Chapter 1 Exchange

Crescent Chaos

Chapter 1 Exchange

-At an International airport; 9:10 am-

Jelyaire: Gosh! You’ve arrived a few hours ago, but until now she’s not here.

Riei: (getting impatient; a nerve popping out) What’s keeping her?! The two of you are supposed to meet me here.

-11:19 am-

Rie: That’s it! We’re going! (nerve) Let’s go!

Jelyaire: Wait! There she is! (points at someone)

Yvraen: (arrives) Long time, no see. (expressionless)

Riei: Hmph, for two hours, I thought you won’t be coming.

Yvraen: ---

Riei: (Terse, as always. What else could I expect from her?) I am actually the one who just came from the other side of the world, not you. And you made us wait for a very long time.

Jelyaire: (laughs softly) There’s no need to be angry about it now, Ri.

Riei: Hmph. Anyway, my so-called brother is supposed to fetch me here so—

Jelyaire: Brother?

Yvraen: If that’s the case, why call us here?

Jelyaire: On the other hand, that’d be great. We didn’t meet your brother, so you might as well introduce us to him.

Yvraen: So unnecessary. (says it more to herself)

Riei: Come on, you guys. To celebrate my coming, we’re going to have fun.

Yvraen: Already?

Jelyaire: Fun? Count me in. Are we shopping? Dress hunting or what?

Riei: No. (pauses) I have something more fun in mind.

Yvraen: Jelyaire, I thought you’ll be seeing your fiancé today.

Jelyaire: (just shrugs) I don’t want to meet him.

Yvraen: Make up your mind. I have to meet the director as proxy for mother.

Riei: Actually, I don’t want to see Ryvn too.

Jelyaire: Ryvn? Your brother?

Riei: I didn’t see him for a long time now. I can’t remember what he looks like. He grew up here and I practically grew up on the other side of the world. So we don’t see each other much.

Jelyaire: I thought we’re having fun?

Riei: Fun? Of course. This is where the fun comes.

Yvraen: I say I sense trouble.

Jelyaire: We’re going shopping! (assumes)

Riei: This is what I have in mind. (smiles mischievously)


-In a moving car-

Auer: (driving; on the phone) Are you nuts?!

Ryvn: Keep your voice down.

Auer: Look Ryvn. I have to see Vashel. I’m supposed to break up with her today.

Ryvn: Pretend as me and go fetch her at the airport. You want to meet my sister, right. Well, here’s your chance.

Auer: Why do I need to pretend as you?

Ryvn: She doesn’t go with strangers. (hangs up)

Auer: Ryvn, wait! Ryvn! Darn! (throws the phone on the seat beside him) That conversation feels very one-sided. Besides, how am I going to recognize her? That Ryvn. (swerves real hard and went back the opposite direction)


-At the airport-

Jelyaire: Yvry, where’s your meeting place again?

Yvraen: Just ride on the car. The chauffeur knows.

Riei: Well, isn’t this fun? I’ll be Jely and you’re Yvry (to Jelyaire) and you (to Yvraen) are pretending as me. Gosh, this is real fun! Ok, I’ll be going first. Take care of my baggage. (goes off)

Jelyaire: I’m nervous. I don’t know a thing about business.

Yvraen: Just read to him the proposition. The papers are in the car. (pauses) Seriously, the whole thing is preposterous.

Jelyaire: Well, you know Ri. Always getting absurd ideas. ^^ But I think this is fun. Bye then, Ri. (goes off too)

Yvraen: ---



Yvraen: Forget the whole thing since Riei’s brother isn’t coming. I might as well get myself out of trouble. (still expressionless while talking to herself)

-Yvraen goes beside the road to hail a cab, but a luxurious car stopped in front of her. The window of the car opened.-

Yvraen: ---

Auer: Riei?

Yvraen: --- U-… Yes. You really took your time, huh?

Auer: Sorry about that. (Another Ryvn-like being but…) But what a lovely and exquisite sister I have! ^^ (gets off the car)

Yvraen: ---

Auer: (smiles; he’s actually a very good-natured guy)


Auer: (driving; smiling to himself)

Yvraen: ---

Auer: I couldn’t imagine we’re actually siblings. Well, we never have the chance to be with each other. When was the last time we were together?

Yvraen: I don’t really care.

Auer: (smiles disarmingly) Right. It’s a long time ago.


-In a Grand Restaurant-

Shaune: (nerves) (so weary of waiting) If I meet her now, I’m really going to punch her.

Riei: (enters)

Woman: Welcome, mademoiselle. Where do you prefer to sit?

Riei: Uhm, do you know any Mr. Shaune?

Woman: Shaune?

Riei: Yeah, Shaune.

Woman: Any name that comes after that?

Riei: I don’t really know. Just plain Shaune is what I know.

Woman: Well, that handsome lad there is named Shaune. (points at the impatient-looking young man at the far side of the room)

Riei: Well, you do know him. Why didn’t you say so? (leaves the woman and approaches Shaune)

Shaune: (looks clearly annoyed and stands up to leave)

Riei: Wait! Shaune, right?

Shaune: What do you want?! (his voice was loud)

People around: (look at the two)

-Riei loses her temper immediately because Shaune has just yelled at her.-

Riei: Nothing! Just going to ask if there’s by any chance that you’re my fiancé?! (nerve)

Shaune: So, you’re Jelyaire Krent?

Riei: Yes.

Shaune: Huh. Isn’t this your unlucky day? I’ll make you wish you shouldn’t have gone here. (turns his back on her and leaves the restaurant)

Riei: (shocked at what he just did) (I’ve never been insulted in my entire life.)

-Riei follows him to the parking lot.-

Riei: Hey, wait! You disrespectful bastard!

Shaune: (stops on his track and turns around to face Riei) Disrespectful bastard? Was that supposed to be me?

Riei: It is YOU!

Shaune: Will you cease from shouting?

Riei: You’ve just shouted at me at the restaurant. And the worst, you did it in public. What kind of fiancé are you?

Shaune: The worst. (sardonically candid)

Riei: (What the… So straightforward.)

Shaune: (sighs) Fine. Forget about what happened a while ago. I’ve wasted so much time waiting for you. So let’s be quick about this. (walks toward a luxurious car)

Riei: (follows behind him) This is the first time that we meet each other, right?

Shaune: Obviously. Just get in the car, and don’t shout while you’re in our house.

Riei: What? Where? Your house? We’re going there?

Shaune: Didn’t you know? (becomes suspicious of her) You’re going to meet the old parents.

Riei: Ah- of course I know. I’m meeting your parents ‘cause they haven’t seen me.

Shaune: Huh? Not my parents. The grandparents.

Riei: (smacks her head lightly) (Yvry’s right. This is trouble. If I’m meeting his grandparents, that must mean Jely has already met the parents. And what if they’re there? T_T I’m totally busted.)

Shaune: What’s with you?

Riei: N-nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s just that I’ve gotten things in my head mixed up.

Shaune: Then get in. (gets in the car)

Riei: (remains standing; lost in thought) (I hope his parents aren’t there.)

Shaune: Hey, what are you waiting for? (nerve)

Riei: (goes back to the earth) Uh- the door.Duh! I don’t open it for myself.

Shaune: (nerve pops out)


En route…

Riei: Know what? We can always do something that will stop the engagement. I mean, (Jely doesn’t like it.) I don’t like this kind of stuff – being engaged and that sort. And I know that you feel the same way. So why don’t we just… drop it?

Shaune: (chuckles) Drop it? Where do you get your extravagant notion?

Riei: (puzzled) I mean we can still stop the engagement right? Right?

Shaune: That’s odd. I thought you’re told about the details. We’ve been engaged for three years now.

Riei: 3 – 3 years?!

Shaune: (looks at her questioningly) That’s right. We’re engaged without the restraint of our presence.

Riei: And we only meet just now – after being engaged for 3 years?!

Shaune: It’s their entire plan. Those old folks.

Riei: Don’t address my parents’ like that.

Shaune: Don’t try hitting my nerve! I’ve been trying long enough to be patient with you.

Riei: Ow? Really? Try harder.

Shaune: (nerve)



-In a meeting-

Jelyaire: (T_T  I thought Yvry is going to meet the “director”. Why, it’s a meeting of the board of directors.

Lady: (enters) The meeting will commence. Mr. Hethen is here.

Ryvn: (enters)

The Board: (stands up for greeting)

Jelyaire: Huh? (??) (the last one to stand)

Ryvn: (puts down a stack of paper)

The Board: (sits down)

Jelyaire: (the last one to sit)

Ryvn: I’m replacing Mr. Hethen (his father) temporarily. This will be the first and last time you’ll be seeing me here.

Jelyaire: (He looks so young and …) 

Ryvn: Who’s Ms. C?

Jelyaire: (stands up) T-that’s me.

-From across the table facing Jelyaire, an old man sits and eyes her.-

Old man: Oh, Ms. C? Is that you?

Jelyaire: Ah y-yes.

Old man: You changed a lot. Even your face changed.

Jelyaire: (frets) Ahm— (Did this old man meet Yvry?) It’s still me.

Old man: Really? I couldn’t recognize you.

Jelyaire: Y-yes, Sir.

Old man: Sir? And what a sudden change of attitude!

Jelyaire: (frets) (Yeah, he did meet her.)

Ryvn: Enough with that.

(to Jelyaire) You’re presenting something?

Jelyaire: That’s right. ( )-( Oh no. )

Ryvn: Proceed.



Auer: I didn’t know you’re such a quiet person.

Yvraen: - - -

Auer: That’s not what I heard you were. ( From Ryvn, of course. ) (looks at his watch) You wouldn’t mind if I’ll be gone just for a minute?

Yvraen: … -_- (doesn’t care)

Auer: (pulls over on the side of the street) (moves closer to Yvraen)

Yvraen: (This man…)

Auer: (rustles Yvraen’s hair)

Yvraen: (shoves him away) Don’t touch me.

Auer: Hey, what’s with that monotonous reaction? Seriously, I’ll be back in a minute. Just stay here, ok?

Yvraen: -_- Seriously, take your time, big brother. (sounds almost satirical)

Auer: (smiles) ( Now as for Vashel… ) (gets off the car)

Girl: (comes rushing in) Kyaa~(3 My Prince! I knew you’d come. There’s no way you’d forget about me. (heart-eyed) (clings tightly to Auer)

Auer: V-vashel?? Jeez, you’re embarrassing me. (trying desperately to push Vashel away) Vashel, look. Stop clinging to me like that. I can’t see your lovely face that way.

Vashel: Don’t worry. You’ll see my pretty face every day of your life.

Auer: (brushes his hand through his hair; looking melancholic) (sparkling ‘for effect’)

Vashel: Woow! (3

Auer: There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.

Vashel: Anything dear. ~

Auer: I don’t think I deserve a girl like you. You’re too much for me. (touches his forehead in a somber mood) It’d be a great sin if I deprive you of what you truly deserve.

Vashel: :’( No, that’s not true.

Auer: I’m letting go of you though it shatters my heart. (still sparkling)

Yvraen: (in the car) -_- (What corny lines.)

Vashel: No! W-what do you mean?

Auer: You deserve someone far better. (background: sparkling roses)

Vashel : NO! You can’t mean this. I won’t let you go. (about to cling to Auer)

Aur: (dodges Vashel quickly) (waves) well then, see you. (gets in the car and drives off fast)

Vashel: (alone) Nooo. (overflowing tears) My prince!!

People: (What’s wrong with that girl?)

Vashel: (Wait, there’s a girl in the car with my Auer.) I’ll make her pay. That girl. Kekeke


Auer: Sorry ‘bout that. Hope you didn’t mind that. (smiles disarmingly)

Yvraen: Not at all. But the lines?

Auer: There are right words needed for particular situations.

Yvraen: So corny.

Auer: Eeh? Won’t you atleast be appreciative?

Yvraen: (A playboy blondie.) - -

Auer: Don’t think badly of your brother.

Yvraen: (Like hell you’re my brother.) - -

Auer: (smiles to himself)

Yvraen: - -

Auer: We’ll arrive in just a few minutes.

Yvraen: I said take your time.

Auer: You must’ve missed the whole family. The least I can do is to drive fast so you can see ‘em again.

Yvraen: That’s unnecessary.

Auer: (just smiles)

Auer: ( I wonder if I can still be in her good graces when she finds out I’m not her real brother. ) You must be excited. There’s a huge party waiting for you.

Yvraen: ( Right. ) -_-




Riei: ( I need to stall him n any way I can. I’m calling Jely. ) Pull over.

Shaune: What?

Riei: I said pull over.

Shaune: Why?

Riei: Just do as I say!

Shaune: Tsk. (nerve) (pulls the car over) What is it?

Riei: I’m making a call. (puts the phone on her ear)

Shaune: (annoyed) Can’t you make a call while I’m driving?

Riei: The service, duh. It keeps on getting lost. ( Come on, Jely. Answer your phone.)


-A phone’s beeping.-

Jelyaire: With these stocks – (looks at Ryvn) Can I answer it?

Ryvn: Turn it off. We don’t have all day.

Jelyaire: L( Riei?... )



Riei: ( Darn! Jely, why won’t you answer? )

Shaune: (starts the engine) We better keep going.

Riei: Wait! I’m thirsty. Can’t you at least buy me something to drink?

Shaune: What? Don’t dare order me around. If you want something, go get it yourself.

Riei: Ok, fine. ( I’ll take my time. Hehe.) ( is about to go out)

Shaune: (holds her back) On second thought.

Riei: (Jeez.)

Shaune: There. Now can we go on? (gives her a can of soda pop)

Riei: I want to rest a little longer. (drinks the soda)

Shaune: Rest? Are you really trying to get on my nerves? (irritated)

Riei: What? I just want to take a rest. What’s so wrong with that? It’s not like I want to get on your nerves, duh!

Shaune: And what do you call that just sitting around while I’m driving? Isn’t that enough rest to you?

Riei: Just sitting around? Huh. It’s not even close to resting.

Shaune: Do you know what I think you’re doing?

Riei: What? I’m not a mind reader.

Shaune: I think you’re just ‘stalling’.

Riei: - (sudden stop)

Shaune: (grins) What? Hit a nerve? (sarcastic)

Riei: (flushed) hmph, I’m not! Whatever, do what you want. (looks outside the window)

Shaune: Good. It’s not like I’m having the greatest thrill in my life. (starts the car)



Ryvn: Dismissed.

Man: Good job. Mr. Hethen. You’ve presided the meeting quite well.

Ryvn: I’m afraid this would be the last.

Man: Ah that’s disappointing. But where is your father exactly?

Ryvn: Mr. Hethen’s partying hard.

Man: (laughs) And you got a sense of humor. I’ll take my leave then. I have to go somewhere.

Ryvn: (smiles)

The Board: (starts leaving)

Ryvn: Ms. C, I’ll be giving you a ride. (doesn’t even bother to look at Jelyaire)

Jelyaire: M-me? (points at herself)

Ryvn: (looks at Jelyaire this time) Yes, unless you’re not her.

Jelyaire: - - (doesn’t know what to say) Uhm… That is, I have my chauffeur waiting, s-so…

Ryvn: He has long been gone. Mrs. C took the liberty to ask me to give you a ride to the party.

Jelyaire: Party?

Ryvn: (looks at Jelyaire again unamused) Get going.

Jelyaire: (He’s so cold.)

-In the car-

Jelyaire: But my mother had never mentioned anything about a party. (At least, Yvry hadn’t.)

Ryvn: (never in the mood for a conversation)

Jelyaire: Whose party is it? I mean, what kind of party? Hey, will there be lots of people? Honestly, I’m not so bad with dealing with a crowd.

Ryvn: (ignores)

Jelyaire: Hey what if it’s a costume party? We can’t go looking like this, can we?

Ryvn: Don’t ask me. (says it threateningly)

Jelyaire: - - (abrupt stop) :’( (scared)



Auer: Here we are.

-A gigantic gate was opened.-

Yvraen: How much farther? We passed the gate thirty minutes ago.

Auer: (smiles) Don’t exaggerate. After we pass the yard, we’ll go through a small tunnel and over a bridge, and then you’ll see everybody. It’d be great.

Yvraen: Seriously? -_-

Auer: C’mon, ‘lil sister. What’s with you? Can’t you at least lighten up?

Yvraen: Don’t mind me.

Auer: (reaches his hand out and rustles Yvraen’s hair again) You look way too… I can’t really find the right word to describe you. (laughs lightly)

Yvraen: (shoves his hand away) Don’t do that again.

Auer: Why not? I’m your big brother. The least we can do is to make up for the long lost time that we should have been together.

Yvraen: ---

Auer: (Siblings really have something in common, eh? She’ll get along well with Ryvn.) (becomes serious) I’m gonna ask you something, and I want your honest opinion.

Yvraen: ---

Auer: What would you do if you find out that the person you think you know isn’t the person you know?

Yvraen: …

Auer: Well?

Yvraen: (Am I busted?) ‘Big brother’, drive silently, will you?

Auer: Hey, I just want your honest opinion. Say, for example, I’m not really your big brother, but I pretended as him, would you get angry?

Yvraen: (This guy’s dropping hints; I’m busted.) That’s ok. I’m not your real sister.

Auer: (laughs) Hey, I never thought you could be so funny. I’m your big brother. It was only an example. (Right, I’m your big brother ‘till we get there.)

Yvraen: (Exactly, what’s with the guy?) -_-“




-Arriving at a very big mansion, Shaune opens the door of the car for Riei whom he thought is Jelyaire.-

Shaune: Get out.

Riei: Can’t you even say that gently?

Shaune: Hell, just get out.

Riei: Can’t you at least wait a minute? I’m making a call.

Shaune: Can’t you make a call outside my car, Jelyaire Krent?

Riei: Fine! (gets out of the car)

Shaune: (gives the key to a man) Take it away.

Man: Yes, Master. (rides the car and goes off)

Riei: (makes a call) Jelyaire? (looks at Shaune then whispers) Jely? Hello?

-On the line-

Jelyaire: Ri? I can’t really talk right now. We’re going through a tunnel in just a few minutes. It might get disconnected.

Riei: (whispers while her back’s toward Shaune) Tunnel? Where are you? Who’s with you?

Shaune: (looks at Riei as if trying to figure out something)

Jelyaire: What made you call?

Riei: I’m in a lot of trouble. I’m meeting your fiancé’s grandparents, and what if his parents…

Jelyaire: Just deal with it, ok? I have trouble in my end too. I’m going to a party, and I’m with - … then… -

Riei: Jely?

Jelyaire: To a p-rty… I’m with-… Hethen, he’s given -… ride

Riei: What? Jely? Jely? Hello?

On the line: … beep beep beep (ends)

Riei: She’s with a Hethen? Darn! What does she mean?

Shaune: Hey, if you really don’t want to meet them, then I’ll give you a ride back.

Riei: What d’you mean?

Shaune: (looks at her intently)

Riei: (swallows hard)

Shaune: Whatever it is, you should have said so.

Riei: Meaning?

Shaune: You don’t have a reason to meet them. C’mon we’ll walk to the garage. (turns her back to her and starts to walk off)

Riei: What d’you mean ‘I don’t have a reason to meet them’? Can’t you just say it plainly in simple words?

Shaune: (faces Riei) I mean, you’re not my f…

Grndma: (at the door) There you are, the two of you. What took you so long? (opens the huge door widely) Come in, come in. You shouldn’t stay too long outside. (to “Jelyaire”) You must be Jelyaire.

Riei: (Whew. I guess they didn’t meet Jelyaire yet.) (nods then smiles)

Shaune: (grabs Riei by the wrist) Actually, we’re going back. You can meet her another time. (pulls Riei away)

Riei: Huh? What? Why can’t I just meet them today? (jerks her hand off)

Shaune: “Jelyaire” (puts an emphasis), don’t make trouble for yourself.

Riei: ---. (sighs) You know, I don’t quite understand you. First, you were in a hurry to make me meet your grandparents. You even accused me of stalling. And now that I’m finally going to meet ‘em, you’re trying to make me go away?

Shaune: That’s because …

Grandma: Ta! Ta! Enough with that. Jelyaire, sweetie, come on in. don’t let sweet Shaune bother you.

Riei: Hmph! (goes in)

Shaune: Hey! (follows)

Grandma: (follows too)

-At the living room-

Grandma2: So this is Jelyaire?

Grandma1: A very beautiful child, won’t you agree?

Riei: Well, thank you. 

Shaune: (This girl…)

Riei: I thought I’m going to meet all of his grandparents.

Grandma1: Of course dear. That’s why we’re here. Our husbands already passed away.

Riei: Oh, sorry.

Grandma2: Nonsense, child. We heard you’re engaged for 2 years.

Shaune: 3 years to be exact. (glares at Riei)

Riei: Y-yeah. That’s right.

Shaune: (You’re really looking for trouble, huh?)

Grandma1: I think it’s best if we just get on with the wedding.

Riei, Shaune: WHAT?! (looks at each other)

Riei: (flushed) (turns away) Hmph!

Shaune: I’m still underage to get married.

Riei; (Jelyaire’s still underage too.) That’s right, grandmothers. We’re not yet cut out for such things.

Grandma2: But not all girls your age could be a child bride.

Riei: C-child bride? (Who even wants to be one?)

Grandma1: I don’t understand the generation of today. Why engaged the two of you when you can be married right away.

Riei, Shaune: O-O!! W-what the…

Shaune: (What’s wrong with these old folks? They’re talking already talking about wedding, and it’s not even their wedding.)

Riei: (whispers to Shaune) You’re not in favor with this, right?

Shaune: Hell, if I am. I don’t even agree with the engagement in the first place. Let’s get out of here. Afterwards, you’ll even thank me.

Riei: Ok, fine. But where are we going?

Shaune: (ignores her) (to the grandmothers) We’re going. We’re supposed to follow Mom and Dad to the party.

Riei: (Party? Everybody seems to be going to a party. (sighs))

Shaune: (is about to go when…)

Grandma1: But your mother had just arrived before you did.

Shaune: Mom? (looks at Riei) We’ve got to get out of here fast. (grabs Riei)

Riei: (Why does he sound like he knows . . .?)

Woman: Who’s that with you, Shaune?

Grandma2: It’s Jelyaire, dear.

Woman: Jelyaire?

Riei: (What possibly could go wrong?) (faces the woman) I’m Jely –

Woman: (to Riei) Who are you? (becomes angry) (to Shaune) Shaune, where’s Jelyaire?

Shaune: (faces the woman too)

Grandma1: Elizabeth, what’s wrong? Jelyaire’s right there.

Woman: Jelyaire?

Riei: (Uh-oh. Is this the part where I get busted?) T_T

Woman: This girl doesn’t look one bit inch like Jelyaire. I told you Jelyaire has light brown hair. Did this girl tell you she’s Jelyaire? Imposter!

Riei: The truth is –

Shaune: I didn’t say she’s Jelyaire.

Riei: eh? (He knows?)

Woman: Then who is she? Get that girl out of my house! Now! (screams)

Grandma2: Elizabeth, calm down. There must be an explanation.

Woman: I don’t want to hear it! (to Riei) You brazen-faced girl! (about to charge her)

Riei: :’( I should…never…have…)

Shaune: (pulls Riei behind him) Stop, Mom.

Woman: What’s the meaning of this, Shaune? God, you’re engaged. And that lass –

Shaune: Is my girlfriend. (serious)

Riei: (OoO)!! (Why does he have to make things more complicated?)

Shaune: I told you to cancel the engagement but you never did listen to me. Perhaps now, you would.

Riei: No. That’s not it. I’m –

Shaune: (lifts her arm to silence Riei and looks at her) I’ll deal with it, ok?

Riei: But… (Oh no!)



-At the Welcome Party-

Ryvn: Where is she? (brusque)

Auer: She’s right there. (points at a waist-length-haired girl wearing short braids at each side of her head) She’s real pretty but I could see the semblance in your attitude. Hey, you got to explain to her properly why I pretend as you.

Ryvn: You’re hitting on her? (more like a statement rather than a question)

Auer: Man, I’ll be serious. You’re concerned?

Ryvn: Not that I care. The dark-haired lass, that’s her?

Auer: Yeah. You got the same hair color.

Ryvn: …

Auer: What’s the problem? And who’s that beautiful girl with you? Don’t tell me you suddenly became interested with girls. That’s going to be in the front page.

Ryvn: She calls herself Ms. C.

Auer: Missy? Quite familiar.

Ryvn: You’re going to hit on her too?

Auer: Hey, don’t make me sound so bad. I got my eyes on your sister, but that girl with you looks pretty nice too.

Ryvn: You almost sound undecided. (calls Jelyaire over) Ms. C.

Jelyaire: M-me? (points at herself)

Ryvn: …

Jelyaire: (walks up to them)

Ryvn: What were you doing over there?

Jelyaire: Nothing. I was just –

Ryvn: You’re supposed to go to your mother.

Jelyaire: My mother? (Come to think of it, I’ve never met Yvry’s mother.) Uhm…I’ll just see her later. I can’t find her in this crowd.

Ryvn: There she is. (doesn’t point at anyone)

Jelyaire: Where? I – I can’t see her.

Ryvn: I can plainly see her from here.

Jelyaire: Actually, I’m not far-sighted.

Ryvn: Actually, she’s near. No need to be far-sighted.

Jelyaire: (bites her lower lip) (What’s wrong with him? He seems to be…)

Auer: (to Ryvn) You sound so mean. Why can’t you just point where her mother is? Right? (smiles at Jelyaire)

Jelyaire: (nods then smiles too)

Auer: Auer. And you’re Missy right?

Jelyaire: Missy? (Isn’t that supposed to be Ms. C? =_=)

Woman: (comes up to them) Ryvn, I was looking for you. I was wondering where Y –

Ryvn: I apologize about it.

Woman: Oh no. I was just –

Ryvn: This is my friend Auer. I believe you know him.

Woman: Auer? Oh, I’ve met you. Your father introduced you.

Auer: Glad you remember me, Mrs. – (I don’t remember this woman.)

Ayvn: And have you met her? (refers to Jelyaire)

Woman: Oh, hmm…no. But she looks familiar.

Ryvn: Really? (smirks) She’s a new acquaintance actually.

Woman: What a beautiful child!

Jelyaire: (just simpers) Thank you. (I feel like Mr. Hethen’s up to something. He just smirked.)

Auer: Her name’s Missy.

Jelyaire: (Missy?) It’s Yv –

Ryvn: I apologize again. Your daughter didn’t come with me.

Woman: Is that so? I was expecting it. She’s probably here somewhere; I told her to come. Good day then.

Ryvn: Good day, Mrs. C. (turns at Jelyaire and smiles sardonically)

Jelyaire: (O.O Mrs. C? That woman is supposed to be my mother?!) … … … (So busted!) (runs away)

Auer: Hey! Why the hell did she run away?

Ryvn: Of guilt.

Auer: Huh?

Ryvn: (smiles)

Auer: Something’s going on. You never smile unless something interesting is going on.

Ryvn: Yeah, something’s going on.

Auer: Don’t tell me that lass interests you.

Ryvn: Too bad. She already fled.

Mrs. Hethen: Ryvn darling, where’s your sister? Everyone wants to see her.

Auer: Don’t worry, auntie. She’s here.

Mrs. Hethen; Then tell her to come up on stage after the proper introduction, okay? Ryvn, look after your sister. (leaves)

Auer: We shouldn’t keep everybody waiting. And you must tell her the truth now.

Yvraen: You’re not Ryvn?

Auer: Look, I didn’t mean to deceive you, ok? It’s all your brother’s plan. (nudges Ryvn)

Yvraen: (looks up at Ryvn then back to Auer again) (I wonder if siblings do really think the same.)

Auer: You angry?

Yvraen: I’m not in the position to be angry.

Ryvn: On cue, you’re going up the stage.

Yvraen: No.

Ryvn: No?

Yvraen: I don’t feel like doing it.

Ryvn: Just feel like it.

Auer: Riei, if this is about of what we’ve done, let me suffer for it but not now, ok?

Yvraen: (ignores Auer) (to Ryvn) You can’t make me.

Ryvn: Try me.

Auer: (Are these two forgetting I’m still here?)

Yvraen: I’m going…

Ryvn: Up the stage.

Yvraen: Out.

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