Chapter 13

It started with an affair


Time passed by and I avoided Jiyong as good as it was possible. Fortunately we didn't have that much schedule at that time, because TOP Hyung was still abroad. Whenever Jiyong tried to talk to me alone I suddenly got a phone call, a message or my manager called for me. I also managed to get Jiyongs schedule plan and I committed it to my memory, so I didn't need to see him at home. Whenever he was at home I didn't leave my room. At the first time is was kinda hard, because first of all, I missed him, I truly missed him, but secondly every time he was at home my body tried to play dirty tricks with me. Even so I ate dinner not too long ago, my stomach started growling, even so I was in the bathroom not too long ago, I needed to go there again. All in all it was really hard to get used to avoid Jiyong, but right now I'm good at it. Of course he tried to talk to me at home as well, but I listened to loud music so I couldn't hear him.


One day I came home totally exhausted, wanting to take a shower before Jiyong will be at home in two hours. I walked into the kitchen, when I heard some noises from the living room. Before I looked what was going on, I opened the fridge and took a coke out of it. Secretly I wished that TOP Hyung would be at home, so Jiyong finally would be happy again, but the scene I saw made me angry and in the first moment I didn't even know why.


There was Jiyong sitting with his arm around another guy, laughing like crazy over a stupid movie they watched on our TV. I stood there and couldn't take my eyes of them for a while, when the anger overcame me and I walked past them. They didn't even recognize me, and I somehow my hand started to move on it's own and I throw my coke can to them, before I hurried to get out of this room.


After entering my room I shut the door as loud as possible. My breath became unsteady and I made fists. How could Jiyong be at home? Why was he there sitting with this... GUY, having fun, when he was always sad that his boyfriend wasn't at home, when he spent time with me?


I layed down on my bed and closed the eyes, hating myself for being hurt by this scene, even so it was my own fault that he didn't spend time with me in the last days. Slowly I dozed of into the world of dreams, still feeling the anger inside of me.


On the next morning I stood up and changed into fresh clothes. I slept too long, so I wasn't able to take a shower. Jiyong should be at the radio station right now, giving an interview about their upcoming album, so I need to leave within the next twenty minutes and tonight he is going to have a meal with our CEO, so I can come back at this time. I went through his schedule in my head while leaving my room. When I opened the door, I looked shocked at the person in front of me. There he was, Jiyong was waiting for me with a kinda pissed of expression. “You and I, we need to talk.” With that he pushed me back into my room and made me sit on my bed. “The...there is nothing we need to talk about....” I tried to get out of this situation.


He sat besides me and grabbed my arm, so I couldn't escape. “Hyung...” trying hard to find a way out of this without mentioning the word Kiss or coke. “... shouldn't you be at the radio station right now? The interview about our album...” I was cut off by his “canceled it.” I bit my lower lip and looked at the floor. What should I do? My heart started to beat faster because he grabbed my arm tighter. “Seungri... why do you avoid me? We need to talk about it... and... I miss you...” he said the last words sweetly. Slowly I looked up at him and he really seemed being hurt by my behavior. “I tried... I wanted... I...” why couldn't I just tell him how I feel instead of stutter like that? “You and I... it isn't right... so I tried to help you with avoiding you, so there wouldn't be any confused feelings or something like that...” and for saving me for being hurt even more.


He moved closer and gently kissed me. I knew I should have stopped him, because I already realized what he was up to, when he was leaning over, but why should I? Can't I be happy like this for a second? So I kissed him back and he slowly deepened the kiss. Everything happened in slow motion, well actually it felt like it. We layed down on the bed, he on top of me, while kissing and touching each others faces. Our tongues started a little battle for dominance but I gave up and let him win it. With a little sigh he broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. “Seungri, I really like you and I don't regret kissing you, spending time with you, being with you.” he said seriously. The only reaction I could give was smiling and nodding to his words, before my hands, totally own their own, pulled him closer for another kiss. Somehow I started to like the own will of my hands.


Why should I care about TOP Hyung right now... or about any other guy? I didn't want to think about anything, but the person I was kissing in this moment. 




I'm back :D

I know it took me quiet long to make another update, and I'm sorry about it! >< Actually I should write an essay for university right now, but I thought writing a new Chapter would be good as well XD But now I'm going to write my essay... TT


Please write comments yeah? Tell me what you truly think about it =) 

See you guys soon!

Please check out my new fanfic "The normal Victory" and my one shot "Don't play with a Panda" =)

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Chapter 14: when you comeback authornimmmm????? i can't help i always curoius What happened next ??? What happened GTOP ????
Chapter 15: TOP only pity Ji!!!!Because he very cold... or TOP help Jiyong.. because Ji afraid tell truth for Seungri !!!!! very interesting so much questioning !!!!when you update this story authornimmm
Chapter 15: This was lovely!! Thank you for writing and sharing. I hope I can read more of it someday. :) fighting!
delightfulpassion #4
Chapter 15: I just read you read this, and I want to know what happen next.So please update! This is really good!I would like to know what happen between ji and ri .
ozwalkr #5
Chapter 15: Why do I feel as if TOP won't be as upset as everyone thinks?
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 15: i like this VERY much!!! please update soon ^_^
maryfemme #7
I miss this fic authornim... update juseyo!!
dan1234 #8
Chapter 15: please update this .
Chapter 15: Please update this