The Apple Of My Eye

I love you but I need to kill you

CHAPTER 3 : The Apple Of My Eye

Girls were very excited. They prepared themselves just to be noticed by Jay Park.

Today is the dance competition and Jay will be one of the contestants.

Jessica happened to be one of the audiences. Because of her parent's murder, she had a barrier that even the most hottest guy can't go through.

But can Jay change that? Stay tuned for what's gonna happen next.


“Hmmmm, Maybe I should go to the dance competiton, entertain my eyes with some good moves..” Jessica uttered. And then she found herself standing in front of the venue of the dance competition. She found a seat beside a girl who was wearing so many accessories

The competition started.

Some are screaming but most girls are saving their precious voices for Jay Park's turn.

Jessica was just sitting still, of course with the look on her face.

She had seen moves like these before but her eyes widen when the next contestant is called.

“JAY PARK!” the emcee exclaimed.

No one can clearly hear the music because of all the chants and screams overflowing in the area.

“Wow, he's amazing...” Jessica said.

“Yes he is! He is JAY PARK!” A girl beside Jessica said.

“Is he famous here?” Jessica asked.

“He's the most famous guy here in Seattle, it's because of his moves and his looks.” The girl replied.

“Ohhh..” Jessica said.

Well, he's pretty good. He caught my eyes. So, he's famous here huh? Hmmm, interesting.
I should know about this “Jay Park” but I'm busy with Chi Chi so maybe next time. Jessica thought.


The competition ended and as expected, Jay won.

The girls gathered together in the stage with Jay Park except for Jessica.

Jessica caught Jay's eyes.

Well, this is interesting, she's the only girl not crazy about me.
And, she's actually my type. Wait 'til you fall for me, girl. Jay thought to himself.

Jay invited the girls to a party in a club. His treat. After he invited the girls, he went to Jessica.

“Hey shawty.” Jay said with a matching lip bite.

“Hi.” Jessica replied.

“I'm Jay, and you are?” Jay asked.

“I'm Akuma.” Jessica said. She didn't tell her real name because it should be kept as a secret.

“Oh, nice name. So, Akuma, you have plans for tonight?” Jay winked to Jessica.

“Nope, I don't have.” Jessica replied.

“So, you wouldn't mind to celebrate with us?” Jay asked.

“Celebrate what?” Jessica asked.

“I won this competition, remember?” Jay said.

“Oh, I don't mind.” Jessica said.

“Great. Meet you here at 10pm. ;)” Jay said and then left.

Jay's heart was overflowing with happiness.
He swore to himself that he would get this girl.
But something went to his mind, Akuma, Akuma..
Hmmm, such a unique name... And I don't feel that comfortable with her but I do like her.
I have this unusual feeling... The feeling that something's not right...


Jessica was at the venue where the dance competition happened..

Waiting for Jay...

A car parked in the parking area...

A silhouette of a guy landed on the ground.. It was Jay..

“Hi Akuma, let's go?” Jay said.

“Sure.” Jessica replied.

Jessica rode Jay's car, it was nice and comfortable. She was in the front seat, next to Jay.

The atmosphere was full of awkwardness but then Jay decided to break the silence between them.

“So, Akuma, where did your name come from?” Jay asked.

“I don't know, well, you better ask my parents.” Jessica said.

“Haha, yes, I should, where are your parents anyway?” Jay asked.

“Heaven.” Jessica said with her voice shaking a little and her eyes seems like she has a fight to go to.

Oh my. What's with that look? Whoever captures that look will surely die from a heart attack. Jay thought.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Jay apologized.

“It's alright.” Jessica said.
“Here we are. Stay there.” Jay said and then he got off the car and opened the car's door for Jessica, he offered his hand and Jessica accepted the offer.

“Thanks.” Jessica said.

Girls were shocked. Seeing Jay with Jessica.

“Oh my. Who's that girl?” “Is she Jay's girlfriend?” That's what most girls are saying while Jessica and Jay were walking towards an empty table reserved for two.

Jay pulled the chair for Jessica. Jessica sat on the chair Jay offered and they were on the best table in the whole club. It was a little isolated from the other tables.
They ordered and chatted.

“So, you have a boyfriend Akuma?” Jay asked and hoping that she doesn't have one.

“I don't have one.” Jessica said.

Jay's expression on the outside was normal but inside, he was jumping with joy.

“Ohhh. Where do you live?” Jay asked.

“Seoul.” Jessica said.

“Really? So, you're a Korean?” The atmosphere was getting unawkward now..

“Yes. But I grew up here in America.” Jessica said.

“Oh, me too. I'm a Korean and I also live in Seoul. I decided to live here in Seattle for a change.” Jay said.

“Oh, nice.” Jessica said feeling happy that there was a fellow Korean.

Their drinks came, and they were drinking straight. 30 minutes had passed and tons of glasses were on their table. They ordered another and another until they were both drunk.

“Hahahaha! Right!” Jessica said between hiccups.

“Hmmm, so want me to drive you home?” Jay said.

“How can you drive me huh? You don't know where I live and you're drunk! Hahaha..” Jessica said.

“Who says I'm drunk huh? You're the one who's drunk here. Haha. *hic*” Jay said.

They were laughing and laughing like a crazy people.
Jay managed to call a driver. The driver drove them to Jay's house.
Jessica didn't manage to tell where she lives because they were both asleep.
There was no one in the house. Just them in Jay's bedroom.

Jay woke up and still drunk, seeing Jessica and his sight was blurry.

Jessica pulled Jay into her and hugged him.

“I miss you.” Jessica said.

She cupped Jay's cheeks and kissed him.

Their bodies were getting hotter and hotter until both of them......



Mehehe, cliffhanger~ Please subscribe and comment ^o^

BTW, Akuma means fatally beautiful. its like Femme Fatale~

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So, I would like to thank my friend for the wonderful poster ^^ She's malhagoshipo @ tumblr. =)) Hope you guys like the poster! -JSH


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Chapter 1: update LOL XD
KpopSnsdFxFan #2
Update plzzz
Update Soon Please
haha i'll like to see how this story will turn out. jay seemed very oblivious and cute in earlier chappies. way to melt jessica's heart = get her drunk lol
snowking #5
great story.. very nice scene of JAYSICA.. hahaha=)))

keep it coming and your efforts are well appreciated....

update soon thanks. :)
Hi Guys! Lol, I know our grammar is kind of wrong, Sorry XD English is not our first language ^^ but you can still understand the story right? Feel free to comment about our grammar and spelling mistakes. We'll be changing it ^^; Komawo~
I'm very sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes. Well, I'm just entering 7th grade so yeah I'm not that good in english and english isn't my first language so, I'm very sorry, anyways, Thank you! ^^
ParkJaeyeong #8
Interesting. Sorry to seem like a hater or like a critic but I have to say there are some grammar and spelling mistakes. >< Other than that this is a very nice story with a solid plot. Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next one. HWAITING ! :D
snowking #9
please update soon....

what a cliffhanger... It made me want more haha=))

JAYSICA.. is awesome...

thanks for this story it is really good... keep it up..
@rosius Or it could be 10x hotter. Loljk. Keke~
Thanks so much! ^^