His Whisper is the Lucifer


Pairing: L.Joe x Chunji

Setting: ancient/olden days with peasants

Rating: No at all...yeah I know...blood...

(2-shot that has no ending nor beginning so beware...and I don't know what the title has to do with anything XD I'm just posting my random stories...)

Beta'd by INeedYouAndYouWantMe



Chunji works in a wealthy family as a servant. Everyone calls the daughter of the family, Princess, an annoying prick.

Chunji is an unwanted child and sold to the wealthy family when he was little. He's always clumsy and gets into trouble.

L.Joe is the most famous swordfighter who always has his face covered, his identity hidden. He loves picking fights.

One day, he goes to the wealthy family at night to pick a fight. He gets wounded and meets Chunji who was outside.

How would their lives intertwine? Would their love have a good ending?





"L.Joe pulls down his face mask as he closed the distance between the two; Chunji’s eyes slowly fluttered shut. The moon shone brightly in the night sky as their lips joined into a passionate kiss, the third one of the day."




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Chapter 3: THIS IS A FREAKING GOOD ONE!!! i cried at the goodbye scene.
can you please a have one-shot continuation of this?!?! ;p
Chapter 3: just found ur story and omg i love ur story so damn much, it made me cry T__T seriously the second chapter... but im happy that there's the sequelXDD
Chapter 3: I cry .......
Chapter 3: Update ...
Chapter 2: It's so heartbreaking :(
minizy1 #6
Chapter 1: This really good please make more <_< or i wil cwy
Good luck
This was so fluffy and sad and I'm happy that it kind of had a good end >.<
AHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG!!! i read the first fluffy chapter a long time ago and totally LOVED IT!!! omg I'm so glad you updated and omoooo when i read the second part, my heart broke!!! OMGGGG BUT I'M GLAD THE AWESOME L.JOE KILLED ALL THE SOLDIERS MUAHAHHAHA. and awww at least the two of them ended up... sleeping/ dying next to each other! OMG THEN THE SOMEWHAT SEQUEL MADE ME SPAZZ!!! YIPPPPEEE CHUNJOE UNITE IN THE PRESENT TEHEE^~^ awww this was a wonderful fic! just that i wonder how did l.joe of the present got the necklace from his dad... when the necklace belonged to the old old l.joe but he didn't had any sons right? hhmmm~! Hahhaha but fighting this was great seriously<3
ILoveYou_Forever #9
Aish..... I was happy that you finally updated this. But then after reading, you know, I just want to stab you for making me sad and cry. Joking. But the sad and cry part is serious. I thought it was going to be a cute and sweet story at first, but then you changed it and everything changed. It's just so heartbreaking and too sad to not cry. You know, you made the story turned 180 degree. Aish.....
Still, my heart hurts even when I'm typing this. You seriously know how to make it angst. Aish.... The princess and all. Breaking a love story that is too beautiful. But why all the marriage thingy happened at first place? How did suddenly L.Joe become the 's suitor? FML! But all the flashbacks in the last chapter hurts me a lot. Too hurt to read the cute and sweet and childish flashbacks of Channie when he is dying. And I did think L.Joe was going to carry Channie back to the princess and then asked the to let him bury Channie. But then you surprised me. You know, drama. Ahhhhh~~~~~~~~~~ Just give me some minutes to get over the hurt first. Aigoo!! My poor heart!!~~
But then again, there is the sequel. The meeting up is awesome. How did L.Joe's family have the necklace? Wow~ I thought it went with L.Joe when he died? That's such a miracle. You make it like a mini... no, a movie. Well, didn't think it'd turn out this way, but I still love this. You did so well!~ Just, please don't write angst anymore. T_T Hope to read other fics' updates too. I'm excited for ""!