r u l e s ♥

☾ T w o M o o n s ☽ ~ T w i t t e r R o l e p l a y Ü [IN NEED OF MORE ROLEPLAYERS!]


its.. showtimeee! no, rule time! haha~ no worries chingu, this is plaaaain simple.


1 ; Be nice and friendly. Don't be rude to the roleplayers, especially the admins! This is a place of fun and joy~ Sure dramas can happen but just don't be that bad to them ^^;

2 ; Be active. Roleplaying is doing your role. You don't want to be joining, creating your account and then not even daring to log in right? We expect you to be online or at least log in and say hi every week~ (:

3; and Yuri is allowed. But don't go over board infront of everyone. Yo! You can do your 'stuff stuff' in dm (;

4 ; Friends. Only add the people in the roleplay! You CANNOT follow anyone outside, even your own personal twitter account! PLEASE.. We'll be doing friend list checkings. o_o

5 ; Real life chat ; You need to use brackets , [] ()~ We can't be mixing each other's minds (: And in your personal chats with others... you can chat anyway you want as long as you understand each other (:

6 ; Authority and Legitness ; ALL Admins, I repeat, ALL ADMINS have the authority to ban you, kick you out or anything... IF you don't follows the rules. And only us admins can add people into the group and create groups. You'll have to ask us first.

7 ; You are not allowed to use multiple accounts. One account is enough for everyone. If we found out that any one of you are currently using 2 or more accounts, you'll either be banned or the easy way is to just deactivate/delete those accounts and go back to using one account only :)

8 ; Last of all.. ENJOY! Let's have fun roleplaying together, enjoying our moments and interacting.

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Hey hey~ Can I be Infinite's Sungyeol~?
I think I will be Eunji than IU~~ ^^ <3 Since I saw someone wants to be IU~~~ And I like to be Eunji more~~ <3
Or if I can't be IU, I may I be Eunji? ^^ <3
I wanted to be IU if it is possible~~ <3
*sees Sehun and Chanyeol, faints* I wanted to join but confused on who to role play~~ *puffs cheeks*
Annyeong! ^^ Can I Be A- Pink's Hayoung? :)
Can I be EXO's Kris please? ^^
Can I EXO's Baekhyun? :3
younghee_ #9
Can I be A Pink's Naeun? :D
mezzyup #10
Can I be SNSD's Seohyun?