Of Unconventional Relationships, Broken Traditions and Questionable Eternity

Immortal Spell

Sooyoung had never felt more relieved yet troubled at the same time in her entire life compared to what she was feeling at that moment.

                A peaceful sigh escaped her lips as she remained sprawled on Yeonhee’s soft, comfortable sofa; the older woman in question seated on a couch across from her. Moments like that were precious to them – especially since they now found themselves involved with the supernatural. They had spent the entire afternoon watching movie after movie, snacking on chips and the like. Both Kyuhyun and Changmin were banned from the scheduled girl bonding; both vampire not really protesting the idea. It was times like that that they shared that made Yeonhee and Sooyoung have the closest thing to a normal life. They felt like they were just two regular girls instead of being a cursed woman who apparently had countless people wanting her dead and a witch.

                Besides, Sooyoung couldn’t ask for anything more than this. Being so engrossed in the trivial, less significant parts of their seemingly bizarre existence, Cho Kyuhyun instantly disappeared from her mind. It was like the very truth that they kissed wasn’t such a big deal… Sooyoung groaned silently. So much for not thinking about him. She hadn’t had spoken to him about that night in her room. She just wasn’t ready to talk about it and it appeared like he too was content with avoiding the subject.

“You spaced out on me again.”

“Huh? What?” The younger woman straightened up; her eyes finding her best friend’s curious ones.

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Yeonhee shook her head. “I know you really well, Soo, so don’t even bother keeping secrets from me. What’s bothering you?”

She knew it was pointless lying but she had to give it a try anyway. “I was just thinking about our whole vampire problem.”

“Sure, and my name isn’t Lee Yeonhee.”

An exasperated sigh escaped the leggy brunette as she regarded her best friend sceptically. “Promise me you won’t laugh or yell at me.”

Yeonhee rolled her eyes. “I’m your best friend, remember?”

“I kissed Cho.”


Sooyoung made a face. “And yet I thought I asked you not to yell at me.”

“I’m sorry, Soo.” She apologized quickly, smiling sheepishly at her best friend. “I just can’t believe it… I thought you two hated each other to the core.”

The younger woman sighed, leaning back against the sofa and deep in thought. “I know… One moment he was in my room, talking about how nearly got killed. We somehow reached the topic of why he was there then… voila. We kissed.”

“Wait. WHAT?” Yeonhee nearly did a double take, wondering if she just misheard her dongsaeng. “He was in your room?!”

An eyebrow arched. “Unnie, as if Changmin oppa doesn’t pop in your room through an open window.”

“Vampires.” The two best friend muttered in unison; the older woman shaking her head before she spoke once more. “Do you like him?”

“I… What kind of question is that?” Her dongsaeng stuttered, visibly crimson on the face.

“It’s an obvious question to ask so answer it.” She rolled her eyes. “Do you like Kyuhyun oppa? Are you at least attracted to him?”

Sooyoung hung her head, knowing that there’s no hiding it now. “I think I love him.”

Yeonhee blinked. She got more than she bargained for. “I think your emotions exploded when you kissed him… So what do you plan to do, Soo?”

“I don’t know, unnie.” The leggy brunette admitted with all honesty. “I don’t even know if he likes me. For all we know, he was drunk the night he kissed me. Or maybe he’s messing with me since he hates me so much.”

“He can be the worst, most vicious of vampire but we both know that he won’t do that to you.” Yeonhee reminded her best friend gently. “He isn’t one for wearing his heart on his sleeve. He kissed you for a reason. I think he loves you too.”

In spite of herself, she couldn’t help but blush. “You think so, unnie?”

“Have you considered what to do, then?” The older woman asked albeit a bit hesitantly.

Sooyoung paused. “What?”

“You’re mortal and he’s immortal.”

Yeonhee knew she didn’t need to expound any further. The look on her dongsaeng’s face said it all. She knew that Sooyoung understood what she was trying to say. Being in a relationship with a vampire herself, Yeonhee had to deal with the same issue. She wanted to be with Changmin forever but even so, she wasn’t quite to give up her humanity just yet. It was a problem she wouldn’t want to wish on anyone.

Her heart broke when she knew Sooyoung realized that love didn’t really mean forever.


She used to believe in happily ever after.

                Growing up, she read one too many fairytales; all talking about how a girl meets the right guy for her and they both live on happily and in love. But as Sooyoung slowly but surely came to a conclusion about her feelings for Kyuhyun, she knew they didn’t have forever. At one point in time, whether because of whoever was out there was set to kill her or for other reasons, she was inevitably going to die and he wouldn’t. It was through that truth that made her realize she did love Cho Kyuhyun.

                Sooyoung sighed as she remained seated on her bed, hugging her dearest teddy bear closer to her chest. She was more than ready to deny whatever supposed feelings she had for him back then. As far as the natural order of things went, she was a witch and he was a vampire. A witch and a vampire wouldn’t normally fall in love with each other. But now that she was faced with the very fact that forever didn’t exist with her and Kyuhyun, it hurt.

It wasn’t like she was sure that Kyuhyun felt the same way. But still.

                If she was going to be honest with herself, it was definitely a shock that she had learned to love Kyuhyun. They were polar opposites like a cat and a dog, doomed to never peacefully co-exist. They fought so many times that it was so hard to count past twenty five, they couldn’t tolerate each other… what have you. It was during the times she took the time to understand him that she noticed bits and pieces of him – how he treated Changmin like the brother he never had, how protective he was of Yeonhee just because he knew his best friend wouldn’t survive life without her, how he gradually learned to care for those around him despite being a self-proclaimed self-preserving vampire. It was also those seemingly insignificant things that spoke volumes to her – his voice, his hair and even the mostly annoying but captivating evil smirk of his.

Despite being a vampire, Kyuhyun was still human for Sooyoung.

Maybe that was why it wasn’t impossible for her to fall for him.

“Earth to Choi.”

A startled gasp escaped her lips as her head snapped up; her wide, surprised eyes meeting his amused ones. “H-How did you get in here?”

Kyuhyun fought the urge to snort, nodding towards the opened window. “There.”

“Oh.” Much to his surprise this time around, she didn’t say anything after that. Instead, she chose to stare at the wall – anything but him.

                The brown haired vampire had to arch a questioning eyebrow at what was happening. Normally, she would tell him to get lost and argue with him to no end. But that night was different – she was different. Gone was the girl who couldn’t tolerate being in the same room with him, who never ran out of things to say. The Sooyoung in front of him was suddenly hesitant, unsure of himself… and avoiding him in a way different from before.

He took an uncertain step forwards, not really knowing what to do and expect with her behaviour. “What gives?”

“Huh?” Sooyoung looked a tad bit surprised again, a look of realizing crossing her features. She must’ve forgotten he was there.

The vampire could feel himself getting more and more puzzled by the minute. “Are you okay?”

She finally willed herself to look at him, focusing on his neck in an attempt to avoid his eyes. Forcing a smile on her face, she knew he’d figure out the truth easily. “I’m fine.”

That he did. “You’re lying.”

“Cho, what are you doing here?” A sigh escaped her lips. She wasn’t ready to deal with him and all the feelings associated with him.

“Why are you changing the topic?” He arched a challenging eyebrow.

                Sooyoung chose to keep shut once more, opting to stare at anything but him. A strangled sigh escaped his lips as Kyuhyun attempted to figure out what was wrong. It was a useless attempt; he had to admit. It was when she built such high walls around herself did he have trouble reading her. He was sure something was wrong. He was sure he had something to do with it. If only she could just spit it out…

“Yah! What’s wrong?”

“Why did you kiss me?”

Kyuhyun mentally smacked himself. He got far too much than what he bargained for.

The dark haired vampire clenched his jaws. “We shouldn’t talk about that.”

Her eyes widened as she finally turned to face him, glaring darkly. “You wanna know what’s wrong? Now you know! Don’t back down from this.”

“We don’t have to talk about it.” Kyuhyun replied; an unreadable façade taking its place on his handsome face.

She growled in frustration, knowing that he was the one building barriers between them this time around. “Yes, we do.”

“No, we don’t.” Kyuhyun shook his head.

The leggy brunette rose from the bed, standing merely inches away from him. “Why did you kiss me? Was it because you were drunk? Was it because you couldn’t find anyone to satisfy whatever urge you have?”


“Then why?” Her tone and expression softened. “Oppa, I need to know why.”

Kyuhyun froze in his spot. She never called him oppa before…

                Sooyoung stared at him defiantly for a moment longer, wordlessly telling him that she’d get her answers somehow, before retreating back to her bed. He shook his head a fraction once more. Of course, he’d give her anything and everything she wanted. Thinking about his options but soon abandoning them, Kyuhyun hesitantly inched his way closer to the bed; the vampire taking a seat once he was close enough.

“I don’t do this heart to heart crap so uh… I’ll probably just end up disappointing you.” She merely gave him a sad smile and he instantly knew that whatever was bothering her wasn’t just the kiss itself – it was that and something more. Unconsciously moving closer to her, a worried look washed over his features. “What’s wrong?”

“At some point along the line, I’m going to die… and you’re going to live on forever.” Sooyoung sent him another sad smile but it was somehow more heart breaking than the first one. “I want to know why you kissed me… I want to know if there’s something I can fight for.”

He stiffened in his place; his eyes wide. “No… You can’t… You can’t leave me…”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m going to have to someday.”

Finally closing the remaining bed space between them, he held a hand up and caressed her face. “I don’t know how and I don’t know why… We always fought every single time… but I love you and you can’t leave me behind.”

“Oppa…” The waterworks finally began and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Some pair we are, aren’t we… a vampire and a witch. We can kill each other anytime, any place.”

“I could never hurt you.” With that, he claimed her lips.

                Sooyoung sighed against his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair and gently pulled him closer. She knew that everything he said was true – he did love her. Whispering an I love you too in between their kisses, the brunette felt him tremble a bit before he pulled her effortlessly on to his lap. A need for oxygen on her part broke the kiss; a lovely blush creeping its way towards her cheeks. Kyuhyun had his trademark evil smirk on again and for the first time she found it very attractive.

But then his face turned serious again. “I don’t want to force you to do anything…not even immortality. I want it to be your own choice, Soo… not mine.”

“What if…” She hesitated for a moment. “What if I choose to die someday?”

Kyuhyun swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in his throat. “Then, I’ll come after you.”

Sooyoung bit her lower lip, overwhelmed by the fact that he was willing to give up his immortality for her. “Oppa… I need to think about it.”

“Take all the time you need.” Gently replacing her back on her bed, he dropped another kiss on her lips. “I don’t think youe family will be too happy if you trade your witchy powers for some y fangs.”

She rolled her eyes, choosing instead to ignore his comment and smile sweetly at him. “Good night, oppa.”

Kyuhyun stole another kiss. “Good night, Soo.”

                Giving her one last peck on the lips, he turned around and headed for her opened window. Bidding her good night one last time, Kyuhyun effortlessly jumped out of her window, landing soundlessly on the grass below. He expelled a not really needed breath once he landed, taking out his phone from his pocket in a matter of a second. Hitting one of the speed dials, he brought his phone to his ear.

“Heechul hyung, I need your help.”

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Chapter 4: sequel please. :((
@Dormid: I'm thinking about it :)
Tzarista #3
ah is there a squeal?
@Ringox: Thank you so much :D I'll be leaving a message on your profile, yeah? :D

I really liked your story, I hope you will make a sequel !! We don't know what happened to Yeonhee, you can't do this to us x)

I created this,
I know it's short and I'm not the best for trailers but I hope you will like it :DD

- sorry for my english xS -
@dannsya and @Chocolates_loves: Let's all wait and see. Haha! Thank you so much for the comments!
woaa it ended so fast! i want more kyuyoung :(( sequel pleasee ><