Not an update sorry!

She was always there HIATUS!!! READ MY BLOG!!


Hahahah :D I'm just messing with you!! There is a chapter... more like a introduction but still :3




Three boys seated close to each other in the classroom were watching their wrist watches and the classroom door closely. Waiting and hoping for the two remaining friends to get to class in time.

The teacher was just about to call roll when the door was thrown open, a flushed and out of breath boy tumbled in and quickly made his way to his friends.


Where is So Ah?!” Ren whispered, not wanting to acquire the teachers' attention. The question was asked to the boy that still was out of breath, seated in front of him. Ren leaned forward, just enough to hear the boy simply answer.

I don't know..!” They all watched the door with anticipation and the teacher continued with the roll. The four boys was expecting their friend to running in with a perfectly reasonable explanation on why she was late. Her name was called followed by silence, the boys shifted in their seats. Their heads snapping back and forth between the teacher and the door. When nothing happened the lesson continued and the four teenagers were tensed all through the lesson.


Break between first and second period~


Minhyun lazily leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms.

Wonder when So Ah is coming to school, what do you guys think has happened?” His attitude seemed as if he didn't care at all but the other boys could still hear his concerned tone.

Baekho made an attempt to answer his question.

When I was waiting outside her house the lights in her room were off, I thought that she had overslept, so I knocked and her mom opened, saying that she already had left... But why would she leave without me?” Baekhos' voice grew more and more confused as he couldn't understand why So Ah would leave and not telling him.

What if she's secretly dating someone and they are having a date right now!” The others stared wide eyed at Baekho, how could someone be so stupid? But then again he didn't know that So Ah was in love with him since like... forever.

So Ren just hmmphed and sternly said

I don't think that's even possible, I mean, we're hanging out every day in school and on the weekends we always hang out too. She couldn't be dating someone, she would've told me about it!”


Minhyun sighed and all of them silently agreed with Ren. Even if she was close with Baekho they never talked about those kind of things. Even when Baekho met up with a few girls last year So Ah had made no attempt to talk to him about it. It was as if they had a silent agreement, they wont ever talk about dating or something like that with each other.

Aaah, I really wanted to ask her if we could worjk together on that project we got in history yesterday. I hate history....” Minhyun put his head on his desk and groaned. “I will fail if I don't get a good grade on this project!”

But I wanted to ask her!” Ren protested and soon they would've started screaming at each other if Baekho hadn't calmly stated:

Oh, but I already asked her yesterday so she's already taken.” Both Minhyun and Ren stared darkly at Baekho.

You always work together, you never let us work with her!” Ren and Minhyun was pissed, mostly Minhyun since Ren still had a good shot on getting a good grade but he himself on the other hand..

But JR pitied him so he asked if Minhyun wanted to work with him. Minhyun accepted of course, JR was after all the smartest of them but he rarely wanted to work together with anyone.


JR sat quiet for awhile when the others made fun of their teachers and joked around with the other classmates.

Don't you think we spend too much time with So Ah? I mean, as yoou said Ren, we spend a lot of time with her and I've never seen her hang out with anyone but us. Not even with other girls... Does she even have other friends than us?”

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lol i posted in the wrong story!! sorry guys!


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jamyung #1
wonder whats going to happen
jamyung #2
sounds intresting
update soon