Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for


Jacob Hills was a popular guy in International School of Arts. He was popular among the girls and was friends with a lot of people. He enrolled in the school because of his parents, in hopes he would become an actor one day. The only thing he kept a secret from them was that he didn't like acting. He just had a natural talent for it. He didn't tell them though because he didn't want to let them down. He was always what people would think of as the perfect child. He didn't have any siblings and his best friend was Jessica Jones who was also his childhood friend.


"The auditions for the remake of the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare will be held at the school’s auditorium at 4 o'clock. To the students who are involved, attendance is compulsory." A woman's voice boomed through the speakers.


Jacob groaned at this. He didn't want this. It was because Jessica signed him up for the play without informing him first and he couldn't say no to her because he already promised he would be there. Jessica was the complete opposite of Jacob, she loved acting and knew of Jacob's secret. Jacob was confused in why would she signed him up even though she knew he hated to act. He made a mental note to ask her about it later.

After a couple of hours later, the school bell rang and students dashed out of the class. He was feeling down that school was over only because he knew he had the auditions to go to. He lazily got up and went to the auditorium. The doors flew open and there was a big crowd. He was glad when he spotted Jessica and sat down next to her who was looking forward to the auditions.


After a few minutes, a teacher came and managed to quiet the noisy class down. She introduced herself as Ms Park and was in charge of the auditions. She was going on and on about the art of acting and whatnot. Jacob saw this as a chance to ask Jessica about the question that was irritating him by the second.

"Hey, Jess." he said trying to get the attention of his giddy friend.

"Yes, what is it?" she said, trying to calm down from the fits of squeals that were threatening to be let out.

"I know you love acting and all that and I appreciate it, really. But, why'd you have to drag me along as well?" his voice in a whisper, fearing that he might interrupt the other students who were listening intently at Ms Park's lecture.

"I just wanted someone to be here supporting me. That's all." she faked a smile but it was unnoticed by him. He just sighed and looked towards the teacher, not really trying to pay attention to what she had to say.

She smiled and returned to listen to what their teacher had to say. She couldn't let him know that she was madly in love, head over heels with him. She just felt that it wasn't the right time to confess her feelings yet.

The auditions took place and after a few students, the teacher seemed to lose her mind by the way she looked. She was devastated because the students kept forgetting their lines and there was also a student who fainted before she had the chance to say anything.

She rubbed her temples, trying to calm down the stress she was going through. She looked as if she was about to call it quits but grabbed the list and called out the next contestant.

"Ms Marie Bell" she said, fixing her glasses that were starting to fall off the bridge of her nose.


A timid and shy looking girl stepped on stage. She was practically shaking and looked so nervous. There were tiny giggles and whispers coming from the crowd of students. Jacob smiled, amused at this girl. She took a deep breath and her head snapped up and was beaming at the crowd. The crowd of students fell silent. This girl has deep blue eyes and long blond hair with luscious pink lips which gave off a warm smile. The sunlight that entered the auditorium highlighted her beautiful features. Jacob was awestruck at her beauty. He was wondering how he could not notice this girl before. His heartbeat started to increase when their gazes met. He could've sworn he saw a pink tinge on her cheeks, but brushed the thought off when he looked away. 

He was oblivious to the jealous glare Jessica was giving him and the girl. She thought he wasn't interested in anybody but this changed everything. She nodded her head and started to act. The crowd was yet again shocked by this mysteriously attractive girl. She wasn't the nervous girl anymore, she transformed into the beautiful and captivating, Juliet. When she finished, the crowd burst out cheering and clapping at her performance.


Jacob was smiling ear to ear. He had never been that impressed in his whole life. Ms Park who looked depressed before was clapping loudly with a satisfied smile plastered onto her face. The rest of the auditions went by smoothly and their teacher was announcing the names for the roles.

"The role of Romeo will be played by Jacob Hills." she said and the crowd cheered for him.

Jacob was too shocked to move an inch. He slowly got up and awkwardly smiled at them whose cheers got even louder.

"The understudy of Romeo will be Marc Bell." A student got up and followed his gesture.


After the cheers died down, the role of Juliet was announced and this was the moment all girls were waiting for. The one who would get to be paired up with the school's gorgeous, Jacob Hills. "The lead role for Juliet is...." there was a slight pause before she continued, "Marie Bell!". She was caught out of the blue and blush a little when her name was called. The girls were groaning, disappointed that they wouldn't get to be with him. But, some of them accepted it and clapped. It was later revealed that Jessica would be Juliet's understudy.


They practiced for weeks and day by day, Jacob and Marie started to become closer. Jessica was worried that she might lose the love of her life to the charming Marie. So, she hatched a devious plan and smiled wickedly when she came up with the idea.


Jacob was walking in the school corridors when all of the sudden an ear-splitting scream was heard and he quickly recognized it belonged to Jessica. He ran to the direction of her scream and burst into the auditorium. The doors flew open in a loud bang and he was surprised to see two pairs of eyes staring at him. He saw Jessica on the floor with a hand on her cheek and Marie above her looking confused and turned pale.

"What happened here? Jess, why are you on the floor?" he shouted.

Before Marie had time to reply, Jessica beat her to it.

"Jacob, she pushed me and I fell on the floor. She also slapped me! She said I was destroying her chances to get to you! But, I just wanted to be friends with her! I swear!" she stated, her eyes b with tears.

"Jacob, I..." Marie started.

"NO! How could you do this to her?! Marie, I thought you knew better!" Jacob screamed from the top of his lungs. He ran to Jessica to help her up.

"Listen, I was just-"

"No! I don't want to hear it! Leave us! I hate you! I can't believe I’ve misjudged you!"


"Just go! I don't want to see your face anymore so get out of my sight!" he hissed at her while holding a crying Jessica in his arms.


She left him with tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn't believe he had the heart to say that to her. He hugged Jessica and tried to soothe her by rubbing circles on her back. He watched her leave, but feeling guilty and angry at the same time towards the latter. It didn't cross his mind that it would be the last time he would see her. 


Two days later, it broke out that Marie met with a fatal accident on her way home. Jacob was stunned at the news and he never talked to anyone since that day. He avoided everyone and had lost his appetite. His eyes grew colder and he didn't talk much. Jessica felt guilty and told him the truth that it was all just her acting. He didn't react, he just stared into space.

One day, he had a dream. He dreamt that Marie met him and she told him that she loved him and gave him her blessings. He woke up from the dream, sweating and crying. He didn't want her to go but he could cope with the fact that she was gone and gradually got better. His parents, teachers and friends were relieved to see him wearing a smile again. Jessica and him made up and were friends again but they haven't been the same since the accident.


Now, he visits the auditorium, the place he had memories with her, the place he first met her and the last place he saw her. He would visit frequently even though the auditorium was now abandoned. He would close his eyes and felt her presence. He would let out a tear or two. He remembered every little thing she did and every time they spent together. He was able to smile again but there was an empty space in his heart. He wished he could go back and undo this wish, to just have a second chance. But, he knew, it was impossible. 

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 1: I hope you'll make a sequel from this wonderful story. EJ becomes a ghost and help him maybe... ;)
pioushej #2
Chapter 1: :( interesting but very sad and tragic hay! love is really unexplainable at times thanks for sharing
Chapter 1: aigoo~~so sad....
oh my god, it's so sad! It's such a wonderful story *sob*
Kimthea #5
This is such a nice story, I haven't been reading too much of aff this days, but this story caught my eyes:) Do you further do a continuation of this story? If it is, please do it asap, I'm begging you, Please:)
.kenapa ceritanya seLaLu sedih??
mynn !!! bila ko nk hantar aku punye Mianhe tu ?!
aku nk hantar guna email jelah .. x sempat nk gi pos office !