Iced Coffee - You & Kris

Cafe Latte


"We are one!~" the 12 members chorused on the stage. Everybody was screaming, but not you.

You're not supposed to be here.

You're supposed to  be at home developing all the wonderful photos you took at Myeongdong that day. But when you glanced over to your happy 7 year old sister, you forgot about that temporarily.

After the exo showcase you take your sisters hand. "Where does my dongsaeng want to eat?"

You had brought along money to take her to a good place to eat afterwards. "I'm guessing...fried chicken?"


The restaurant was packed with people. Some were from the showcase and the others just enjoying a fried chicken meal on a friday night. Your sister poured gravy all over her chicken and you ruffle her hair. "eat a lot" you tell her.

Then somebody familiar entered the restaurant causing the other girls to scream and leave their tables. 

You roll your eyes and tell your sister to continue eating. Both of you need to come home beore 8pm. But she whines and starts throwing a tantrum. "UNNIE, PLEASE?! CAN WE JUST TAKE A PHOTO PLEASE"

Kris waves to the fans and his eyes fall on you and your sister. 

Kris walks up to your table and sits down next to your sister. He points to her food "Is that really yummy?"

You raise an eyebrow. "You're that exo dude, right?" you ask in a casual tone.

Kris gives you a short glare. "Umm. yeah I'm the 'exo dude'" he replied. "Why aren't you letting your sister take a picture with me?"

Your sister grabs your bag. "yah! unnie go get the camera!"

"fine." you mumble. you take it out and snap a photo of both of them. Kris pats her head and tells her to study hard.

"well, I have to go." he addresses to your sister. "Tell your unnie to be more friendly next time." He scribbles something on the food receipt and with that he goes out, followed by the screaming fans.

Your sister still star struck, ignores her food and stares at the photo of Kris. "wow...this is the best day of my life unnie!"

You take the piece of paper and it read:

'here's my number. funny how I see myself in you. you should act more like your dongsaeng. we both need to loosen up sometimes. call me?'

You shake your head and fold the piece of paper and place it inside your jeans pocket. 





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i hope you can update soon! c:
don't rush yourself <3
asdfghjikolp; SO CUTE! AND SWEET! <3 /spazzes/ *^* please update soon~
-ximini #3
a s d f g h j k l ; really cute! can you do one for baekhyun? LOL.
YifeiLIM91 #4
Gahd!! Continue please!!! Cute chappy! Update update!!! can't wait to read it!