Your Love Kill Me Lee Donghae


In Lee family house…….

“Donghae umma sorry if this is not my plan all this things will not happen and umma regret now what umma do with eunhyuk”said umma with tears

“Umma that’s is not only your fault im also….”I said and hug umma

“Donghae umma proud have son like you although umma hurt you,you still forgive umma”said umma with tears

“Now we must open a new book,we search eunhyuk and apologize with him and make him your wife again”said my appa

“Umma appa that’s mean you accept eunhyuk”I said with tears

“Yes baby I think eunhyuk is the suitable person to you,now we must search eunhyuk”said my umma

“Donghae what jessica throw to you just now?said my appa

“I also don’t know she say that is the last present from eunhyuk to me”I said and open the brown envelope

I take out the letter from the envelope.My tears roll on my checksmy heart stop beating,my hand and my legs are shaking.

“Donghae what happen?”said my umma

“Umma eunhyuk is pregnant when he left us and from this letter the date is one day before my birthday I think he want to tell in my birthday but……”I said and down to my knee.I cry.Why I so pabo why…why….why…why

“Donghae this is the letter I found in the envelope”said umma and give me the letter

To my lovely hae…..

Donghae sorry if I burden you all this time

I will pay it we will disappear from your life

Donghae I love you very much but now I don’t know

I afraid my heart is close for you

I was heartbroken when you treat me like this

I promise I will not appear in your life anymore

Your love was kill me donghae

I tired,I lonely ,I want to tell you about my pregnancy on your birthday

But you don’t want to hear me

Its ok…now you know it right when you read my letter

And I think you can see me anymore because I was far from here

We will meet if there are still have love among us………..

I cry hard when I read his letter…

“Umma why I was so stupid?why I hear jessica?why I can trust eunhyuk?i said and hugging my umma

“Donghae its all are fate you must accept it one day you will found eunhyuk and your kids”said umma

Eunhyuk forgive me…….

Kids forgive your daddy……

One day we must reunite again I promise and I will search you eunhyuk

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naznew #1
gomawo update...
so happy ending..i love it...
like when kazue and sakura jealous to her younger sister..
You make new story?and its more sad..i sure i will love that story...its upload it with indonesian language and at the same time you take time to translate it with..maybe with google translate? and upload it again with the same story title but add edited title..
#sorry if i comment to much..
eugegenius #2
Awwwwww so sweet(: nothing against Jessica but I would kill her again and again (LOL 2PM) I even cried because of Eunhyuk... Poor hyukkie.... but LOVE THE ENDING!!! haha you have some errors though... haha still love the story OMG EUNHAEEEE!!
naznew #3
gomawo update..
So the person who make the accident is jessica... i'm glad she die in accident..if not, donghae(and me too) will kill her..
wow..the baby girl...what her name?she must be pretty and cute like her mom..
i hope eunhyuk will wake up from coma and see their baby..
please update again..
zoldyk #4
Finalyy you can update.. Update soon again nee.. Thank you..
xiiaoqii #5
GOOD LUCK FIGHTING! ! ! ! ! ! !........;...^_^
oh and GOOD LUCK :)
naznew #7
Gomawo update.. donghae is healty but its turn to eunhyuk to sick..
poor donghae..he don't know what cause eunhyuk dizzy...
please save..
please update again..
good luck for your mid year exam..
Please update I want to know what will happen :)
I'm your new subscriber~~