Love is Like a Flower [broken!2min]

Boys' Love ` ( collection

author: jwhong005 / pairing: broken!2min / written: 20120818 / rating: pg(-13) /  cr: 1


Love is like a flower.

Watch it bloom for a while.

Doesn't it look pretty?

Three months was all it took for Lee Taemin to fall for a certain tall basketball player. He was perfect in every way to Taemin. Nothing he could do was wrong and his "umma" and "appa" Key and Jonghyun had diagnosed that the boy was in love. It certainly felt like that as well. It was just Taemin's luck that he was stuck with the guy in their neat little dorm room together with nobody else to be rooming with them.

It only took the latter half a semester to realize that he felt the same, and thus began their first year happily together as a couple. Under approval of Key and Jonghyun (well, mostly Key), each day they had together was a new one and both boys wouldn't have chosen to have it any other way. Jinki, Taemin's older brother, had decided that Taemin and his jock of a boyfriend would be stuck in a honeymoon phase forever. That's what it seemed like, too.

Taemin grinned wide, being enveloped by the familiar muscular arms from behind, feeling lips press against his cheeks as a bouquet of flowers were presented in front of him. He put down his pencil and closed his textbook, saving the work for later, knowing that his boyfriend was more important. "Hyung," he grinned, "what's the occasion?"

"No reason," the frog-eyed Choi Minho answered, "I just saw these flowers and thought of you. They're nice aren't they?"

The younger male nodded, "I love them." He stood, kissing his boyfriend on the lips for a light, lingering kiss before pulling away. "I have to go put these in a vase."


It's happy until it turns out to be ty.

The leaves start to wilt and the petals begin to fall.

Nights, months, weeks. It seemed like Minho changed bit by bit. Taemin began to miss the days when his boyfriend would come back to the dorm with a gift in hand, even the smallest kind. Taemin said nothing during Minho's absence, just enjoying that the taller male made it back for a small dinner together (only composed of instant ramen since neither college student had the best of jobs to get top notch food from the market). Since he had no classes with the upper classman, Taemin was just going to savor the time they had together while it lasted.

Even in between seasons, Minho seemed busy. He was always out and about with his friends on the basketball team or running around at the park with his soccer buddies. No matter, Taemin would boil water and pour enough to make two cups of instant ramen and wait, knowing very well that Minho would come back to him for the night. For the night, things would seem like they were before.

"Tae, I promised Jonghyun and the others that I'd play five on five with him so I have to go." Taemin would hear or, "Tae, the team just put together a quick team at the soccer field and I'm going to go."

Like a good boyfriend Taemin would nod and allow Minho to have his space. "I'll see you later then, right Minho hyung?" Minho would kindly nod and take his leave, passing the flowers that he had picked up, not paying them any attention whatsoever. Taemin looked at the pretty petals, watching as one fell into the pot, beginning its dying days.


That's when the love begins to fade, dying as the days go on.

However, the thing that doesn't die is the memory of it all.

Taemin rubbed his hands together as he arrived at the big college gym, entering to work on finding a free spot on the bleachers. The crowd was enormous, but Taemin expected that. Everyone knew that the Choi Minho had the capability of drawing every basketball scout to the game of the year. And as much as Taemin wanted to be sad, he couldn't. He wore a small timid smile when Minho caught his eye on the court in midst of his warm-up.

Lee Taemin wasn't an athlete but a dancer. He tried to learn anything about basketball to impress Minho but he'd just laugh and shake his head saying, "You don't need to play sports for me to love you." Taemin managed to man up a bit here and there but he was a dim light compared to Minho, the bright charismatic star player at Seoul University.

From the stands the red haired male gave a supportive wave to Minho. The wave wasn't returned but he looked and that's all Taemin wanted. It wasn't much of a surprise that their college won with Minho on the team. Everyone had suspected the outcome but they didn't see a tight game coming. It was shocking to say the least. Dankook University was able to pull their weight, only losing by three points after overtime.

They all carried Minho out of the gym, hoisting him up onto two people's shoulders. The whole school were shouting and yelling at Minho, congratulating him on a big win. Taemin just stood by and watched, giving a small wave towards the athlete's way, completely unnoticed but what he did see was the bundle of flowers being held up proudly in Minho's left hand until they were tossed away—Taemin's way.


[a/n:] I don't know why I keep doing this to my OTP. I'm going to cry buckets if I keep doing this. Anyway, "Love" is a poem that I used in this particular chapter. It's also a poem that I happened to write. If you have an idea for me to write happy 2min, let me know. I'm on an angst kick for some reason and I want to write Krispy Lays but I can't think of a plot.

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"Boys' Love" jwhong: attempting to write something


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Chapter 13: Osowkkssk POWER COUPLE
HellsRainbow #2
Chapter 28: So much gay. I haven't the latest update yet but you should totally write a JayKeyWon .
If for whatever reason that doesn't make sense, it's Jay Park, Key, and Siwon.
Chapter 34: Another brilliant and beautiful oneshot! Very emotional and sad, too. I really, really loved it. And that very first sentence: You can't blame someone who is only human. I'll remember that forever. His letter to Himchan at the end was the most heartbreaking part for me. I know someone that's had a hard time like Jongup finding the right person. Fortunately, he's still alive. Great chapter!
Chapter 33: Oh my goodness, this is so sad and beautiful and my heart hurts so bad. One of my favorites, definitely! I figured out Junhyung had amnesia pretty fast, I felt smart haha. But Doojoon...just.. I don't even know what to say! He's the sweetest man and to stick by Junhyung's side after so long, going through all that, even going to So beautiful!
LynaHeera #5
Chapter 33: ok so 2jun's story is similar with a movie.. but its still cute.. :D
Chapter 32: UNF UNF UNF.
Exo's Mama and Papa getting it on. Woowee! That was too good. I got, like, six nosebleeds. (Actually my nose did bleed this afternoon) I can see Kris like this, but for some reason Yixing and just..I can't imagine it. But him with Kris...I can imagine that lol ;D
Chapter 31: Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! I was on the edge of my couch, ugh! I was so worried for Yifan, I'm relieved he didn't die. And though this was serious, when I read that the dog's name was Chanyeol, I laughed. I didn't expect that one bit, but it was a funny surprise. Chanyeol would make a good dog tbh. Anyway, I've been having many, many Baekhyun feels so I'm glad you made this! BaeKris is one of my many EXO OTPs <3 And I will pretend that they eventually found safety in China~
Chapter 30: This is definitely one of my favorites so far. Whoa. I'm stunned! And gah I listened to Zico's 'Battle Royale' while reading this. Perfect. I wanted to have a group hug with Jong, Key, and Seohyun. Precious babes. And how they wanted Taem to win. My heart just couldn't take it. So sweet and lovely and just yes. <3 This one is freaking fantastic. You should be so proud of it <3!
Chapter 29: YES TAKUMI HOLY CRAP MY FEELS. I THINK I DIED OTL. this was so wonderful! Your writing is just so freaking perf<3

And have you watched the entire series? I have only watched a few, and not even in order OTL. I'm dumb, yes. But if you did watch them all, exactly where did you find them?
Chapter 28: Oh deary me, I am dead now. Thank you.'re gonna make me "ship" them LOL xD Though they'd be better with Amber. Hooray for threesomes haha XD

This was ____ing hot and whew I can't. My feels. My ovaries. My mind. I LOST MY MIND. Okay sorry, dorky hehe :3

Thanks for updating! I enjoyed it ;)