Because we're best friends

Hope to become lovers




Minhwan smiled at you. “Good morning Seonyoung!”


You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. Minhwan looked so handsome in school uniform!


“Ugh, does Australia have some good looking virus spreading around?” you thought, avoiding Minhwan’s eyes.


“Oh, Seonyoung! Come eat your breakfast,” your mother walked out of the kitchen in her cooking apron with pancakes.


“Minhwan-ah, would you like some pancakes?” she asked Minhwan as you sat at the dining table to eat. Minhwan shook his head.


“No thank you, Mrs Kim. I’ll wait for Seonyoung to finish,” he said humbly.




I was both nervous and excited for my first day at high school in my hometown!


I had taken an entrance exam to determine my level I would take back in Korea and got downgraded by one year, which wasn’t so bad because that meant I would be in the same year as Seonyoung, moreover in the same class!


In Australia, you could wear home clothes to school, which I did not like as much because that’s how all your batchmates can tell if you are insanely rich or terribly poor, or just average with a horrible taste in fashion.


Here in Korea, students wore uniforms. But despite all this, Seonyoung looked so cute in the school uniform. She’s the only person I know who makes a simple grey blazer, blouse, skirt and high socks look so perfect.


Wait – what am I saying? Is this right between best friends?


Am I…. falling for her?




“Isn’t that Seonyoung? Who’s that?”


“Is he new here?”


“Is he her new boyfriend or something?”


“Oh look, Kim Seonyoung’s gotten a new boyfriend.”




The air was tense as we walked in. Whispers echoed through the corridors, and preying eyes stole glances at us. Oh no, this reminds me of my middle school in Australia… perhaps they had heard of a new student and done research on me? Found out about my past? I hid my face in my collar, praying that they had not.


I heard the clik-clak of two stilettos on the glossy corridor floor and looked up.


“Hey Seonyoung,” this girl who looked like she had done way too much botox approached us. Her skirt was hitched up by some fifty centimetres, her face was ruined by layers and layers of thick makeup and she had too many buttons on her blouse which were unfastened. She literally looked like… a !


The girl wrinkled her nose at me as if I were a dumpster.


“What do you want?” Seonyoung asked with an intensity that surprised me.


The girl flipped her hair, and I think I saw some of her fake eyelashes fly away as she did so.


“Nothing, it’s just… who’s your friend?” she spat.


“You don't need to know.” Seonyoung replied adruptly.


“Oh?” the girl twirled her hair with her fingers. “I’m surprised you’re not trying to get back at Jonghoon with a paid actor to act as your new boyf-”


“Shut up.”


The girl’s stare turned to focus on me.


“What did you say?” she said, annoyed. “What. Did. You. Say?”


I felt my hands ball up into fists.


“I told you to shut up and stop saying bad things about Seonyoung!” I shouted.


All of a sudden the entire corridor became completely silent, and all eyes were on me.


A small hand brushed against my arm gently.


“Minhwan…” Seonyoung said softly. “You don’t have to…”


The girl pursed her lips, her hot pink lipstick smudging against her chin.


She turned around and stormed off.


After that there was a long silence, then the entire hallway burst into incessant chatter as before.


“You didn’t have to do that, Minhwan…” Seonyoung chided. “Why did you do that?”


I didn’t say anything for a moment, then broke into a small smile and ruffled her hair.


“Because you’re my best friend, aren’t you?” I replied.


Because I like you, don’t I?




A.N. HI GUYS!!! This is saiko011 :) Just dropping by to give you a long chapter! I hope you enjoy it :)

Oh, btw, did you notice that I now have an awesome poster for my fanfic? IT'S AWESOME ISN'T IT!! :D

It's made by my friend sunshineyellow! Her fanfics are the best, you should totally read them 

(I often find myself crying at the end of her Seunghwan one)!! 

So yeah! Comment comment comment! Love you! ^^

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Chapter 9: Aww, really like minhwan! <3
Please update soon ;)
kevprimadonna #2
I really love this history!!!update soon!
minhwanswaifu #3
Omg jonghun feels
Ah. . .ah. . . It was aws0me story. . .please update^^
btw. I'm new member in here. . Nice to see u and read your story. . .
Daebak l0l. . . ^0^
hi~ a new reader here!
omg his is really DAEBAAAAAAK~~~!
this story is so touchful :)
my heart was thumping when i read this, really.
update soon! XD
minhwanswaifu #6
awww so cute their parents approve of them omg
edennemesa #7
MINHWAAAAAN~ i ship minhwan for now.... UPDATE SOON !! Hwaiting !
@babo_cy hehe, it depends ;D thank you for checking my fic out right after your internet connection was retrieved! :DD