
Rise & Worship

The rain didn't stop coming down even for a second. Han Geng was drenched from head to toe, and he had taken shelter in a nearby alley. A blue-ish gray cat crept around his feet, as though it was inspecting him. Han Geng, however, didn't notice.

"Why is everything going wrong? I thought the immigration office planned everything..." Han Geng put down his small luggage and placed his head in his hands, combing his fingers through his soaked black hair. Looking down at his feet, he noticed the cat staring at him. It didn't look dirty enough to be an alley cat, but what did he know about alley cats in Korea--

"Yah! Heebum! What did I tell you about going near strangers!" A silhouette appeared in the small amount of light emanating from the entrance to the alley. The cat jumped away toward the silhouette, who was apparently its owner. The silhouette turned into a person after stepping into the alley. His face was shadowed, but Han Geng saw the glint of white teeth and a shine in the man's eyes. A street light nearby flickered on, casting a slight glow on the edges of the stranger's face, increasing the visibility that was previously next to nothing. Smirking the stranger walked past Han Geng to perch himself on top of a trash can, pulling a styrofoam bowl of noodles from what seemed like no where. Han Geng couldn't help but stare. In the light, he could see that the stranger was quite handsome; his long brown hair, although wet, hung over one of his eyes, creating an air of mystery. His eyes held a mischievous gleam, and there was a light coat of dirt resting on his face. The stranger paused in his eating and turned his gaze from his noodles to Han Geng. Putting down the bowl, he stuck out his hand, and with a mouth full of noodle, he said,
"Kim Heechul. Pleasure."

Han Geng was motionless. What kind of people hung out in alleys on a regular basis? Muggers, rapists, and homeless people. This Kim Heechul had to fall into at least one of those categories, if not all. Hopefully he wasn't a mugger of a , for Han Geng's day had already been bad enough.

"Well, do you have a name?" Heechul asked, pulling Han Geng from his thoughts. He was speechless for a moment before pulling out his dictionary, forgetting how to introduce himself in his shock. Heechul raised an eyebrow at the action. This was a sure sign that Han Geng was foreign. After finding the entry, Han Geng said uncertainly in stuttered Korean, "I - I'm Han Geng..." He looked at Heechul questioningly, as though hoping to get some sort of affirmation of his lower-than-average speaking skills.

"Hankyung? Is that what you said? That's an interesting name... I've never heard anything like it before..."

"It's Han Geng, and it's Ch - chinese..." Han Geng responded in a somewhat more confident tone, obviously offended by Heechul's Korean version of his name. Heechul responded with a shrug, petting his cat absentmindedly.

"Well, seeing that you're in an alley and you look absolutely exhausted and terrified, I'm going to assume that you are in fact homeless. A foreigner, come from his homeland in...." Heechul glanced at Han Geng's Chinese to Korean dictionary, "....faraway China, to Korea, hoping to find a job that will support him in a way jobs in China never seemed to. But, Hankyung, you're in luck! I've been living this way since I was a teenager, so have more than enough experience required to teach you the in's and out's of homelessness!" Heechul smirked confidently, taking a few steps towards Han Geng.

"I -- That's not necessary... I - I don't really consider myself home...l..less...." Han Geng responded after a moment of absorbing what Heechul had just said. Glancing right and left, he took a few steps back towards the brick wall behind him.

"Maybe not now. But give it a few days, two weeks at most, and your wallet will be gone," Heechul held up Han Geng's wallet, smirking as Han Geng felt in his pants pockets for it, just now noticing that it was gone, "Your luggage will be gone too. You'll be on the sidewalk using whatever talents you might have just to get a little money. Then you'll realize that nobody cares about your talents. Nobody is going to give you money after seeing you sing a few bars of a song. You'll give up and resort to stealing even though your better judgement hates you for it. After a while, you won't care anymore. You'll be exhausted and want to give up on the world," Heechul smirked triumphantly after his description of Han Geng's short term future, obviously feeling as though he proved a needed point. Han Geng scowled and snatched back his wallet, making a move to leave the alley.

"How are you going to leave without your luggage, darling?" Heechul's smirk was constant as he moved to make himself comfortable on top of Han Geng's luggage. Han Geng sighed and sat down, leaning against the wall. Heechul obviously wasn't going to give his luggage back, so he might as well just wait until he had an opportunity to get it back himself. After about twenty minutes of sitting in silence, Han Geng fell asleep, his exhaustion catching up with him. Images danced in front of his closed eyes as he sleep deepened.

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Aki_Hikari #1
I understand but I'm sad... ;(
followurdestiny #2
ohhh Heechul is trouble! XD... looking forward to more!
Don't worry, I hope you feel all better now!
Aki_Hikari #3
I can see SiHanChul here so I just wait for their meeting ^.^
ninjaahedgehog #4
@followurdestiny: thank you~ <3 i plan on updating sometime this week! (:
@sihanfan096: thank you so much x3 i'm not sure if they're all gonna appear or not, but they might. c: donghae and hyukjae have already made an appearance, but they're a bit more sneaky (:
followurdestiny #5
I saw this story on Deviantart before, but now it's updated! Looking forward to more! And see if Han Geng will find his place in Korea :-)