What's your problem?


[I changed the mains to Hyuna + Junhyung, hope ya'll don't mind.]

A scream left Hyuna's throat as she shot up from the bed; her hand instantly flying to cover .  Calming herself down, her eyes were wide and sweat was dripping down her forehead as if someone had just poured a water bottle over her head.  Slowly she started to calm down by taking deep breaths, in through her nose, and out through the mouth, slowly.  It was the same nightmare she always had.  The same woman, the same screams - and always the same house.  Hyuna arose from her bed and started to walk towards the kitchen, feeling anxious in her own home.  Everywhere she looked  seemed unfamiliar to her.  The hallway, the cabinets, even the clothes which were hung up on the coat hooks seemed to be someone else’s.

A shiver ran down her spine as she continued to walk towards the kitchen.  She took small, slow steps, as if something, or someone, was going to kill her if she made too much noise, but she lived alone.  With no one but herself to cook breakfast, maybe this loneliness was why she was having these nightmares; maybe being alone was finally getting to her.  She sighed and reached for the handle of the kitchen door, opening it only as far as she needed.  She still felt as if someone was watching her every move and she didn't like that feeling.  Hyuna walked into the kitchen slowly and went over to the sink, picking up one of the recently washed glasses and started the cold water tap.  She watched the water pour for a few seconds before filling up the glass with its' cold contents.  Having taken a contemplative sip, she quietly placed the clean glass on the side of the sink and made her way back to bed.  Somehow, the way back is always easier than the way forward; she didn't even bother to try to understand why.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and her bedside light, instantly feeling safer as the illumination provided the warmth she needed.  She fell back against the mattress and closed her eyes, trying to think deeper into the detail of the nightmare she had just had.  It was always the same one.  The same narrow hallway, the same masculine, unfamiliar feet on the floor, the other people, the same strangely familiar reflection of a young girl, still unknown, looking out from the mirror.  Hyuna distinctly remembered screaming when the little girl walked into a room, someone other than the little girl, female screaming - just older.  Also a male voice, reassuring the female she thought. With sudden realisation, Hyuna sat up again.  She knew suddenly that the male voice she heard wasn't reassuring the other female. It was trying to reassure the girl. “Sweetie...calm down.” it had muttered repeatedly.  Sadly, this effort at reassuring served him no purpose nor saved him from his fate.  All of the people in her nightmare still died.  There was no waking her up before the dream got to that stage of the murders of those two people.

Not wanting to think about it any more, Hyuna opened her eyes and turned off the lamp, sighing, “Will I ever figure out what these mean...” she said to herself. She looked at the clock; it was 4am.  There was no way that she could return to her slumber.  She simply laid down on her bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling as the hours went by, absorbed in the darkness.

Hyuna's alarm went off.  It was set for her to wake up at 9am but she was already wide awake.  Overnight, as she was consemplating, she realised that she needed to seek professional help.  She began to understand the desperation of her situation and that she could not resolve the source of her recent anxiety alone.  The situation was wearing her down, she was becoming weaker.  Unsteady to her feet, she stood up and walked gingerly to the bathroom, washing her face and cleaning her teeth before struggling to change her clothes.  She put on some dark blue skinny jeans, a grey long shirt, a jacket on top and black All-Star Converse shoes.  Walking to the kitchen, she searched for her keys to her car.  A Saturday morning gave an opportunity to take this brave step towards seeking help.  Finding herself in her car, she started the journey to the hospital.  She was sure that she could find someone that cared there. 

Hyuna got there in what seemed like no time to her.  She felt like someone was almost pushing here there.  Of course, it was just her imagination, again, taking her state of mind to some remote place.  She walked through the huge double doors and made her way to the front desk.  These were unfamiliar surroundings to her.  The white walls and the pungent smell seemed clinical but unwelcoming; sterile and cold.  She didn't like hospitals.  As she walked towards the front desk, she noticed a lot of different people.  Some were sitting patiently waiting to visit a friend or relative.  Someone else was crying; the whole building was filled with sadness.  She also noticed a young man, someone that didn't seem to be doing anything at all.  He was standing by one of the doors, his head bowed, staring at his shoes.  Maybe he was there to see a friend, she thought, yet somehow he didn't seem worried, nor tense, nor anxious, nor expectant.  In fact, he gave the impression that he was as disengaged from the enviroment as she felt.  Hyuna sighed deeply, arriving at the front desk and waited for the receptionist there to notice her. The name tag stated Sung Hwe Ji.  She looked immaculate.  Her hair was short and dyed blonde.  Yet somehow it suited the enviroment.

Glancing up, she noticed Hyuna standing there, looking pallor. Sung Hwe Ji was concerned.  “What can I help you with Miss?” she asked Hyuna, who instantly bowed slightly and looked at the helpful receptionist's face.  She had a bad habit of doing that, ibstantly establishing eye contact.  It was as though she was constantly paranoid about something.  It was this paranoia that had brought her there.  “Uhm...” she started, not quite knowing how to phrase the next sentence.  “I'd like a therapist.” she finished and smiled slightly; not the kind of smile she'd give to people when she was happy, but when she was simply trying to be polite.

“Name?” asked Sung Hwe Ji.

“Hyuna. Kim Hyuna.” she heard typing almost instantly after she answered

“Date of birth.”

“6th June, 1992.” more typing..

“Any medication?”

“No, I don't take anything.” and again, more typing was heard but then it stopped and she picked up a pen, talking to Hyuna as she wrote. “Why do you need a therapist?” she asked, that one she had to think for a minute, was everything she was going through really enough to go into therapy? Hyuna sighed and started to spill her guts, this was the first time she ever said what she said next out loud, “I get nightmares, the same ones every time, about killing two people, a childs parents, and I'm the child. Then when I wake up screaming it's as if I can hear voices around me, very very quietly, or..” she swallowed, breathing deeply before continuing, “I'd feel someone breathing on me, wherever I am it's as if someone is watching me, here's the thing Mam.. I have amnesia, I can't remember anything before my 11th birthday, and in the dream, the little girl is about 11 years old..” Hyuna finished, she swallowed once more and looked at the nurse as she scribbled down what she had just said, she turned her head slightly, glancing at the male she had seen before only to see him looking directly at her, finally the worry which she had been confused about not seeing on his face was there, but something seemed odd, he seemed to be worried for her, not for some girl or woman in the room but Hyuna.

She looked at the lady at the desk and excused herself for a brief moment, she walked speedily towards the male, she wanted to know what was his problem, why was he looking at her, was he playing some sick joke on everyone here? He continued to stare at her as she approached him, did he not know she could see him? Hyuna's expression turned to somewhat angry as she stopped walking when she was a mere meter away from the male, looking directly at him. “What is your problem?” she asked fiercely, she was always good in fights, something about her just scared other people instantly, that was why she was alone, no one wanted to be with her, the males expression also changed, his eyes grew wider and his mouth formed a sort of 'O' shape. “You can see me?” he asked her confidently, his voice took her completely by surprise, it was unaffected by the fire in her eyes or the harshness in her voice, his voice was cool, it caught her off guard and she found herself staring at him with her eyes wide in shock, she couldn't help admitting she liked his voice, she liked his face, everything that she saw she liked, even the clothes, it was different, classy. Hyuna blinked a few times, and so did the male in front of her as she stood there, completely speechless.

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I'm gonna be making every other chapter based on the other person, so chapter 3 will be everything focused on Junhyung, then chapter 3 will be back to Hyuna.


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lollypopkeke #1
Chapter 1: I like it hehe update soon!!!
rbtigersm #2
Update soon!!
MichelleL__ #3
Omg this is so good and have to be continued
This should be a book right now!
You're writing is AMAZING~
Please, update soon! ^__^
alyjuna #5
Ahh! This sounds awesome! I really like the poster and character descriptions!
I also love Junah! <3
Update soon!
NamYoonah #6
omo! now people will think she is even more weirder. Love the chapter, Really descriptive. I hope that you will update soon, so far the story is really interesting and it makes you want to read it more to see what will happen. Please update soon.
NamYoonah #7
omg! this sounds great, love the poster and the character pictures.
It interesting so far. I hope that you will update soon hun.
since07 #8
it sounds interesting really. I want to know moree~~