The Qualifications

My Ideal Guy

“You don’t find love. Love will find you,” this was what Jieun would always tell me. I rolled my eyes. Of course she’ll say that. She doesn’t have this problem about being single.


“What are my girls talking about?” Eunhyuk suddenly butted in.


“Oh, Hyomin’s just sulking about being single again,” Jieun smiled. Eunhyuk just snickered and shook his head.


“Why do you care about being single when you can always have me?” He teased.


“I want a boyfriend, not a pet monkey,” I .


“Why don’t we post signs that say ‘Wanted: Boyfriend for Jung Hyomin’,” Donghae suddenly butted in. The two laughed while I just roll my eyes. Donghae sat beside Jieun, his girlfriend and kissed her cheek.


“Well, I better get going now. I promised noona I’d go grocery shopping with her,” Eunhyuk said and said goodbye.


Great. I’m left with the lovebirds. I looked at my side and saw Donghae nuzzling his nose at Jieun’s neck. His left fingers were intertwined with her left fingers while his other arm was around his waist. I hate being with them. I feel like a third party.


“Third party again,” I mumbled.


“Why do you always have a problem on finding a boyfriend when Hyukkie is there for you?” Donghae suddenly said.


“Eunhyuk is a nice guy, but I doubt we’ll ever be together. We’re just different and besides, I have a list that must be complete for my dream guy to be approved.”


“Oh really? Then why don’t you say all that’s written on your list?” She smiled.


“Of course. I don’t think it’s hard to find a guy that will fall on my list,” I answered confidently. I just pray to God and to the heavens above that someone will be able to qualify on my list.


Number #1: The guy doesn’t have to be that good looking or a flower boy. Guys like those have many girls throwing themselves at him. I just want a guy who is just right, but can confidently say he’s the most handsome one out there.


“Here, you can see many guys and know who is really popular depending on the cheers given to them,” Jieun told me. We were at the basketball court, watching Donghae and Eunhyuk play with their other guy friends.


I watch them play and I could say that they do look good. A lot has caught my eye, but from the way the other girls cheer for them make me feel like there’s competition.


“Do you see anyone you like?” Jieun asked me.


“Well, they all look good, but I feel like there’s competition,” I answered and more screams of the other girls were heard.


Once the game has ended, the two Lees went to us and sat beside us.


“Eew, Hyukkie, you stink,” I teased and pushed him away.


“Whatever. I’m still the most handsome guy out there,” he confidently said and I just rolled my eyes.


I turned to my side and saw Jieun wiping Donghae’s sweat. I saw other girls who looked like they’re about to cry at the scene. Are they even serious? I looked at Eunhyuk who was also looking at them.


“Wipe my sweat off,” he said.


“Eew, no,” I said and we suddenly began to toss his towel back and forth… his filthy towel that stinks.


“Come on!” He began to whine.




“Hey, Hae, Hyuk, are you guys up for another round?” One of their friends came.


“Nope. I have a date with Jieunnie right here,” Donghae smiled. He saw me and began to introduce me to all of his friends. “Oh, everyone, I would like you to meet Hyomin. If you’re single, please do date her,” he teased and I stepped on his foot.


“This is Heechul,” too beautiful to even be a man.


“This is Sungmin,” too cute for his age.


“This is Ryeowook,” too fragile looking.


“This is Kyuhyun,” he gives off this evil vibe that I don’t like. And he has a creeper smile.


“This is Siwon,” too… wait… He looks perfect.


“I’m Hyomin,” I introduced myself.


“If any of you is interested, I’ll even give you her number,” Donghae said.


“Yah, Lee Donghae!” I said and attempted to hit him. Luckily, he had avoided it.


“Well, I’m interested,” my head turned to the charming prince, Siwon.


I suddenly found myself smiling along with the two, but Eunhyuk just looked away and drank water. He must be tired.



Number #2: He should accept and respect whatever my likes and wants because I’ll also be doing that to him.


“So, what are we going to watch?” Donghae suddenly said.


“I thought this was the girls-only movie night?” I asked Jieun.


“I thought so too. I even rented ‘Crazy little thing called love’,” she raised her copy of the movie.


“Oh, I like this!” Donghae said. Of course, the fish is into these kinds of movies.


“What about you, Hyukkie?” I asked.


“Anything is fine as long as you like it,” he smiled. Knowing him, it’s his genuine smile.


Before we could even begin the movie, I prepared some popcorn for the four of us.


“Oh, I bought rootbeer on the way,” Eunhyuk said and took out a big bottle of it.


“I was expecting you’d buy strawberry milk,” I teased.


“Well, you love rootbeer. I remembered you when I saw it and decided to buy it for you,” he said and I just nudged him.


“It’s not strawberry and we don’t have any strawberry food right now,” I said.


“It’s okay. What you want matters right now,” he teased again and I just chuckled.


We watched the movie twice that night. Funny how the four of us spazzed so much about this teenage movie… like we were all girls.



Number #3: I prefer if he doesn’t have any vices, like smoking or drinking. If he drinks, I wish he won’t drink too often or is a strong drinker. If he smokes, I wish he doesn’t smile like it. Still, I wish he doesn’t do those.


“Do you want to go with us after class?” I heard Jaehyun, one of our guy classmates, talk with Eunhyuk.


“To where?” The monkey boy asked.


“To the club, duh. I haven’t drunk in a while and I feel like smoking too. Are you in?” He asked.


“I’m sorry, but I don’t drink or smoke,” he apologized and Jaehyun simply walk off. I turned and saw Jaehyun go to Siwon next. I saw Siwon agreed and I sighed.


“Is prince charming not perfect?”Eunhyuk suddenly teased me.


“Stop it. He’s not perfect. No one’s perfect. Of course he’ll go. He’s a guy,” I said.


“I’m a guy too, but I don’t drink or smoke,” he told me.


“I know. Because you promised to yourself and in front of us when we were young that you won’t do those,” I said, repeating the said line for more than what my toes and fingers could count.


“Just give up on Siwon. He’s not the guy for you,” he said and patted my back. I just glared at him, but he just smirked at me. Sometimes I really don’t know about this guy, I chuckled to myself.



Number #4: He doesn’t have to be smart. As long as he passes his subjects or has an above average standing in class and that I know he studies hard, I’m fine with it.


Written in big bold and red was the letter F in my paper.


“Couldn’t she at least write my grade?” I muttered.


“What did you get?” Donghae looked at me.


“I think Ms. Hwang has a grudge on me for putting a big F on my paper instead of just writing my grade,” I answered. “What are your scores?” I asked them.


“87,” Donghae answered.


“85,” Jieun said.


“I got an 83. Better than failing,” he answered.


“I wish I could at least be like you. You even have after school practices and still manage to pass this subject,” I sighed.


“Just study hard. If you want, I’ll help you on your studies,” Eunhyuk offered.


“Only if you promise to bring food,” I teased.


“Of course. I’m sure Auntie also misses me,” he said and we all chuckled.



Number #5: He doesn’t have to be an athlete. He doesn’t also need to have a buff body. Just as long as he’s healthy and not lanky, I’m cool with it.


“YAH! You still owe me noodles from losing the bet last week!” I yelled to Eunhyuk.


“Oh right. Just remind me later. I still have soccer practice,” he said and ruffled my hair. I snuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes.


“Let’s just sit down,” Jieun pulled me and sit down.


I yawned and looked at the field where they will be practicing. Even their other friends were there. I even saw Siwon and he waved at me. I waved back at him and I felt my cheeks burn.


“Siwon just waved at you,” Jieun nudged.


Well his body is a bit buff. No, it really is buff. I think it’s too big for me. I want someone thinner, like Eunhyuk.


Number #6: I want a guy who can protect me. He doesn’t have to be a body guard. It also doesn’t matter if he can fight or not. I want a guy who can still fight for me even though he knows he’s going to lose.


“Girls shouldn’t walk alone at night,” Eunhyuk commented.


“Animals aren’t also allowed to wander on the streets,” I teased.


We begin to tease each other, laughing and chasing each other. That is until I bumped into Kangin, one of the bullies at our school.


“Move aside!” He said and pushed me.


“HEY!” I yelled and he turned back to look at me.


“Is there a problem?” He asked.


“Guys shouldn’t push girls that way,” Eunhyuk suddenly said.


The next thing I knew, Kangin punched Eunhyuk. Despite being smaller compared to Kangin, Eunhyuk tried to fight him. But I know he won’t last long.


“Eunhyuk, are you okay?” I asked as he fell to the ground.


“At the count of three, we’ll run,” he said and I assisted him to stand up.


“Are you still, brave, huh?” Kangin smirked.


“One, two three!” He said and pulled me to run away. Kangin suddenly chased after us. Luckily, we were able to hide at an alley. When we were sure that he was far from us, we went out and breathed out.


“That was close,” he breathed out.


“Why did you fight him?” I asked him.


“I don’t want you to get hurt. Even if you can beat him up, I’d rather not let him touch you,” he said. It was cheesy… and sweet. I don’t want him to take it in another way so I just laughed instead.


“You’re the best guy friend there is,” I teased.



Number #7: He has to be good and okay with my parents. He must respect them and be close with him. I want my family to like him the way I like him… or even more.


“Oh, Hyukkie! It’s been a while!” My mom said to Eunhyuk when she answered the door.


“Well, I’m here to tutor Hyomin,” he showed his gummy smile.


“Oh good. She really isn’t lucky in the academic department,” my mom whispered.


“Hey, I heard that,” I pouted. Eunhyuk came to me and pinched my cheeks.


“AH! AH! AH! Stop it!” I yelled.


“You and Eunhyuk always tease each other. I miss having him around. Having you as an only daughter is sometimes boring, especially when you’re out. Sometimes I want a son too. Why don’t you live here already?” My mom teased and he just chuckled.


“I’d love to. I love your cooking, Auntie!” he said and raised a thumbs up.


“Aigoo~ I wish to have a son-in-law like you. Why don’t you just marry him, Hyomin-ah?” Mom said while hugging Eunhyuk.


“Whatever. I’ll be in my room,” I said and went to my room.



Number #8: I want him to remember even the smallest details about me, like how I organize my money inside my wallet and the order of my photo frames in my room.


“Hyomin-ah, open up the door. I brought apples,” Eunhyuk knocked. Slowly, I opened my door and saw his gummy smile.


“With caramel…” He raised the plastic bag of apples and bottle of caramel syrup. I smiled and let him in my room.


“Your mom was just kidding,” he said as he prepared the apples as he peel the skin off and pouring the syrup on it.


“Yeah. I wonder what would happen if I was born a guy or if I have another sibling,” I asked as I took a bite of the apple.


“Sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s tiresome. Though in the end, it’s all worth it,” he answered and placed a slice of fruit in his mouth.


“How do you know?” I asked and he threw me my favorite neck pillow.


“Because I have a young cousin that I take care of. Remember, Ming?” He said.


“Oh yes! The cute one!” I exclaimed and we lay down at the bed at our usual position.


“So, when will we begin the study session?” He suddenly asked.


“Well, let’s begin now,” I said and he prepared everything we need, like my cute notebook and favorite blue pen.


“And in case you get bored, here’s a picture of Kim Hyunjoong,” he said and I smiled at the picture he took out.



Number #9: I want a guy I can trust. I think this is self-explanatory.


“Have you heard about the news about Eunyoung’s cheating Jino with Minho?” Eunhyuk suddenly said while I was answering the exercise sheets he gave me.


“Yeah. Rumors do spread so fast,” I said.


“Good thing I only share my secrets with the people I trust,” he trust.


“Do you trust me?” I stopped answering to cross my arms and looked at him. I smirked at him and he smirked back.


“I trust Hae first, then Jieun then you,” he answered.


“Yah! I understand if you trust Donghae first, but how can you trust Jieun more than me?!” I pouted.


“Jealous?” He teased.


“Of course! I thought I was your girl best friend all this time! I share all of my secrets to you because I trust you,” I grinned.


“Well, I haven’t been pretty honest with you,” he said and leaned closer to him.




Have you ever felt that feeling when out of a sudden, your heart beats so fast and you can’t give a reason? I have known Eunhyuk for such a long time already but this is the first time I felt this for him. What is this? He held my hand and a feeling of fire was ignited. Do you know that feeling when your heart feels like it was about to explode? It was like time stopped and all that matters was that the two of you.




“I’m in love with a girl,” he said.


“Why haven’t you told me that?” I asked. It was as if hearing it was giving me a negative effect. Why did it suddenly feel like I want to cry when he said those to me?


“Because I feel like she won’t like me back,” he said, still holding my hands and looking into my eyes. I moved my gaze and let go of his hand.


“Why wouldn’t she like you? You’re an amazing guy,” I said and stood up.


“Because she said we’ll just be best friends,” he said.
























“Are you serious?” I asked as I slowly turned to him.
























“What if I am?”

























“I don’t know…. I don’t know.”






















“What about Siwon?” He asked.


“He…. He’s just someone I know,” I answered.


“Do you like him?”














“This is awkward,” I said and scratched the back of my nape.


“It sure is. We used t be best friends,” he sighed.


“Yeah. Now… We’re not just that,” I looked up at him and he smiled at me. He slips his fingers with mine and held it tightly.


We walked through the campus with our fingers together. I don’t care the look from others. When you’re in love, all that matters was you and the person you love.


When did I even realize that I love this guy? Maybe even before… Maybe for a long time already and I haven’t even noticed it.


“It seems that you two even ended up together,” Jieun commented.


“Whatever,” I stuck out my tongue and the two guys laughed.


“Hey, let’s play basketball,” Siwon asked the two guys. He smiled at me and Eunhyuk slung his arm over my neck.


“I see you two are finally showing off your affection towards each other. Good luck with you two,” he said and went back to the court. His smiled show like he wasn’t even affected. He was even happy about us.


“Wish me luck,” Donghae said and pecked Jieun’s forehead.


“Good luck!” She beamed and Donghae waved as he ran to the court.


“Wish me luck,” Eunhyuk said.


“No,” I said and snuck out my tongue out.


“I love you,” he said.


“I love you too—“ I slipped and Jieun was giggling at my side. Eunhyuk was just smiling and kissed the top of my head.



Number #10: Lastly, he must make me happy. I want to smile, knowing that he’s the reason for it. I want him to make me feel excited to sleep at night so that when I’ll wake up the following day, he’ll be the first and last person I’ll talk with. I want my heart to beat so fast that I can’t control it. I want him to make me feel that he loves me more than I think he does.


I don’t want a knight in shining armor. I don’t want a guy who is rich and can give me everything in the world. I don’t want a superhero that is ready to save the world. I just want someone who is ready to protect me even when he can’t. I want a guy who can shower me with love than with riches and give me his time. I want a guy who can make me think that love does last. 


Each day , I wake up and sees his message and he never forgets to end the night with a sweet and cute messages. I never knew he was this sweet. He makes me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world  and that I'm the most special one out there. I don't know what love is, but if asked, I just want to be his girl forever.


Who would have thought that the guy who had stood with me from the beginning was the guy that would be the one who would make it to my heart? 





Not my best, but this is special because those qualities are somewhat personal~ XD

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Chapter 1: You are the best, authornim!! That was the sweetest oneshot I've ever read!! Please make some more :))
Haehiho #2
Chapter 1: This is so daebak!! Do you have plans in making a sequel for this? Please author-nim.... :-(
Kyu_Min13 #3
this makes me feel so depressed since im still single and cant even talk to a guy normally... aish when will i ever meet my 'ideal guy'!?!?
waah this fic is so sweet and!! the ideal list is kinda similar to my own!!
thanks for writing this! its just too cute!! >_<
chiibiiluna #4
Cute!! :))
whiteduck #5
Hey do you remember me author unnie? The story is daebaaakkkk! Teehee. I so lurve this. x">
OMO!! same story of my life, but....
i just stay friends with my guy bestfriend. its a good thing he can understand me
By the way LOVE your fanfic unnie^^
hyukjaesays #9
uwaa~! Unnie =)) This is so amazing! haha ^^