Taken for Granted

★✪★✪ Hyuna One Shots ★✪★✪


Characters - Hyuna, Kikwang, Junhyung


It was an unusually bright day; Kikwang was sitting in his seat looking at the wonderful weather. When all of a sudden everyone started to gather in the halls so he wanted to see what was going on.


And there she was.

"So you want to break up?" Hyuna asked Junhyung. She couldn't believe it. After everything she had done for him, he wanted to break up with her.

She wasn't heartbroken, she did have some feelings for the guy but she just couldn't believe SHE was getting dumped by HIM. HE was the one who chased her for an entire year and after a couple months of dating and now HE wanted to break up with her.


"Yeah didn't you hear what I said? Why do you always make me repeat things?" Junhyung asked in a jerkish tone


"I was just asking to see if you had the guts to say it to my face again you piece of . And don't worry I won't cry over you because I have someone else already" She said smirking while walking away when he grabbed on to her wrist.


"What do you mean you already have someone else?" He asked in anger


Hyuna looked back at him, "First of all, get your filthy hands off of me" She said peeling him off her "And second, did you think I didn't know that you went behind my back and cheated on me with my best friend, Hara?" she asked him with a nonchalant voice.


"And that doesn't bother you?" He asked her feeling hurt that she didn't give him an ounce of jealously or anger.


"Why should it?" she whispered "You never meant anything to me" they glanced at each other. Junhyung couldn't believe this girl. It's not like he meant to break up with her, he thought that maybe if he dumped her, she would realize what she's missing out on. But, as you can tell, the plan backfired...for reasons to be told later in her point of view.


"You !!" He shoved her in anger causing her to fall on the ground. One guy immediately ran over to her and helped her up.


"Thanks Kikwang" She said while kissing his cheek making him blush like crazy.

"So this is your new boyfriend? THIS nerd?" He asked Hyuna. Hyuna had actually lied when she said she had someone new because she didn't want others to 'feel sorry' for her... she smirked thinking that this would make Junhyung VERY angry. Especially when she knew that he's never liked Kikwang because he sat next to her in class and they were always, in Junhyungs eyes', flirting with each other making him jealous although Hyuna never thought of Kikwang of anything more than a friend.


"Yes, he's my new.. boy..friend" She said awkwardly hoping that Kikwang would just play along. She looked over at Kikwang to see what he would do and he nodded and gave her a 'I get it' look. At that moment he took a deep breath and locked his hands with her.


"Come on babe" Kikwang said very naturally, since he's been longing to call her that since day one.


Junhyung who watched this scene punched and kicked the door, ""




"Thanks for helping me out!" Hyuna said to Kikwang while they were outside where the school's garden was.


"No problem" He said to her "If you need anything else just tell me" He said while getting up to walk away so he could go back to class to get his stuff.


"W-wait!" Hyuna called for him "I need a really big favor actually... Can you be my fake boyfriend?"


"WHAT!?" Kikwang was surprised "I-I I don't think I can, sorry!" He said and ran away


Hyuna just stood here wondering why a nerd like him would reject her...HER!  "What the just happened?" She asked in confusion


Hyuna returned to see Kikwang sitting at his desk; "Hey" Kikwang heard her but pretended to be reading his book.


The one thing she hated most was people ignoring her, since she grew up with her parents doing that to her. Hyuna was the black sheep of the family. No matter how well she did her parents would just say "So? Hyunseung got a higher grade than that" and walk away.In her mind, she always thought what the hell is higher than a perfect score? So after a while she just gave up. She now lives on her own, still provided by her parents.


"YA! DON'T IGNORE ME!" She yelled at Kikwang scaring him and threw his book and ran out.



Kikwang was still shocked by this action but soon realized that he should go after her. "Hyuna!"


"Go away you jerk!"


"Jerk!?" He asked while walking closer to her.


"Yes jerk! First you rejected my favor and then you ignored me!" She asked while leaning on the wall looking at the floor


"Okay I'll do it, just promise to not get so upset like this. Seeing you sad makes me..." He stopped himself before he got any further because at the rate he was going, he was going to confess! And he definitely didn't want to do that.


"Makes you what?" Hyuna asked, 'He's definitely cute' she thought to herself while watching him act nervous


"Uh..I got to go! We will start our fake dating next Monday!"


"Wait! Before you go, give me your number"


"My number!?" He asked in confusion


"Here" she said while handing him her phone to put it in "I need you to look the part of my boyfriend! So we're going out tomorrow to give you a complete makeover and blow everyone away. Trust me; on Monday you're going to be the most popular guy in school!"


"I don't know..."


"Oh come on! I'm sure there's someone you would like to impress so do it for her!"


"You think it will work?"


Hyuna called his phone so he could have her number "Yes! I'll see you tomorrow morning 10AM sharp! Text me your address and I'll pick you up!" She said walking away.


Kikwang just let everything soak in and he took out his phone,



Text me your address, I'll pick you up. It's kinda rude for the girl to pick up the guy right? ^^



Okay sure…


After Hyuna read this text, she thought to herself 'What a gentleman...Junhyung never did that for me. He used me for my money...ing ' but smiled after she kept rereading Kikwang's text.




"5......4.....3.....2....." Hyuna was counting down on her watch. [DINGDONG] "Impressive" She said to herself while she opened the door. She was shock to see him standing in front of a BMW

"I'm not late am I?" Kikwang smiled while giving her flowers and coffee with a muffin.

Hyuna was taken aback by this action, she's never received such treatment from a guy like this her whole life. "No... thanks Kikwang"


"No problem, but do me a favor… call me Kikwang oppa" He started to walk with her and opened the door for her to sit in the door. Not only that, once he was in the car he also put on her seatbelt for her. Although it may seem like Hyuna will only be impressed with diamonds and treasure she's actually the totally opposite. She already grew up with that kind of stuff so little things like this made her heart fluster like crazy. This is probably the reason why she felt no personal emotions with Junhyung. He never did anything for her, all he did was expect more and more from her, once they started to date. Not once did he do anything for her.


The car ride was pretty quiet so Hyuna decided to speak up, "So if you drive a nice car like this, why don't you dress nicer in school?"


"Because, I didn't want people to like me for my money, no offense I'm pretty sure you know what I mean by that *ahem JUNHYUNG ahem*"


"Haha yeah, I guess that's true..."


"Plus, I don't have a great fashion sense so even if I have the money to buy expensive clothes it would go to waste since I don't know how to match things....Haha which is why you need to help me!"


"Me? I don't know either!" Hyuna said to him


"Didn't you change Junhyung's style?"


"Well, yeah but I just paid for it while he chose everything himself!"


Kikwang started to laugh "I guess this is going to take a long time. Maybe I should have brought you a bed just in case" Hyuna started to giggle at his silliness "Don't worry I called a personal stylist to help out"


"Okay good" Hyuna said to him


"You just need to tell me what style you're going for me"


"I can do that!"



"THIS!" After two hours of shopping around she and Kikwang finally decided what look. "Perfect!"

"Well we still have a long time before lunch; do you wanna go shopping for yourself?"


"No it's okay. I probably have everything in this mall"


Kikwang was pretty disappointed because he wanted to buy her something. While walking with her he noticed her eyeing a charm bracelet inside Tiffany & Co. 'Perfect'

While the two were eating their lunch Kikwang excused himself pretending that he had an important phone call and ran to buy the charm bracelet for her.


After 15 minutes Hyuna started to get worried for him so she came out of the restaurant and saw him still talking on the phone so she went back in, not wanting to interrupt his call. 'Whew that was close!' he thought to himself and went back in and finished his lunch with her.


"Thanks for today!" Kikwang said as he walked her to her door


"I didn't do anything for you though. You picked me up, paid for everything, and did everything!"


"Because, a girl like you deserves to be treated like a princess" He said to her while giving her a peck on the cheek "I'll see you Monday…princess" He said while walking away


Hyuna held her cheek while blushing like crazy. She stood there for a good couple of minutes before walking inside. 'What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating so fast!'




Monday morning Kikwang came to pick up Hyuna. He came with the same flowers, coffee and muffin and they went to school together once she got her stuff. In the car she asked "Is it okay for you to lose your nerd identity? I thought you wanted to keep it a secret?"


He just smiled at her, "Don't worry about me" reassuring her that it's okay. Once they arrived, he got out of the car and opened the door for Hyuna "Shall we?" he joked.


Hyuna just slightly hit his arm at his joke and held his hand "We shall! Kikwang…oppa" While walking to class all the girls were wondering who this new guy was. Junhyung woke up from the commotion to see Hyuna hand in hand with a new guy.


"Hyuna… and Kikwang oppa?!" He said while gripping his fist overhearing Hyuna calling Kikwang, oppa, when she never called him such name. "You're so dead Lee Kikwang"



to be continued...



Who knew that this many people would read a non-rated one shot series about Hyuna!<3
Hey guyssss<3I know it's probably killing you that I haven't updated in FOREVER and then I tease you with a 'to be continued'  SORRY! 
Anyways, please make sure to comment and continue to leave requests! 
I know I'm a little late but I will slowly get to them I promise!
After Kikwang, who should I do?! 



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Chapter 5: Chapter 8: Pairing(s):HyunA and Sehun
Setting: idol life (rumor about hyuna and sehun dating)
Genre: romance
: maybe...
Other comments: fighting!
ananda48 #2
Chapter 11: Pairing(s):HyunA and Sehun
Setting: idol life (rumor about hyuna and sehun dating)
Genre:romance cute
: yes
Other comments: thankyou for amazing fanfic :)
syiqah #3
Pairing(s):HyunA and Sehun
Genre:Cute Comedy Fluff
: No
Other comments: Make sehun older than hyunaA.I love your stories *^*
4niahyun #4
Chapter 11: my god will you upload this???????im still waiting because its freaking doojoon and hyuna!!!!!if you have the time please update okay authornim???^^ILY
Pairing(s): hyuna and kai (or sehun)
Setting:it's just normal life as boys and girls after school ( not exo not 4minute not popular )
Genre:comedy romance
: yes
Other comments:daebak love yo authornim
I really love your story! Jinjja daebakk! Hwaiting! #HyunaHUGEFANS
hyunjingjing #7
Pairing(s): Kai and Hyuna
Genre: romance
Setting: exo's dorm
: yes
Other comments: i love your stories,update soon! :)
Im still waiting for the next update :)
~update soon author nim
chibimylittledemon #9
Pairing(s): hyuna and luhan
Genre:comedy romance
: yes
Other comments:your awesome !!!
Pairing(s): Myungsoo and Hyuna
Setting:Just before the MAMA when Infinite and Hyuna were in Vietnam OuO ,hotel x)
Genre: Romance ,Cute
: Yes (but i'm okay if you can't :3)
Other comments:I love your stories *^*