Chapter 8

12 Force Legend And The Angel


"Hey .. you all get up. We're here ". Said the manager awakened all member EXO K. Day almost went tonight. With the still sleepy, they open their eyes slowly. Kai dropped out of the car immediately followed by another member.

"Get out". Kai says quietly. Kai opened the front door in accordance with what he said was that she could get out without arousing suspicion on the manager.

"What you're looking for something? ". Asked the manager to see Kai opened the front door.

"Ah yes I had felt something drop. May fall here ". Said Kai reasoned.

"Do you need help? ". Asked the manager again.

"Oh no , I can look it up yourself". Of course Kai refused. Because in fact he was not looking for any.

"Oh well". The manager said as he left them. After the girl out of the car. Kai immediately shut the car door again. while she was amazed to see the dorm member EXO K that are not too big.

"What is this big building? ". Asked the girl still amazed.

"Building great? This is our home ". Kai replied, confused.

"Wow .. This house is huge. I've never seen this big building. human world is really amazing. "Said the girl was still looking into their homes.

"Big? ". They said together in confusion. all member EXO K immediately see their own homes. Carefully look at their homes.

"Is this our dorm big ? ". Ask Sehun on Kai.


"I do not know. I think this is not a big house ". Kai replied that seemed too confused with his dorm own. And all have the same thinking that their home is actually not exactly great. But why she considers them a very large house.

"What in your world nothing like this? ". Chanyoel asked the girl. she only shook her head.

"Then where do you live? ". Baekhyun asked the girl began to return to the origin of the curious girl. but before she answered the manager who had to go some where.Suddenly emerged from the house while dressed.

"Why are you still here? What you do not want to go ". Asked the manager.

"Here we just want to get into. Where are you going again hyung? why are you still dressed up like that? ". Suho asked to change the subject.

"Oh .. I'll just pop out to buy something and also I will buy food. I know you must be hungry ". He replied as he walked straight before him without knowing that there is someone that he can not see. By continuing to walk the manager through the girl's body without feeling anything. Looking at all that all member EXO K surprised. they even think that she is a ghost. While she did not care about the people who just pierce it. she's still amazed by the existing home in front of it.

"What's going on. Why do you look at me like that? ". Asked the manager confused because they all saw a strange look.

"Ah it's okay hyung. oh yes before you go I want to ask you something. Is this our dorm big? ". Sehun asked innocently asked the problem to the manager. The manager who heard it without asking the question again he saw at home.

"Nothing. I think our dorm is not great ". He looked at the Sehun again  "Ah I got an idea to discuss about we dorm with Mr. Lee So Man. Well I'll all go there ". The manager immediately into the car and go. While everything is still quiet in front of their dorm.

"So we are dorm not big." Sehun said to himself.

"Hey you were not answered my question". Baekhyun again urged the girl. she was a little surprised to hear Baekhyun talk because she was focused with the house.

"Questions ..? question which one? ". Asked the girl at Baekhyun. she is too fascinated with the house until he could not remember what was asked by Baekhyun.

"Let's talk about this in the course. Uncomfortable speaking out like this, what else people can not see her. later we can be crazy talking to yourself ". D.O words suggest.

"You're right. Let's get into it ". Invite Suho on the other. Sehun and Kai go first.Followed Suho, D.O and Baekhyun.

"What I also come into this building." Asked the girl at Chanyoel. Since only one who still are outside with him.

"Of course. Do you want to be alone here, let's go ". Chanyoel said, pulling her hand. Instantly Chanyoel body a shiver like he had just met a ghost. Chanyoel immediately release the girl's hand.

"Why did my body shiver like this. Come get it ". Invite Chanyoel the girl without her hand again.

"Sorry, I'm not used to being touched by someone. So my issue is still a negative air if there is anything else touch my body ". She said with a smile a grimace.

"Now it's okay. Come on in, you're scaring me alone ". Chanyoel said still to shudder in horror. Without much else to talk the girl into the house immediately. Just one step she stepped into a sudden she retreated backward to the face of fear.

"What is it, why do not you go". Asked Chanyoel else confused by the strange behavior that girl.

"Darkness. I do not like the dark ". She said with a little fear.

"Dark .. ? ". Chanyoel confused words, he looked into the house. It is true that the house is still in the dark.

"What is it? why do not you two get into ". Asked D.O who suddenly came out from inside.

"No, I do not want to get into. There was dark, I do not like the dark ". She said again. D.O hear the she words immediately the lights. The whole room that was dark is now transformed into light.

"Well, are not dark anymore instead. Now go we wanted to talk a lot to you ". Invite Chanyoel back.

"Right, let's go". Invite D.O too. The girl hesitantly into the house.

"But it's still not bright". She said while pointing her hand towards the lamp is located. Suddenly the girl's hands and give off light into the light that makes it a much brighter light than ever before. Not only D.O and Chanyoel who saw it. all member EXO K but that turned out they were there as well. They were really very surprised at what she do.

"You see so much better". She said with a smile happy. As there is a light bulb Baekhyun pat on the head, he immediately thought of his power when he was shuting video MAMA.

"Wait a minute, is not that just as my strength". Baekhyun asked the girl.

"It's not just the same. But this is a strength ". Said the girl who makes Baekhyun surprised. as well as others. Suddenly the bell rang, DO who was one of the most

closest to the door immediately opened. He was worried that it was coming manager.

"Oh you guys, what you here and how did you get here? ". It turns out that it comes not a manager but all members EXO M.

"We're still curious about the girl, we come here by car our manager. Luckily he was sleeping, so we are free to use his car ". Luhan said at length explained.

"Then you go faster, something is happening now". D.O immediately opened the door wide so that they can all go.

"What is happening yag, where is your manager". This time Xiumin who asks.

"He was out, check it out already I do not know what is happening now". D.O word that makes all the member EXO M curious.

"Oh you guys are coming". Sehun said a little shocked.

"I think the manager had gone home earlier." Kai also seemed surprised by the presence of members EXO M.


"That's great, all the legendary gathering". She said happily.

"Explain to us the purpose of all this. What do you mean with the legend, it is also about 12 EXO's legendary strength. " Tao asked quickly. He was very patient does not pick again with all this. He wanted to know what really happened.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you". She said with a frown, because he felt compelled to tell something that does not want her to talk about. Yet she also will talk about it.

"You are the 12 legends of the power of EXO PLANET". The girl began to talk. All member EXO listen carefully and without any talk.

"EXO PLANET arguably is the twin of the month. Actual eclipse time was not a meeting between the moon and sun. But the eclipse it was a meeting between EXO planet and the sun ".

"EXO planet and the sun? ". Sehun asked, confused. she just nodded.

"The sun will never be met by the moon. That's against the rules. Because the moon will never be blotted out the sun ".

"So we see the eclipse was not the moon covered the sun. But the truth is the planet EXO? ". Kris asked her to cut the story. she just noddedagain.

"So it's EXO planet really exists. Ah I still do not believe this really happened ".Luhan said to himself.

"Then who are you? ". Baekhyun asked the girl.

"I am the guardian of EXO planet".she replied with a smile.

"The guard ... ? ". They asked simultaneously.

"Yeah guard. I keep it for 12 power planet legend does not exist. And I am also responsible for finding the strength to go back and keep it intact. But the fact remains that keeping the planet to the 12 power of the legend. origin to the 12th power is still there and not disappear. Then the EXO planet will be safe ". The girl explained at length.

"Then what is your name? ". Asked Kai makes her startled.

"The name? ". Asked the girl back to Kai.

"Yes your name, what's your name? ". Kai is more curious. Because she did not also answer the question.

"My name is ... my name is ... is .. ".


Hello you

I need your help

I was very confused to specify the name of this girl

please comment and give advice you to find a good name for this girl
I'm very need your help

And don't forget to subcribse my story

thank you... ^.^

please help me.... T.T

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i will continue my story at weekend because i have final exam so please waiting and please dont unsub thank you :D


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ais202 #1
Chapter 2: The story is really good and it caught my need to fix your grammar and few spelling after that youre fine
callmedongsaeng #2
Wait? Callmedongsaeng?
Liilly #3
Chapter 20: Can u update soon ^~^ ur story is really good
Aegyo_Me #4
Chapter 20: It's good but I'm little confused^_^;
JungDahye #5
Chapter 8: I suggest Jiyeon for the name
Hiilovekpop #6
Chapter 20: Wonderful story :3 pls update soon! :)
aurora-star137 #7
Chapter 19: Really good story but could fix your english? Sorry if it sounds harsh.
sparkling1 #8
The best♥♥ Update soon~
Your is awesome and you'll update a.s.a.p