I am so full of feelings right now like ahh it's not feels but is just raw emotion. This story inspires me to get working and do something idk why hahah ;; but really I loved-- no love it really and truly. Xoxo
doooniee #6
Chapter 15: Omg. I love it. I love it so much. Are from ph? Im just wondering. :)
Thank you.

You are loved. By me.
Chapter 16: My mind is a pile of mush right now... Danggg so good..:)
Chapter 12: what is this? what about woohyun? I thought he was clover! but no matter who clover was, please no death here. please give me a happy ending. i'm going crazy over this, author nim T.T