First Day Part 2

School Life With Namgrease

A/N: This chapter is continue from chapter 1 . Yeah because I to lazy to put in as chapter 1 . Lol XD



"Class ! Attention ! Today you got a new classmate ."

Miss Lizzy , our English teacher said .

"______ you can come in and introduce yourself ."

"Hello . My name is Kim ______ . I'm from  -put your own place ;)-

I said to the class and bow .

"______ , you can sit ........ There ! Beside Chaerin ."

The girl name Chaerin nodded and wave at me to sit beside her .

"Hi . I'm Lee Chaerin . You can call me CL . Nice to meet you ." 

Said Chaerin .

"Hi . I'm Kim ______ . You can call me _____ . Nice to meet you too ."

While I busy chatting with CL , suddenly my class full of noise with shouting of girls in 4 A Cube .

"OPPA !!! OPPA !!!! LOOK AT ME !!!"

Then  I ask Chaerin .

"Who is that guy ? And he so handsome ."

"Handsome ? Oh yeah . His name is Nam Woohyun . People usually call him as Namgrease ."

"W-what ?! Namgrease ? Why ?"

"Because he is so greasy . Yeah you know . Flirting pretty girls , ask random girls out for dating . Oh by the way , he's so popular among girls of course at here ."

Then Chaerin continue .

"If you think he's handsome , faster go and get him because he is 'single' . Hahaha ."

"Hahaha ."

*Well yeah . He so damn handsome*


When I'm busy looking at my classmates fangirling at Woohyun , suddenly our eyes met .

And , he wink at me .

Wink ?!

"Even though he is handsome , but he's such a greasy . He's my type ."



A/N : Hoyeah ! Done another chapter . Well it's a continue from chapter 1 . Lol XD I hope it doesn't mess with your reading ;)

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exoticshawol125 #1
hi~ just wanted to pop by and say I'm a new reader :)
It's an interesting story.
But I don't get the whole point, or the plot of the story.
Anyways, update soon!
jongxshin #3
HOIHOIHOI QUEENKAS. Don't ever dare to touch my NANA or I'll call my twins to get back at you -___-' Ugh, seriously, why are they so annoying? So mean -.- Ohoh and Hoya is Nana's boyfriend~ OTL wae saeng, do you purposely want to put every of my OTPs in here? ;~; Wae you wae wae. Ehem, never mind. I'll be more than happy if you do. Ohoh, and I spot L/Nana here. I can't even, I can't even ;~~~;

Okay, I guess the longer the comment, the more useless it would be. So, I'll end my comment here ;)
jongxshin #4
Ohohoh, the greasy side of Woohyun has now appeared! :p And what the. I'm already having such a bad impression on those bloody queenkas. =__=" Okay, saeng. Do update soon (;