Here comes... Jaejoong.

A star

Jaejoong stretched his hand to the side. He didn't want this champagne anymore. There was always somebody to pick it from him. It was so obvious. He was a star. A lot of people were all the time near him to protect him, to listen to him, simply... to serve him. He wasn't rude or anything. Those people were well-paid. And he needed them. He was meant for something more than cleaning, or even taking his glass to the kitchen. Moreover, he was very busy right now. Important matters connected with their new Busan concert were discussed at the moment.

The girl who took his nearly full glass wasn't nobody special. He knew that some of his collegues celebrities required only model-look-like stuff around them. But he wasn't that picky. She must have been average, he tought, otherwise he would have noticed if it were different. A lot of those girls were working for him. He never felt attracted to them though. His menager had been afraid first, knowing his flirtous nature, but now he trusted him. Having opportunity to go out with the prettiest models from the whole Asia, and now even America, would he waste his time for some kind of commoner? Why?

The girl disappeared in the entrance od the kitchen. Jaejoong looked at his music director and laughed at himself. He kept thinking about this for too long. Stuff come and go all the time. It's no use of thinking about it at all if only they worked fine. He had been surrounded by them for so many years already. He got used to it that so many people were there for him. He was the talented one, they worked hard. But where would they all have been if not his talent?


HaNa left barely touched glass of the finest champagne on the counter. What a waste! And he was always like that! Big meals ordered for nothing, not eaten at all. Food thrown out after parties. Piles of clothes - never worn, but he kept buying them all the time. People shouldn't have such money! If she was right, this glass of champagne was worth more than her month salary! And he didn't drink it.

She would teach him some manners! She could tell that he looked through her like she was made of glass. People around him were invisible for him. They were hands bringing him clothes, cleaning his house, feeding his cat, Jiji. He was never impolite, no. He was always smiling, greeting, treating them with expensive meals, but... He even didn't know their names. Because they really weren't people for him at all. They were workers.

This job wasn't that bad though. It was well-paid and her cultural studies at Seul University were rather expensive. But sometimes she felt worse and that made her angry. What was so fabulous about those stars?! They were the same people as them, their stuff, anyway. Of course, they were very talented and hard-working. But everybody has got some kind of talent. And many people work very hard. The case was that a lot of people wanted to spend a lot of money for their albums, concerts and products advertised by them.

Oh, she didn't have time for such thinking! Tomorrow was and exam in sociology of culture and in two days another one in worldwide theater. And theater - didn't matter which one, worldwide or korean, or even ancient - wasn't her cup of tea. She had to clean that mess in the kitchen and then, maybe, she would find nice, empty space to learn a bit. If only her menager wouldn't find her on doing this during her working hours, everything should be fine.


Meeting went well. Everything was prepared and Jaejoong waited for this concert impatiently. For the first time some new songs from their new album-to-be were going to be performed. Jae looked at his diamond wristwatch. It was about time for his new date! Wonderful model from exotic Brasil. Nice. It should be fruitful evening! He smiled to himself going to the nearest lift. Doors opened slowly. There was a firl in it wearing maid clothes. Looking at her outfit Jae could tell that she was a part of his stuff. He recognized the flower pinned at her shoulder because he ordered to add them to uniforms two weeks ago. Yes, those flowers looked very nice. He was glad he had ordered them.

Girl was holding some book in her hands, catching time to read. Seeing him in the entrance to the lift she moved nervously and took the book under one of her arms. Jaejoong smiled. He wasn't so severe, if she didn't have anything to do, it wouldn't have been a crime to read a litte!

Then he stood right after the the door and the lift started to go down. He didn't move even an inch though. After a while of awkward silence the girl stretched her hand and pushed garage button for him.

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