
EXO-G *{SM New Girl Group}*


“Oppa~” Hyuna whined, wrapping her arm around Kai a little to familiarly. “You’re being weird today. Why aren’t you paying attention to me?”


“Your just imagining things.” Kai smiled awkwardly as he tried to break free from Hyunah’s hold. However, it only made her stick closer to him. Kai sighed as he felt Hyunah leaning her head against his shoulder and his arm being unnecessarily pressed against her chest.


“I am not!” She pouted with her lip gloss-caked lips. “Is it because I’m not pretty enough today? Because I spent a lot on this dress!”


“You look fine.” He said absentmindedly as he looked to the opposite direction.


“Oppa!” Hyunah shook his arm to get his attention. “How about we go get a drink tonight?” She winked playfully at him.


“Hyunah, you know I’m underage. I can’t even set foot in a bar.” Kai said. “The press would eat me alive if I get spotted drinking. Not to mention with you.”


“Who said something about a bar?” She giggled. “I was thinking of somewhere more private.”


“Private?” Kai’s ear perked up.


“How does my place sound to you?” She purred into his ear while running a finger across his chest.


“I’ll have to pass.” Kai stepped away from the girl, slightly freaked out by her invitation. “And stop it with the ‘oppa’ thing, would ya? You’re older than me. By a lot.”


“How rude!” She slapped him in the arm with the force of a newborn puppy.


“Don’t get me wrong. You’re smokin’ hot.” He told her frankly. “But I can’t accept your invitation. You said you needed help with your lines for that upcoming drama of yours and I simply agreed to help you. That’s it.”


Talk about intense. He added in his mind.


“There is another woman, isn’t it?” She glared at him with a jealous-diva type of look.


“Funny.” He chuckled.


“Is it that Hannah ?” Hyunah made a digusted expression.


“Why in the world would you assume that?!” His voice suddenly escalated, attracting the attention of some spectators. Noticing this, Kai grabbed Hyunah by the wrist and pulled her to a close alley.


“Pulling me to a deserted alley?” Hyunah smirked seductively. “You’re naughtier than I expected. I kinda like it.”


“Stop it!” Kai hissed. “There is nothing between me and Hannah, but that doesn’t mean I’ll go out with you.”


“Poor, innocent Kai.” Hyunah ran her fingers through Kai’s neck. “You’ll come around sooner or later.”


Goosebumps emerged from Kai’s skin as he felt Hyunah’s long and manicured nails coming in contact with his sensitive skin.


“Are you listening to me?!” Kai stepped back. “Look, I’ll just go. If you need help with your drama I’ll be glad to help, but that’s all I’ll be doing for you.”


“We’ll see about that.” She smiled, filled with confidence and determination.


“Oh, and by the way.” Kai looked at her one more time before returning to the crowded streets. “Hannah may be a lot of things, but a isn’t one of them. You should mind your choice of words, Hyunah.”


He didn’t notice Hyunah’s pretty face contorting in pure anger.



“Not that I’m the expert or anything, but I don’t think this is how a date should be like.” Kiko said. “Shouldn’t the girl be the one shopping?”


For the past thirty minutes, Kiko had stood by and watched Baekhyun going in and out the men’s dressing room with his hands filled with new outfits. He had decided to take Kiko for a nice shopping afternoon, but his plans went the opposite way.


“This store is NEVER on sale!” Baekhyun explained as he looked for a leather jacket that fitted him. “Only an idiot wouldn’t take advantage of this opportunity!”


Kiko shook her head and rolled her eyes.


“Hey, do you think this fits me?” Baekhyun showed Kiko a decent looking jacket.


“Yeah, sure.” Kiko nodded. “If you were a girl.”


“You’re right. This probably fits you.” He laughed as he held the jacket in front of Kiko’s body.


“Right.” Kiko exhaled. “I’ll wait for you on the benches outside, kay?”


“I won’t take long!” Baekhyun promised.


“Whatever.” Kiko waved as she put her headphones on and turned the volume up.


As soon as Kiko left, Baekhyun dropped all the cloathes he had tried on and ran to one of store’s employees.


“Were you able to get her size?” The female employee asked quietly.


“Of course.” Baekhyun smiled triumphantly as he pulled out the jacket he had supposedly returned back to its rack. “Now, I need this in a girl version. But not too girly, though. Make it more like a ‘cool tomboy but still female’ style. You know what I mean?”


“I’ll do my best.” The lady said as she tried to understand the confusion description. Minutes later, she returned with one of the store’s new arrivals.

“How about this?” She held out a white leather jacket for Baekhyun to see. It was an expensive looking piece of clothing with silver studs on each shoulder. It wasn’t the typical girly-girl style of jacket, but it was fitted enough to show off Kiko’s lean body frame.


“This is just perfect.” Baekhyun smiled, excited to see Kiko’s reaction when he gave it to her. Am I like the god of awesome dates or what?


“I’ll wrap it up for you, then.” The lady smiled. “Oh, and if it isn’t too much trouble, would you mind giving me your autograph? I’m a great fan of EXO.”


A yawn escaped Kiko’s mouth as she waited for Baekhyun outside the store. She didn’t expected much from Baekhyun, nor did she wanted much, but this was ridiculous. She would have settled with going to the arcade or to the music store, but no. Baekhyun just HAD to pick the stupid mall, which Kiko found absolutely annoying. She hated taking her clothes off in any place other than her room, even if the stores had dressing rooms. That’s why she did all her shopping online. If it were up to her, she would wear sweatpants and t-shirts everywhere. Including performances.


At least he’s trying, She sighed. I think…


“Kiko!” Baekhyun jogged out of the store with a single small sized bag.


“Dude, you were in there for almost an hour and THAT is all you bought?” She stared at his irritatingly small purchase.


“I did buy only this.” He winked as he placed the bag on Kiko’s hands. “But it’s not for me.”


“Me?” She pointed at herself as she read the small card attached to the bag.


To Kiko,

 A little something to commemorate your first date!^^


“You can open it later.” Baekhyun took the present from her and hung it from his shoulder. “For now, lets get out of here.”


“Now we’re talking.” Kiko smirked as she followed Baekhyun’s lead. “You’re not bad at this dating thing.”


“Of course not.” Baekhyun snorted. “I take pride on the dates I plan.”


“Dates? That sounds like a lot of them.” Kiko mentioned nonchalantly.  


“I’ve had my share.” He shrugged. “But I am a handsome man, what am I supposed to do?”


“Do those girls you’ve dated knew about your weird personality?” Kiko said. “Probably no. If they had you would’ve gotten your dumped a long time ago.”


“What do you mean by weird personality?” Baekhyun scowled.


“I mean your insanely aggressive alter ego, your pickiness when it comes to food, your self-centered attitude…” Kiko numbered with her fingers. “Want me to keep going?”


“Hey! In my defense, I only get a tiny bit aggressive when the situation calls for it.” Baekhyun said, remembering the security guard he once tackled to prevent Kiko from getting hurt. “Now that I think about it, you have been observing me very closely, haven’t you?”


“Get over yourself.” Kiko chuckled. “I tend to observe people around me. It’s a habit.”


“You keep telling yourself that.” He teased. Then he glanced at his wristwatch. “Damn, look at the time.”


“Yeah, it’s probably time to go back.” Kiko nodded. “I have a photo shoot in thirty minutes.”


“And I have a press conference.” Baekhyun added.


“This wasn’t too lousy.” Kiko smiled. “Thanks for my first date. And the present.”


“No problem.” Beakhyun swallowed hard. He hadn’t realized how pretty Kiko looked when she smiled since she scarcely did. The only thing that bothered him was how normally Kiko was taking the whole first date issue.


Where are the giggles? Where is the blushing, he thought. “Next time, I’ll take you somewhere even nicer.”


Kiko nodded absentmidedly, unaware that Baekhyun had indirectly asked her out for a second date.




The next day the five girls hit the practice room very early in the morning. They spent around four hours practicing their new song until they couldn’t lift a single finger.


“Kill me now.” Kiko grunted as she “fainted” on the cold floor.


“I…can’t…breath.” Jae clenched her chest as she tried to stabilize her heart rate.


“My hair is a mess.” Hannah stared at her reflection with a sullen expression. After yesterday’s incident she had been acting a little depressed.


“You’ve worked hard, girls.” Yujin dried her drenched neck with a towel. “You’re all free to go. Specially you, Lexx.”


“Alright!” Lexx jumped excitedly.


“Are you going back to the dorm to change?” Jae asked.


“Nope~” Lexx answered. “I’ll use the showers in the locker room. I brought my clothes along.”


“Excited much?” Kiko chuckled.


“Be careful, okay? I left my bag next to yours so make sure not to drop anything from it while you change.”


“Yes ma’am.” Lexx saluted and rushed to the locker rooms to get ready to see Hyunki. She undressed herself and wrapped her body with a clean towel, but as she pulled her bag from the locker, she accidentally dropped Yujin’s bag to the floor causing the content to spill all over the tiled floor.


“Perfect.” Lexx blew her bangs and kneeled to pick up Yujin’s stuff. As she reached for everything she had dropped, she noticed a huge stack of envelopes tied together with a rubber band.


“Did this fell from Yujin’s bag?” Lexx said. “Fan mail, maybe?” She turned the envelopes to read who had sent. To her surprise, the same name repeated itself on all the letters.


Ok Teacyeon.” She read out loud, confused.


“Lexx? What are you doing?” Yujin walked unannounced into the locker room.


“Y-Yujin!” Lexx jumped on her feet. She noticed how the leader eyed the envelopes she was still holding in her hands.


“What are you doing with those?” Yujin’s face went pale.


“I wasn’t going through your belongings!” Lexx shook her head. “I just dropped your bag by accident, and, and-“


“It’s fine.” Yujin said, without taking her eyes from the envelopes on Lexx’s hand. “I’m not angry, really. Just a bit surprised.”




“Yujin.” Lexx spoke warily. “What are these letters? Why is Ok Taecyeon the sender?”


“They are nothing Lexx, I swear.” Yujin said in a miserable tone.


“Then why is he sending them? There are so many…”


“I know how this looks like.” Yujin rubbed her arms nervously. “The truth is that he started messaging me ever since our debut. After I blocked his number, these letters started to arrive to the company. If I tell the building staff not to receive them, it will definitely look suspicious so I just keep piling them up. Up until now I haven’t answered any of them.”


“Does Kyuhyun knows about this?” Lexx handed the stack back to Yujin.


“No…” Yujin mumbled. “I don’t want him to go to JYP and pick a fight. Somehow, I think that’s exactly what Taecyeon wants.”


“I still think you should tell him, Yujin.” Lexx said out of concern. “What if he finds out the wrong way? He may not take it very nicely.”


“I know I should.” Yujin agreed. “But I will tell him when the right time comes. For now, promise me you won’t tell anybody about this.”


“Yujin, I-“ Lexx was clearly conflicted by the whole situation.


“Please, Lexx. I’m begging you.” Yujin pleaded. After seeing the usually composed and mature Yujin act as troubled as she was right now, Lexx felt like she had no choice.


“Okay, I promise.” She hugged Yujin. “I won’t tell a soul.”


Yujin hugged her back and smiled. “Thanks, Lexx. You’re the best.”


“If you don’t mind, I have to get ready.” Lexx broke the hug. “I’m already a bit late.”


“Of course!” Yujin remembered Lexx was busy. “Go ahead.”


Lexx proceeded to take a shower. As she dressed up for her “date” she tried hard not to think about Yujin and the letters she had found. She felt a strange urge to read the content, but she knew it wasn’t what Yujin wanted.


I have a bad feeling about all of this. She thought as she applied minimum makeup on her bare face. But for now, I should concentrate on spending a nice day with Hyunki.



“She’s late.” Sehun tapped his feet impatiently. “Are you sure this is the right place and time?”


“Of course I am.” D.O. scoffed. “My contacts have never failed me.”


“Then why hasn’t she shown up?!” Sehun raised his voice.


“Easy boy.” Chanyeol smacked Sehun in the neck. “She’s probably running a little late. You know how girls get all dolled up before dates.


The word ‘date’ made Sehun cringe ever so slightly. “Why do I always get dragged into your crazy plans? Tch, if only I wasn’t such a good maknae…”


“If only you weren’t such a pushover.” D.O. corrected.


“Stop fighting, girls!” Chanyeol broke them apart. Then he pointed at a small blond figure walking out of the SM building. “It’s show time.”


Lexx exited the building with confident steps and a huge grin. She took a few glances as she stood on the sidewalk, as if looking for someone.


“Mr. Date is late.” Chanyeol noted. “Keeping girls waiting is a no-no.”


“This is convenient for you, Sehun.” D.O. said, encouraging the maknae to smile.


She looks pretty today, Chanyeol thought briefly. Then he looked at Sehun, and judging by his blushed cheeks, he was probably thinking the same thing. Lexx was wearing strapless sundress that went a little above her knees. The bright yellow fabric made her milky skin look even more radiant and fresh, while her exposed legs added a mature feel to her image.


As the boys watched the scene from afar, a white Lexus pulled over in front of the building’s main entrance.


“Is that him?” Sehun whispered.


“Hyunki!” Lexx waved enthusiastically as the driver’s door opened and a man emerged from the car.


“Seems like it.” D.O. confirmed Sehun’s statement. “Looks like you’ve got some serious competition, Sehun.”


The man that stepped from the luxutious vehicle looked like some sort of male model. Behind his perfect lips shone a pearly white smile, which was directed only to Lexx. His well-built muscles stood out even when covered by loose white t-shirt and a fitted beige cardigan. As he jogged towards Lexx with open arms, his sleek black hair interacted perfectly with the wind, making him look even cooler.


(A/N: I apologize for the cheesy description of Hyunki lol. You get the point, right?)


“Geez, this looks like it came straight out from a car commercial.” Chanyeol observed the man with dazed eyes.

“Judging by his car and clothing I’m guessing he craps money.” D.O. said.


“He has to be a model.”


“Or and actor.”


“Maybe the CEO of some famous company.”


“He looks in his early twenties. So mature…”


“SHUT UP!” Sehun bellowed with irritation. “I’m trying to watch alright?”


Chanyeol and D.O. exchanged glances while trying hard not to laugh.


“Eunyoung!” The male model wrapped his arms tightly around Lexx’s thin body. “I’ve missed you!”


Eunyoung?” Sehun repeated, outraged.


“Yeah.” Chanyeol stared at Sehun in a are-you-retarded kind of way. “Eunyoung as in Lexx’s real name. Remember?”


“I know her name!” He fumed. “I want to know why he is calling her so familiarly.”


“Shhh.” D.O. covered Sehun’s mouth with his hand to make him shut up.


“I’ve missed you, too.” Lexx pressed her face against the crook oh Hyunki’s neck. “I’m glad you came here to visit.”


“I wouldn’t miss a chance to visit my favorite idol.” He looked at her adoringly. “Okay then! Time to go!” He lead Lexx to his car and opened the passenger door for her. “Ladies first.” He winked.


“How about walking?” Lexx pushed the door closed. “It’s nicer that way.”


“So now you’re telling me what to do?” Hyunki smirked. “Don’t let that popularity get to your head, diva.”


“Says the guy with designer clothes and a Lexus.” Lexx retorted.


“Lets just go.” Hyunki put one arm around Lexx’s shoulders and locked his car with the other.


“Go, go!” Chanyeol motioned with his hands. The three started to walk stealthily behind the couple, making sure they were not seen.

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jeonghanism #1
Is this story discontinued? :( Hope you can update soon! I really like this fic.
isabella021402 #2
Chapter 38: Then who is the bad guy? Hyuna? Lol joke..... It's so interesting! Please update soon!
Chapter 38: Is this story on hiatus?
Update soon please! I hope you didn't give up on the story
Chapter 38: Really update soon!
glotterjongup #6
Chapter 38: Now I'm curious, if Taec's not the bad guy, who is?! I'M SO CURIOUS YEAAAAHHHH
who's the real bad person adsfghjkl;
hahaha the couples are all so cute lolol
I thought it was Lee soo man