
For You...


Siwon’s POV

He was so distant and shy… I knew he was naturally quite shy but the distance was something I’d never felt from him. It’s been a week since I broke up with him… I honestly don’t know why I did. I just needed some space and time. I could still see it, in the café as I walked away from the cash register; the look of pain, longing and frustration on his face. He was struggling to hold himself together.

I knew from the moment we met eyes that he wanted to climb into my lap and tell me desperately not to leave. I knew he wanted to cry and I wanted to kiss away the threatening tears but… I just couldn’t. It took me everything in my will power not to rush behind the counter and take back everything I said to him about breaking up… but by breaking up with him, I was securing us a better future. Why?...Because we needed a better future to stay together. We didn’t have a better future…

Then he hugged Donghae and I saw him crumbling away in his arms… he then went to the back of the kitchen to cry. I didn’t see it but I could tell by the worried look on Donghae’s face that he was crying.


“Are you happy now? Seeing him like that… are you happy?”  Eunhyuk hissed as I left.

 I wasn’t happy. …I’ve been everything but happy for the past month… but now, now I was miserable.

I could still see the smile on Yesung’s face falter when I came home from the office with a throbbing headache.

He knew I wasn’t happy and wanted to help but besides rent money, which we barely had, well that’s it- we had no money. ‘If I couldn’t make him happy…  I couldn’t have him’. It was something I used to tell myself when we had just become a couple… and he wasn’t happy. I heard his sniffles in the middle of the night… he hated his job…I hated mine… I would see him come out of the shower puffy eyed some mornings, but he said he got soap in his eyes. He wasn’t happy that we weren’t getting any closer to that dream of ours: to live in a large spacious modern apartment, overlooking the city. That’s why I broke up with him. Not because I didn’t love him… I broke up with Yesung because I needed to focus on work and earn enough to be able to afford that type of lifestyle. But one thing always panicked me…

What if I just threw away the most precious, most important person in my life… and never got the chance to get him back?


Yesung’s POV

Stupid alarm clock. Despite that incessant ringing that pulled me out of my tear coaxed sleep. The only two things getting me up that morning were Money and Siwon…


Money…Job…New Job… … I scrambled out of bed and grabbed my phone to call Heechul. After a few rings he picked up sounding as tired as I was.

“Hyung?” I asked as he grumbled his tired greeting before hearing whispers and the crisp movement of sheets.

“Shut up, Hannie its just Yesung… go back to sleep… Yesung-ah, what do you want so early?”

“Uh… when does work start?” I asked hoping he hadn’t forgotten his promise.

“Work starts at 11:30… we open at twelve and your shift ends at 8-ish…kay?”

“Neh, Hyung…Kamsahabnida” I thanked him.

“Sure sure… just don’t overwork yourself with two jobs. Just come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays… I’ll pay you extra since you’re my dongsaeng and since Henry decided to trip and sprain his ankle.”

“Arasso, Hyung… Bye~” I said hanging up and going to take a shower.

I didn’t have to go in to work for another few hours but there was nothing to do in the apartment anymore… it wasn’t half full… it was practically empty.




“Hyung… Don’t you start that new job today?” Ryeowook asked as soon as I stepped through the café door. I smiled and joined him behind the counter.

“It doesn’t start for another few hours but I wanted to drop in.” I said handing Ryeowook some money before I took a sandwich from the cooled display cabinet.

“Cutie Pie!” I heard a girl call and turned my head to see Taeyeon waving at me. She was sat with two different girls this time.  I walked over and she patted the empty space next to her.

“Annyeong, Taeyeon-ssi…” I smiled as I looked shyly to both girls staring at me.

“Yesung… this is Tiffany…” she said gesturing to the girl with long wavy black hair. “…and this is Hyoyeon.” She stuck her tongue out at the blonde girl who shot her back a glare and a raised eyebrow. “So…you not working today?” she asked and I shrugged.

“I start another job at my friends bar later on today…”

“Why? this one not enough?” she asked sipping on her steaming coffee as Tiffany jabbed her with her elbow and mouthed ‘idiot’.

“No but seriously…why?” she asked. To be honest I didn’t mind telling her. What’s so secret and shameful about hoping to move into a bigger place a soon as possible?

“Well… boyfriend and I broke up last week…”

“I knew he was gay…” Tiffany awwed and Taeyeon pouted sympathetically.

“Well…I’m Bi but the preference to men is stronger…” I clarified before continuing. “The apartment is small and sort of half empty so I want to move and live a little better, you know?”

“Jessica would know!” Hyoyeon snorted. “When she broke up with her ex, she worked over time for a whole week and spent all the money and new clothes and chocolate.”

“An apartment is more practical…” Tiffany smiled and held out a card. “I’m in real estate so if you want… I can look around for some decent apartments for you.”

“That would be great” I smiled and she blushed a little.

“That reminds me!” Taeyeon exclaimed and took out her phone. “You our new friend…number time!” she giggled and I got my phone out so she could put her number in and vice versa. When we all had each other’s numbers we sent a text to say ‘This is me~’

 “Omo! Unnie… we have to go to work, it’s nearly ten.” Hyoyeon said finishing off her coffee and picking up her handbag.

“Me too…” I sighed, checking my phone for the time. “I guess I’ll see you guys here tomorrow…?”

“I will!” Taeyeon chirped hopping up and down in her ridiculously high heels.

“Taeyeon-ssi… you’re so tiny” I giggled and he pushed me lightly going pink in the face.

“And you’re… so cute!” she awed and hugged me. “And you’re hugs are great too… I’m gonna call you oppa!” she squealed letting go and Tiffany held her by her shoulders guiding her out of the door.

“See you~” Hyoyeon sang as they left.

Time for me to go too…



Heechul’s bar was pretty similar to the café except it was larger, the furniture was darker, they served alcohol and there was a first class view of the city from the 19th floor of some big building in the business district of Seoul, where the bar was located. Heechul said it was where all the business people came for informal meetings and a classy lunch. So basically… I’ll get treated like crap here wont I… people with money love to order others around…

“Waiter!” The fat business man talking to a young woman called again for the fifth time.

“Yes sir?” I bowed and he snorted.

“Change this disgusting martini for a mojito on the rocks.” He commanded and I had no choice but to comply. He was the third cocky businessman today. I’m surprised I haven’t smashed a champagne glass over anyone’s head yet. I headed back to the bar to call for new drinks. “Zhoumi… another one…” I said gently as he ran a hand through his hair.

“I just can’t do it today… I’m still worried about Henry…” he groaned and took the glasses back.

“Mojito on the rocks…” I reminded so he wouldn’t add the wrong ingredients.

Within a minute the drinks were done and I swiftly brought them over to the man who was boasting about his new yacht.

“Here you are sir…”

“Thanks…” the woman said holding a small smile as I stepped back and let them résumé their conversation.



We’d only been open 2hrs and I was exhausted. I’d ran across the bar constantly receiving and getting people their orders. It’s no surprise Henry’s ankle gave way. I just wanted to sit for a minute…

“Waiter…” Again?! I cried inwardly as I dashed over to the table calling for my assistance.

“Yes sirs…” I said bowing and taking out a small note pad from my back pocket. That was another different thing about Heechul and Hankyung Hyung’s bar, we all wore black. A well fitted crisp back shirt and tailored trousers. Eunhyuk and Donghae's wore all white.

“Yesung-ah…” … I looked up and into the eyes of the person I’d been crying for, the past two nights.

“Siwon… A-annyeong…” I said awkwardly. I was glad to see his face but I was still hurt… and who was that beautiful woman seated next to him? She was showing way too much cleavage, not that she was busty either… probably a push up bra… sad…

“You work here too?”

“Neh… I’m replacing Henry… for now…”

“So you have two jobs…” he frowned ad I simply nodded. I needed the money…

“What can I get you?” I asked and they looked to their menus placing orders of drinks I’d never even heard of…

“They’ll be with you in a few minutes.” I bowed and dashed to the bar stand.

“Complicated orders…” warned as Zhoumi took a look at the list and smirked. “I get these every week… must be the same people.” He then looked up and saw Siwon sitting amongst the business people.

“Oh my Hyung!” he exclaimed in his thickly accented Korean. “…Your ex-”

“Be strong Yesung-ah…” Heechul tapped my cheek as he placed a tray of empty glasses on to counter.  “Give them their drinks and look him right in the eye… tell him with your eyes that you’re fine without him!” he said loudly but the jazzy piano in the background made it sound quieter.

If I did look him in the eyes, I couldn’t tell him that… My eyes would tell him that I needed him so much…that I still loved him…

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it.

‘I see you…cutie pie^^’- it was from Taeyeon.

‘Really? Are u a spy? Keke’ I text back and she replied instantly.

‘Why the face oppa? L’ I sighed.

‘look over to the tables by the large window… the tall hot one… he’s my ex L’

Omo… I saw him in the café… he picking on U?’

‘No… its coincidental but I still get a little emotional, that’s all… :/’

‘I’ll cheer you up! :P’ 

“Yah Yesung! Put your phone away!” Heechul yelled noticing I had my phone out.

‘sorry :S’ she quickly texted seeing that I was in trouble.

“Serve the drinks that you can have a break…”

“Neh Hyung…” I mumbled bringing the drinks over to Siwon’s table. “Enjoy your drinks” I bowed and was just stepping back from the table when a pair of arms flung themselves around me.

“Cutie Pie! Found you!” she giggled.

“Hi Taeyeon-ah” I said informally.

“Oppa~” she squeaked using aegyo. “Are you on break yet?” she asked clinging to my arms.

“Just now…”  I smiled scratching the back of my neck nervously. I could feel Siwon's eyes on me right then, boring holes on my head. “Waeyo? Does Taeyeonnie want to do anything?” I asked pushing it a little and she got what I meant. Kissing my cheek and then nuzzling her cheek into my arm she pulled me a little. “I want to introduce oppa to some friends” she chirped. And I cringed a little from the unexpected kiss.


“Neh~!” she sang and lead me to table full of women. I recognised Tiffany, Seohyun and Hyoyeon but the new faces already seemed to know my name.

“Annyeong Yesung-ssi!” they waved. They introduced themselves and told me that they were all in the same team for a design label.

“Heard of SM?” Sunni-ssi asked and I nodded. “We design under the name ‘Girls generation’” she bragged a little.

“Yesung… he’s still looking at you…” Taeyeon informed frowning back at my ex.

“Who? You mean that major hottie over there?! He looks like he’s good in bed…” Jessica raised an eyebrow as the other girls nodded in agreement.

“He is…” I said quietly and they looked at me confused.

“That guy is Yesung's ex… he dumped him last week…” Taeyeon clarified and they looked at me sympathetically. “he looks like he hates him… look at the evils he keeps giving us…” she scoffed as they all looked over and returned if not, a more intimidating glare. I could feel the heat emitting from the lasers in their eyes.

*A text message*… from Siwon…

‘Why are those she beasts trying to turn me to stone?’

Taeyeon saw the message and text back furiously.

‘Yah! We aren’t She beasts! Are you trying to hurt Yesung deliberately? Why are you staring?! Do you want to see him hurt while he tries to get over you?’ I could see her screaming into the phone with her eyes as she pressed the send button.

“Let’s get Yesung a date…” she said randomly and the other girls began to giggle and gossip about various guys that about be good for me.

“Yesung… are you here on Thursday?” Yuri asked and I nodded. “then I have someone…” she smirked  and whispered to all the girls.

“Omo! He’d be perfect!” Yoona exclaimed.

“I have to get back to work…” I said moving out of my seat.

“Aww! Bye~ see you on Thursday!” they waved as I left the table.



A date? Get over Siwon?... those were two things I could never do… I’d have to ask Eunhyuk tomorrow after my third job…

I’m starting a night shift at a posh hotel tonight… Shindong and Sungmin recommended me to their boss so I don’t have to do an interview. I start tonight…

I just hope I’ll have enough money before I run my elf into exhaustion. I have to remember I’ m doing this for Siwon… otherwise there’s no point… I still love him and I’m pretty sure by what I saw at the bar… he still loves me too, right?


Omo… longish chapter… sorry I didn’t have time to proof read the second half of the chapter but I hope this is okay? It’s a little drably but I’m pretty sure more happens in the next chapter.

Sadly, I chose a bad time to write this fic because its exam season where I am. A ten hour art exam hits my next week followed by a whole lot more and I need to study and prepare… this means I’ll only be able to update on any day I have free until… July? Or until my exam schedule smoothes out so please be patient! I’ll still try to update every Friday evening but it doesn’t mean I’ll be updating this fic every Friday… that’s why the chapters are longer than what they are for my other fics.

 I still hope you enjoyed!

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The pic is of Kyusung at the party!!!


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410 streak #1
Chapter 14: I believe I read this years ago, but forgot to leave some comments...

Will you continue this??
yesungfan90 #2
Chapter 14: I love this Yewon fanfic. You have written it so well. I keep coming back to read this. Great job!:)
Chapter 1: When you said "too much coffee talk" i was like what?! It's so good for me on the first chapter ~~~~ i love it!
Chapter 10: Thanks for this chapter author-nim. This is a YeWon fic, I know. But doesn't stop my heart from shipping KyuSung. Well, at least I have this chapter
Chapter 5: Awww no. I don't want Kyukyu to be hurt, I want my KyuSung feels huhu
jongwoontrash #6
Chapter 14: ALL HAIL YEWON <3
lindasu #7
Is tis the end of the story already??