Chasing After a Dream

It's All Okay

"Pardon?" I asked. No way is he asking me to audition for an agency like SM Entertainment. Wait, no, scratch that. No way is someone actually asking me to audition for an actual agency. But then again, this guy could be a poser, I wouldn't believe him that easily.

"Oh, excuse me. My name is Byun Hyuk Shin, a talent scout of SMent." He showed me his ID, and it looked pretty legit. So maybe this guy really is a talent scout. "You look like you have some great potential." He stared at me from head to toe and glanced at the guitar I'm holding.  "I recommend you auditioning for SM's Starlight Casting System tomorrow." He handed me a card with the address. "I'm looking forward to seeing you."

I bowed at him and said my thanks.

"Oh yes, what's your name by the way?" He asked.

"Geum Hye Sun." I answered.

"Okay then." He said. "I'm looking forward to seeing you." He said again and walked away.

I looked at the card he gave to me. It had the address to where I'm supposed to audition. I still couldn't believe what just happened. I had to tell Lay!

I called him.

"Sunnie!" He exclaimed over the phone. "Did you get in?"

"Yeah." I said happily.

"That's awesome!" He said. I could imagine himself jumping around. "I told you you're gonna make it! I'm so proud of you."

"There's more news." I replied.

"More news?" He asked. "What is it?"

"Well, someone came up to me here in Myeong dong and.." I said. "He said that I should audition for SM Entertainment."

"What?!" He shouted. "You're kidding?"

"I'm serious, Lay!" I exclaimed. "He said he was a talent scout for them and he gave me a card with the address."

"This is even better!" He shouted. "You and me in SM, this is amazing!"

"Woah, hold it. I'm not even sure if I should audition or not." I said. Yes, I'm not sure. It took me a whole month to think about auditioning for the school's talent show. And it's just the talent show.

"You're kidding me, right?" He asked. "You'd be stupid to not take this oppurtunity, Hye Sun. I know you. You want this more than anything."

"Yeah, so?" I said. "Even if I did, and even IF I get to be a trainee, my parents'll never let me."

"And you're gonna let that stop you?" He replied. "Hye Sun, at least try to convince them. And if all else fails, just audition." He started calling me by my real name, which meant that he's dead serious about this.

"Thanks for the oh so helpful advice." I said sarcastically. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, about that.." He said. "I'm transferring to another school near the dorm where I'm supposed to live."

"Oh sorry. I forgot." I facepalmed myself. I was too caught up in him being officially a trainee that I overlooked the fact that he's transferring. Now how am I supposed to survive in school now? I sighed.

"Hey, you know I'm still your best friend." He said.

"You're my only friend, Lay." I replied.

"Still." He continued. "Remember what I said? Just call me if you have any problems."

"Okay." I said. "Bye."

I hung up the phone and gave a big sigh. I walked through Myeong dong to get home. There were tons of students and teenagers that're hanging out in the cafe's and shopping in the boutiqes. I managed to get away from the crowd and eventually see my house at a nearby subdivision.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home." I said as I walked in. I saw them in the dining room, eating dinner with my little sister, Hye Ju.

"Where've you been?" My dad asked me. "We live near the school, don't we? What took you so long?"

I sat down and stared at my food before I answered. "Someone in Myeong dong gave me this." I handed him the card Mr. Byun gave me.

"Starlight Casting System?" He raised an eyebrow as he read the card. "Don't tell me this is another one of those talent agency that's been distracting you from your studies."

I gulped. "Yes."

He crumpled the piece of paper and stood up from his chair. He threw it in the trash can.

"Don't bother coming into this house if you're just going to bring something as stupid as that." He grumpily took his plate and went to the kitchen.

My mom glared at me, while my sister meekly ate her food.

"I'm sorry." I said to them.

"You know your father always wanted you to be a doctor." She said.

"I know." I replied.

"Then why are you trying so hard to be in this singing career?" She asked.

"Because that's what I want." I answered. "I can't be a doctor if it's not what I want to be. I want to be a singer."

She didn't say anything back. She took her food and stood up to leave the dining room.

"Sorry, sis." Hye Ju said. "I can't involve myself in any of this." Then as expected, she left the table too. I guess I'll be eating dinner alone.


I finished eating and washing the dishes, then went upstairs with my guitar. I placed it on the stand, then went to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and went out and layed on my bed. I had to think things through. It's not fair that my dad gets to choose what I'll be in the future. It's just wrong. I don't want my life to get to waste all because I became someone I don't want to be.

That's it. I went to my keyboard and practiced a song that I wrote a few days back. I didn't even tell my family that I auditioned for the talent show. I just told them I was bringing my guitar for a group performance. So I'll have to keep this one a secret too.

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Not gonna update for awhile. I'm going to in a few days. Sorry guys. )):


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Chapter 5: Plz update soon!!^_^
Please update soon! ^^
Do check this out
PS: Sorry for taking up your comment space
akaonim #3
omg Luhan!!!!! update soon please ^_^
Luhan~ awuhhh
why you gots to make me cry? D;
Update soon!
AncientWriting #5
LUHAN!!!! WAH!!!!
Tlffany #6
omg LuHan!!! ; oo ;
Luhan and Lay are so sweet!
OMG, Luhan! T^T
commovente #9
Lay is so sweet! :')