I fell in love with my best friend

[Oneshot] I fell in love with my best friend


"No, you definitely can't say that," The short haired blonde girl, who sat in front of Yoseob, laughed, as he shook her head.

"Then what should I say?" Yoseob jumped a bit up and down in the couch out of frustration, as he looked over at his childhood friend, who sat beside him.

"I don't know," the blonde girl said playfully, as she nudged Yoseob, "you're the famous one!"

"That doesn't mean that I always know what to say," Yoseob pouted, as he watched his childhood friend pout at the same time. Maybe it was true, what they said - that you act alike, when you're together with the same person for a long time.

"How about just being yourself?" She grinned at him, as she shrugged a bit, before she  took a bit of the chocolate plate in the middle of them, as she afterwards fed him some.

"Myself?" Yoseob pondered out loud, as he looked suspiciously at her, "no, can't do."

They both laughed at this comment, as their attention went back to a new episode of Justin League being showed on television.

Chan Rin, the girl beside Yoseob, was a very bright girl, who had been Yoseob's best friend and neighbor, since the two of them had been old enough to walk by themselves. She had been adopted to South Korea, when she was very small, and she didn't even know her own story herself, so it was kind of hard to explain. She only knew, that her parents had adopted her from Europe, which explained how well she wore her blonde dyed hair, and her pretty blue-gray eyes.

Yoseob had once asked her, if she wasn't curious about her 'real' family, but she had replied, that she already was living with her family. They had never really spoken about it afterwards.

Yoseob watched as Chan Rin's eyes lit up, as she watched the show. She really loved Justice League, but there were so many things that she loved.

"So how's school lately?" Yoseob carefully formulated the question, as he knew, that Chan Rin wasn't always happy about school. It was boring, and she was too shy to talk to people she didn't know.

"It's okay," she shrugged once again, as her eyes didn't leave her favorite show.

"You sure?" Nagging Chan Rin was something Yoseob did best. He really cared for her, and he only wanted the best for her. Which also was the reason why, he never had mentioned her to anyone except s.

"Yeah..." she trailed off, and Yoseob knew, that something probably was a bit off, but he stopped himself from asking more questions. 

"I should say thank you from Junhyung! You know, because of the coke you bought him!" This time Chan Rin finally looked over at him, as she lit up once again.

"Junhyung oppa did?" Chan Rin had become close to the BEAST members as well, as she and Yoseob were neighbor's. It wasn't unusual, that she would drop by, when they were on a visit.

"Do you like Junhyung?" Yoseob raised an eyebrow at her, as she slowly fell back onto the couch once again, "you know, that you can tell me, right?"

"Of course I like him - but not like that!" She hesitated a bit, before she added, "There's someone else  I like."

Yoseob didn't notice, that she glanced over at him, as she spoke the last words. Neither did he notice the small blush, that had appeared on her cheeks.

"Who is it?" He smiled brightly at her, as he tried to guess, who it could be, "is it Gikwang then?"

"No," she mumbled shy, as she shook her head, as she looked him into his dark eyes. Why was it so hard for him to realize the one she liked was him?

"Then Dongwoon?" Skeptical he looked at her, "but I doubt he's your type."

"It's not," sighing Chan Rin stood up declaring, that she was going home, and before Yoseob had a chance to say anything, she had already left him behind.

"Then who is it?" He mumbled confused to himself, as he watched the door, Chan Rin just had walked out off.


Almost a week passed before Yoseob and Chan Rin found themselves sitting in the same couch once again - mostly thanks to Yoseob's busy schedule.

"So what have you been up to?" It was a question, they always asked each other, as they didn't had the chance to talk in between their meetings. Except from the few text messages they would send each other once in awhile.

"Nothing much," Chan Rin shrugged, as she looked at her older guy friend sitting beside her, "the same old. School and I've been drawing a lot this week."

Chan Rin was an amazing drawer. She always did the most amazing drawings, and Yoseob was impressed every time, she showed him something new.

"I'll show you later," she added, as if she had read his thoughts, "What have you been up to?"

"I went on this show, where I had to pretend to go on a date with another celebrity," Yoseob was already shining. He always shined, when he talked about his work, "it was with IU - I've always wanted to do a program with her! She was really sweet!"

He rambled on about how fun, it had been, and how fun they also had had back when they had performed 'If you want a lover' together.

"Why don't you go marry her then?" Chan Rin mumbled obviously annoyed, as he kept talking about IU. She knew, that he always had been a fan boy of IU, but somehow she got really annoyed this time.

"Should I?" Yoseob teased a bit staring dreamily into thin air, as he imagined him and IU on a second date together.

"Do what you want!" Spoke out loud as she quickly turned up the sound on the television to drown Yoseob's voice, but he just stood up turned off the television.

"You mad?" He pouted at her, as he acted cutely to get her to smile - and he succeeded right away.

"How can I be?" Chan Rin laughed, as she shook her head. Such an adorkable boy.


'A boy from my school asked me out - I'm going on a date!' Yoseob received the text message in the middle of practice. and he suddenly found it hard to concentrate.

Who was his Chan Rin going on a date with? He hadn't even approved of the guy yet.

"What's wrong?" Gikwang asked, as he read Yoseob as an open book.

"Chan Rin is going on a date!" He complained to his hyung by three months.

"What?" Gikwang coughed as he choked on his water, "but we haven't even approved of him yet!"

All of the BEAST members saw Chan Rin as a little sister, since they saw her pretty often, so they couldn't help but be a bit overprotective.

"But aren't you in love with Chan Rin?" A totally oblivious Doojoon, who had overheard their conversation, asked.

"N-no I-I'm not," stuttering through the words Yoseob blushed furiously looking away from s, who almost knew him as well as Chan Rin did.

"But you are," Hyunseung stated, as he chewed on something, which Yoseob couldn't see what was from his position.

"Let's stalk them," Junhyung smirked playfully, as he drank some of his coke, as Dongwoon nodded as an agree behind him.

Yoseob quickly took out his phone once again, and asked Chan Rin about time and place, and she was quick to reply, as she had had her phone near her all the time.

"She's going on Friday after school," Yoseob told the guys, which made Doojoon frown a bit.

"That means only Yoseob, Gikwang and Junhyung can go, as we others have schedule all day," a loud sigh could be heard from the guys, who also wanted to had join the fun but now couldn't.

"Go catch her heart then!" Dongwoon smirked at Yoseob, as he patted his friends shoulder.

"I'm not in love with her!" He told them off, as he frowned at them. He was definitely not in love with his best friend, or was he?


Chan Rin hurried  home from school Friday, as she wanted to get ready to her date with her classmate Myung Dae, who had asked her out earlier on the week.

With Yoseob in mind she had agreed to the date. If he could go around having fun with famous girls, then what should stop her from going on a date with a really sweet classmate of hers?

They had both happily agreed to go to the amusement park, as it seemed like the perfect place to have their first date - at least that's what Myung Dae had said, as they had decided.

Still a bit shy and unsure about the whole situation Chan Rin had just agreed, hoping that she could turn him down nicely, if she didn't like him too well after going on a date.

An hour later, which Chan Rin had used on taking a shower, choosing an outfit and putting on makeup, Myung Dae came to pick her up.

They took the subway to the amusement park and stood in line right away. What they didn't know was, that three guys already stood inside the amusement park waiting for them to enter.

"It's her!" Yoseob whispered just loud enough for the other two to hear, as he recognized his childhood friend right away.

"Where?" Gikwang whispered back as he made Yoseob point to the place, where she was standing.

"That's great guys," Junhyung also whispered, as he put his hands into his pockets, "but why are we whispering?"

Coughing both Gikwang and Yoseob blushed a bit, as they realized, how stupid it must had seemed.

"What's wrong?" Myung Dae asked a Chan Rin, who nervously played with the bottom of her t-shirt. Her eyes shifted a bit from her t-shirt to Myung Dae and back to her t-shirt.

"N-nothing," she stuttered, as Myung Dae bought the entrance for both of them. Myung Dae shrugged a bit, as he decided it probably would be best, if he didn't ask too much.

"Let's try some of the small rides first and then wait with the big rollercoaster!" The guy in front of Chan Rin grinned, as he excitedly grabbed her hand, as he led her into the first queue near them.

What he didn't see was how Chan Rin's eyes darkened, as she looked down at their hands. She couldn't help but think, how much she wanted it to be Yoseob and not Myung Dae.

Shaking the thought of her, she smiled towards the guys back deciding she would forget all about Yoseob for the time being.

"Did you see that?" Yoseob gasped, as he took  a firm hold of Gikwangs shoulder, who stood in front of him, "that douche bag took my Chan Rin's hand!"

Shaking in anger Yoseob glared at the two of them in disbelief. He was the only one allowed to hold Chan Rin's hand.

"Your Chan Rin?" Junhyung asked amused, as he emphasized, that Yoseob just had made Chan Rin his possession without even realizing it.

"I-I-I mean," stuttering even worse than before Yoseob's eyes shifted, "since I'm her best friend, it's only fair, that I..."

"Just drop it," Gikwang laughed interrupting Yoseob's rant, as he moved a branch out of his way, so he could get a better view of Chan Rin and the guy she was on date with, "you wouldn't agree with any of the guys she would show you, since you wouldn't want to give up your place beside her to anyone else."

"I would..." The words seemed far from truthful and doubt was written all over Yoseob's face, as he realized something important, "...I like Chan Rin?"

"YES!" both Junhyung and Gikwang almost yelled at Yoseob, who right away looked in Chan Rin's direction to see, if she had noticed the three of them, before he told them to quiet down.


The day went on as Chan Rin and Myung Soo were kind of enjoying their date.

Myung Soo hadn't noticed, that Chan Rin seemed to be lost somewhere else in her thoughts, as she walked behind him the most of the time, and he seemed way more excited about the rides than Chan Rin.

The three members were the whole time a few steps behind them spying on them, as they didn't want the guy to do anything weird to Chan Rin.

Yoseob had also finally admitted to himself that his concern-like feelings were jealousy.

"I'll go get us something to drink," Myung Soo announced, as the two of them finally had found a quiet corner with a bench, where they could enjoy some of the last sun of the day, before they went to try the wild rides they had saved for last.

"Okay," Chan Rin nodded shy, as she played a bit with her fingers. Why did she have to be that shy?

As soon as the guy left Junhyung and Gikwang pushed Yoseob forward, indicating that he should go talk to Chan Rin now, when she finally was alone.

"No, she'll just think, I stalked her or something," he hissed at the two of them, as he quickly pushed himself in between them again just to get pushed out again.

"Well you kind of did," Junhyung noted the obvious as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Just be honest," Gikwang mouthed, as he smiled brightly at his friend.

"Just be honest my ," Yoseob mumbled loud enough for s to hear, as he made his way towards Chan Rin, who sat in her own world staring at the blue sky making her own eyes even more blue than usual.

"Chan Rin," Yoseob playfully called, as he got close to her, and she jumped a bit, as she got a fright from Yoseob's voice, who really shouldn't be there.

She looked around to see, if it just had been her imagination, but she quickly found out, that her best friend was making his way towards her.

"You shouldn't be here," she hissed, as they both frowned at the same time. She looked frightened around to see, if there was anyone around, who had recognized Yoseob yet, "leave before anyone sees you!"

"But I came to talk to you," he started off, as he choked a bit on his words. It was a lot harder to say, than he had imagined.

"Do it quick then," Chan Rin had always been very careful about their relationship, as she was afraid that a rumor maybe would come between them someday. What should she do, if she never could see her best friend ever again?

"Do you remember back, when we were small, and I told you, that we always would be friends?" Yoseob slowly started off, as he tried his best to remain calm and not just start hugging his friend.

"Yeah," Chan Rin said in a muffled voice confused about, what his question were leading to.

"And do you remember, when I said, that I would support you no matter what you chose?" This time Yoseob had to sink his spit a few times, as he blinked away a few tears.

"Yes I do," Chan Rin had suddenly gotten very serious too. Why was Yoseob standing here in front of her being this serious bringing up stuff from the past?

"Well right now..." Yoseob trailed off, as he tried to choose his words wisely, as Chan Rin stared at him afraid to hear the rest, "I can't be your friend anymore, and I really can't support your choice."

It came out much harder than Yoseob had intended - to be truthful - this was far from what he had intended.

"What?" On the verge of tears Chan Rin stared at him in disbelief. Why was he saying that? Had he really come all this way to say this? "Why are you saying that?"

Dumbfounded Yoseob stood and stared at Chan Rin as no words came out. Why had he said that? That wasn't what he meant. Why wasn't he saying anything?

"Chan Rin-ah!" Myung Dae came running from the other side of the park with two sodas in his hand. As soon as Chan Rin saw him, she quickly pushed Yoseob aside, so the guy wouldn't see him.

Why was she even caring about that right now? She didn't even understand herself.

Myung Dae gave her the soda he had bought, as the two of them moved on to the big rollercoaster and got in line. Chan Rin had gotten awfully quiet, but Myung Dae didn't notice, as he was busy talking about himself. He was far from Yoseob, who always listened to her complains too no matter how unimportant they may seemed.

While they still stood at the end of the line someone ran up and grabbed Chan Rin's hand. Without even turning around she knew from his touch, that it was him, but what was he doing there? Didn't he just tell her, that he didn't want to be friends anymore?

"I'm sorry Chan Rin!" Never had she seen him that regretful, so she decided right away to forget everything, as she ignored all the whispering about Yoseob being there, "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Is that... Yoseob from BEAST?" Myung Dae asked in awe, as he just stared at him, but he never got  any answer from anyone.

"It's okay," Chan Rin assured Yoseob, before she whispering added, "let's talk at home."

The whispering around them had gotten louder, as more people were recognizing the idol, who was busy talking to a girl, they had never seen before. Yoseob quickly nodded, before he smiled at his fans making a lot of girls scream their lungs out.


A few hours later Yoseob and Chan Rin was sitting in the same couch they were always sitting in. They were looking awkwardly at each other, as they both waited for the other to say something to break the silence.

Chan Rin had a long time ago forgiven Yoseob. She was the type, who was really bad at being mad at people for a long time - she always ended up forgiving them as long, as they seemed regretful.

"I'm sorry," Yoseob mumbled, as he looked shyly away.

"It's alright," Chan Rin tried to send him a reassuring smile, but she was still curious about, why he would say something like that, "but why..."

"Close your eyes!" Yoseob blurted out, as he turned to stare Chan Rin into her blue grey eyes.

Chan Rin trusted Yoseob completely and did as she was told. She shifted nervously position, as she waited. What was he trying to do?

Something soft got pressed against her lips, and before she even opened her eyes, she realized that Yoseob was kissing her.

He moved a bit closer towards her, to get a bit more comfortable, but not once did his lips leave hers.

Already pressed up against the armrest Chan Rin couldn't move further back, so Yoseob was actually only getting closer to her.

Yoseob seemed to have stopped in his track, as he suddenly got unsure of, if this was what Chan Rin wanted, but instead of moving away, he wanted to treasure the moment forever, so he just stopped in his tracks.

Closing her eyes, Chan Rin took the courage she needed and moved a bit closer to Yoseob as well by hugging him around his neck.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yoseob's lips, as he finally moved away from Chan Rin, but he didn't let go with his tight grip around her.

"I couldn't support you going on a date with another guy than me," he started slowly, as he messed up Chan Rin's short blonde hair, "and I can't be called your best friend anymore, since I want you to call me your boyfriend!"

Shyly Chan Rin agreed to Yoseob's proposal about being his boyfriend, as she hid her face in the corner of his neck making him laugh.

She could never imagine a life without him. 


The end


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this :D As I said in the forewords, this is a spin off to my story 'Running through life', so I hope you'll find the time to read that also :D Thank you so much for finding the time to read my one shot :D 

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It was really nice! I loved it ~ !
Joyvin #2
Aww, sweet~
Miji96 #4
It was really good~ :D And so sweet <3
I'm so happy I could cry...! <3
This is so pretty ;-; I can't wait for the story itself!

Do you know I love you? <3