Chapter 2

Butterscotch Cookies


The smell of freshly baked pancakes woke you the next morning. A quick glance at your alarm clock told you it was about nine in the morning. You groaned and hid your face in your pillow, mentally cursing out time zones and whoever had thought they were a good idea. They weren’t. Ever. Especially not for someone moving twelve hours ahead in time.

“Morning sleepyhead,” your father greeted you from the doorway. “Want to come downstairs for some pancakes?”

“Ne, I think I’m going to shower first though. I feel…gross, and half-dead. Jetlag is evil,” you sighed, blindly making your way to the bathroom and turning on the water. Feeling less like a pile of sludge after the shower, you made your way downstairs and took your old usual seat at the breakfast table. A plate of at least five chocolate chip pancakes was placed before you and you smiled, thanking your mother and waiting for the others to be served their breakfast too before digging in. You hadn’t had a decent homemade meal in the longest time.

“That was delicious!” You exclaimed once you’d finished.

“Thank you dear. I thought you might appreciate an American style breakfast,” your mother said, smiling at you.

“I loved it. Sayungie sure seems to be enjoying it too,” you teased, glancing at your younger brother who was, quite literally, stuffing his face. “Oh, Umoni? Can we go shopping today, just the two of us?” you asked. Your mother’s eyes lit up the way a child receiving candy's do, and she nodded.

“Of course! It’ll be the perfect occasion for some mother daughter bonding, just let me clean up and fetch my purse,” she responded. You beamed at her and ended up helping her put away all the dishes before hurrying up the stairs to brush your teeth and grab your shoes. Halfway down the stairs you facepalmed and hurried back up to grab your wallet before meeting your mother at the door. Once outside, you noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes and gulped nervously. When it came to shopping, your mother was just as scary as Saemin; sometimes even more so. “So Chae Yung. I happen to know you’re not quite a fan of shopping, so why the sudden request? Could you, by any chance, have met a boy?” Curses.

“A-Aniyo. Can’t I just want to go shopping with my mother?” you plastered a nervous smile across your face; one your mother saw right through. She raised a skeptical eyebrow in your direction, but said no more. The car ride was almost unbearably awkward as you contemplated how to admit to your mother that not only were you indeed going out on a date, but a date with an idol too. "Aish, alright fine! I do have a date, tomorrow," you finally cracked. She beamed in your direction and reached over to pinch your cheek; something she knew you hated.

"Back in Korea for a day and my daughter already has a date! Who might this young man be? An old friend?" she questioned.

"Uh, aniyo. Actually, you've never met him. You will know who he is though," you began, somewhat nervous.

"Uwaa, tell me, who is it?"

"Yang..Yoseob," you said in a small voice.

"..The boy you always talk about? From that group...B..Beat? Best? Isn't he an..idol though?" she asked as she pulled into a parking space and got out of the car.

"BEAST. And yeah. He is. It was all part of some crazy scheme of Saemin, who works for their entertainment company now," you explained in a hushed tone. Being ambushed by fangirls wasn't exactly on your to do list.

"...Well let's find you the perfect dress then!"  was all your mother said as she dragged you off to the nearest shop. Well, at least she was taking it calmly. You glanced at her again and noticed her practically bouncing up and down with excitement. Never mind. Not taking it very calmly.

It was only after perhaps hours of shopping and catching up with your mother on all sorts of things, that your eyes fell on the perfect dress. It was cerulean blue and came to just above your knees, and the silky fabric swished softly whenever you moved. Your mother seemed to fall in love with it just as quickly as you had and insisted on paying, much to your displeasure. You decided to linger a bit longer as she went to buy the dress, and jumped slightly when your phone buzzed in your pocket. It was probably already the third text you'd received that day - not including Saemin's texts. You didn't even want to know what number that was.

From: Seobcookie
Uwaaa, what're you doing? I'm boredddd.

Bored? ...How do you get bored during a five minute break?

From: Butterscotch Addict
Just spending some time with Umoni~ How can you get bored so easily? =_=;

From Seobcookie:
Waah, I hope I meet your Umoni tomorrow! Aish, Hyung says break is over already. Back to work, see you tomorrow!

He wanted to meet your mother? Ohgodnothethingsshe'lltellhim. Cough.
You debated briefly about responding but decided against it, worried you might disturb his practice. A wave of exhaustion suddenly crashed over you and you staggered to where your mother stood waiting, feeling ready to fall asleep where you stood.

"I think we should go home now," you muttered.

"Tired?" Oh no not at all.

"About ready to pass out where I'm standing," you groaned. She merely smiled in response and lead you to the car, dress in hand. The ride home was rather silent too, but at least this time it wasn't suffocatingly awkward. You greeted your little brother and father when you got home, then stumbled up the stairs and fell face first onto your bed as sleep encompassed you.


"Chae Yung! There's someone here to see you!" your mother called from down the stairs. Groaning softly, you rolled over and sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before fixing your hair. There was a knock at your door and she came in, smiling widely. ..Too widely. Something in the pit of your stomach told you it wasn't Saemin who was visiting. Oh right. Date today. Damn.

"I'll be down in a moment Umoni," you mumbled. It didn't take you very long to change into the dress and a pair of print leggings you’d bought the day before and finish freshening up. Not too dressy, but not your average outfit either. Satisfied with your appearance, you skipped down the stairs two at a time with newfound energy.

Holy skittles and gumdrops. Yang Yoseob was in your living room.

"Annyeonghasseyo Chae Yung!" he called out happily.

"A-annyeonghasseyo.." you trailed off, still not quite used to suddenly being around him. Pfft, as if you’d ever get used to it.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Ah, ne. Just let me get my things quickly and we can go,” you smiled shyly, sending a warning glare in your mother’s direction before zipping up the stairs to get your bag, then back down again.

“Yes, she’s such a big fan of B2ST! I remember how excited she was for your debut, she couldn’t stop t-“

“I have everything Yoseob, we can go now,” you interrupted. Of course you couldn’t trust her alone in a room with him. Lord knows what else she managed to tell him during that span of two minutes. You shuddered at the thought. Probably things worthy of being locked in Pandora’s Box.

“Arasseo! Kahamsamnida Mrs. Sun. I’ll have her back home by ten,” Yoseob promised, bowing politely before linking his arm with yours and practically skipping out the door. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t made you look too bad after all. “To Lotte World!” he announced, whipping out a pair of sunglasses and a scarf from god knows where and arranging them so that his face was hidden. You giggled, examining the scenery as the two of you walked towards the bus stop; it was a sunny day, perfect for going to an amusement park.

“Why Lotte World?” you asked suddenly when on the bus.

“Mwo?” he seemed somewhat confused at your rather random question.

“Why did you choose for us to go to Lotte World? I hear it’s expensive,” you clarified.

“Well your mom told me you’d always wanted to go, but never did. So I decided to take you!” he grinned cheerfully. You were about to say something in response when someone bumped into you from behind and you lost your balance. A warm pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you to them, keeping you from falling. “You should really be more careful,” Yoseob muttered. You blushed. Smooth Chae Yung, now he thinks you’re an absolute clutz. He released you softly, chuckling when you almost fell over again as the bus jolted. Damnit. Taking your hand in his carefully, as if afraid you’d pull away, he smiled at you. “So you don’t fall over,” he explained.

The bus slowed, then came to a halt as it pulled into your stop. Yoseob hopped off the bus and quickly began walking towards what you presumed to be Lotte World, almost dragging you behind in the process. The entrance towered above you and you took a deep breath, doing your best not to jump up and down in excitement. That was made even more difficult when you realized Yoseob was still holding your hand, and it didn’t seem like he was letting go anytime soon.

“Where to first?” you asked.

“You should choose. After all, ladies first,” he smiled. You looked around, trying to decide which ride looked the most fun to you. Gaaah too many choices.

“I really don’t know. I’ve never actually.. been on a rollercoaster before,” you trailed off when you noticed his bewildered expression, giggling sheepishly.

“Eh? Then what are we waiting for?! Kaja, I know which ride we should go on,” he said, hopping up and down excitedly like a little kid. This boy. Is adorable. You nodded for him to lead the way and followed him all the way to a ride with quite a long line. “This is one of the more popular rides here. It’s one of my favorites,”

You gulped, letting go of his hand.

You could hear the screaming all the way at the top..from all the way down where you were stood in line. The ride looked like it went ridiculously fast too, but you weren’t going to let yourself get nervous. Nothing could ruin the day for you. You plastered a smile on your face and nodded, trying to seem eager as you silently prayed for the line to go slowly. It didn’t. The ride could fit about 25 people per time, and there were two different sets of seats. Much to your dismay, it wasn’t long until you were watching the first set leave and waiting for yours to arrive. That too, didn’t take nearly long enough.

“Are you okay? We can always go on another ride if you want,” Yoseob seemed to finally notice just how nervous you actually were. You shook your head bravely and he shrugged, pulling you in for a quick, reassuring hug which left you rather bewildered before taking your hand again and leading you to your seats. “I’ll be right beside you okay? It’ll be fun,”

“Ara, ara. I’m just nervous is all,” you turned to flash him a quick smile. He didn’t seem very convinced.

“I’ll hold your hand,” he said sweetly. You swore you wanted to melt right there. It didn’t matter if you died on this rollercoaster, you would die happy.

At least that was what you thought, until it took off. It slowly inched up a large hill and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach flittering about, your hold on Yoseob’s hand tightening. Why oh why did you pick an edge seat? Then, you were at the top and the ride slowly inched over the edge. For a moment it hung there, as if frozen, before plummeting down at full speed.

You’d never screamed so loudly in your life.

Then, about halfway down the descent, you realized you were having the time of your life, and threw your arms up in the air with your hand still linked with Yoseob’s. He glanced at you and grinned, lifting his other hand as the two of you whooped with joy.

You almost didn’t want to get off when the ride came to a stop a few minutes later.

“That. That was the most terrifying experience I have ever had,” you stated breathlessly the moment you got off, pointing a finger at Yoseob and glaring playfully at him. “You, mister Yoseob… You’re good at choosing rides. That was amazing,” you burst into a fit of laughter, adrenaline still coursing through your veins from the ride.

“Of course I am, I’m the mighty Yoseob! And you miss Chae Yung, have one loud scream,” he winked playfully before joining in your laughing fit. A few people stopped to stare at you, but you honestly couldn’t care less. You were laughing like a lunatic while on a date with the guy of your dreams. The rest of the world could go screw itself for all you cared.

“Come on, I want to go on another ride!” you chirped, grabbing his hand and dragging him off in a random direction once he’d fixed his scarf, the two of you occasionally bursting into a random fit of giggles along the way. 

Not sure how happy I am with this. .n. But, here it is, chapter 2! Really hope you guys like it, and thank you so much for the comments, they motivate me to do my best. <3 
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It's so nice to discover a well-written fic about B2ST... it makes me miss them even more. Thank you for writing this, I really enjoyed it!
Mistlea #2
Chapter 5: the most adorable story ever! ~~~
love it! :D
Chapter 5: Oh My Gawd!!! This is so cuteee!!!!!!! Happy ending with Seobie! <3 Thanks for the great story!
Well, sorry.. I'm a such late reader -,-
Telissa #6
letsflyto-seoul #7
awww yeiwww i'm so happy <3333 the ending is so adorableee
letsflyto-seoul #8
DDD: i'll wait patiently hurhur. good luck on your exams ! (:
this is adorable >o<
Ekysdj #10
Update more~ update more~