Ch. 7

The K.I.S.S House


 Soohyun POV:


 “… And nothing is impossibleeee~” I finished singing the latest notes of the song… “How was it?” I asked Alexander who had been recording, I was doing another cover of the Shin Dongho songs

 “Great!... You even sound better than that Dongho” He answered

 “I wish…” I said “No one is better than Dongho” He rolled his eyes

 “If you say so…”


 I opened the little fridge in my room, threw a coke to Xander and took one for myself. 


 “Wanna watch TV?” He asked



 The first thing we saw when we the TV was a Dongho new… But it wasn’t good one


 “Among other news, the famous singer Shin Dongho just had a car accident against a jewelry” The commentator said, my mouth was a perfect “O” form “Despite the serious accident, Dongho is now recovering satisfactorily”


I saw my idol pictures inside a car, all his face was bruised and apparently he was unconscious… ing paparazzis, why they don’t helped him instead taking all those pictures


 “Calm down Soohyun, they just have said that he’s recovering” Alexander said, my best friend knew how much I admired Shin Dongho, he knew very well how his songs had helped me in the most difficult moments of my life, so he also knew how important it was for me… “He is ok”

 “No, he’s not…I have a feeling that something’s wrong” I said, that crash wasn’t normal, there were no more cars involved in the accident, how could he has crashed into a jewelry?... and besides Dongho wasn’t old enough to drive.

 “How could you know that?” He asked

 “I don’t know… it’s a Dongholic presentiment”



 Eli POV:


 “Effy… Is better if I go now” I said getting up from the couch

 “No! No wait a little more I’m convincing her” She returned to the kitchen and continued arguing with her mother “Umma,  didn’t you want me to start my own business?”

 “But not renting my house’s couch!” She answered angrily

 “Is my house too!” Effy replied, I took my things to leave, was awkward being in the middle of that argument

 “Oh really? And you collaborate with…?”

 “I help putting the family atmosphere in the house!”

 " Oh, sure..." 

  "Stop Effy"  I said "Its ok, I'll find somewhere to stay"

 "Wait Eli, you know for how long she doesn't see so much money and determination? Just wait little more, I'll convince her" They continued arguing "Umma please!!"

 "My home is not a motel!" Her mother said "If his father is so important, why he doesn't do something for his live?"     

  "Come on umma, that's not the point, the point is that I need the money!" 

 "No! He's not staying here" I left the departament without saying anything, I didn't wanted to continue listening to that conversation 



 Dongho POV:


 I was lying on the hospital bed when the door suddenly swung open. My brother entered in a wheelchair, carrying a lot of hospital stuffs 


 "Dongjin!? What are you doing?" I asked confused "What is all this for?"

 "To escape" He answered with a wide smile, making me smile too  "Hurry up, put this on"


 After helping me get dressed with the hospital clothes from head to foot he carried me in the wheelchair. We passed close to the doctors that had attended me, they were so busy talking that didn't even noticed us... We had almost reached the elevator when it opened and umma walked out of it, Dongjin quickly turned the wheelchair around and headed to another elevator. Luckily umma didn't noticed us either


 "That was close hyung"  I said taking off the hospital mask, I heard him cuckle  



 Kevin POV:


  "This is a mistake! I swear it!" I told to the guard who was pushing me into de cell "I'm innocent!" 

 "That's what everyone says!" He said as he locked me in the cell 

  "Please let me go!" I cried clutching to the bars "I'm really innocent" 


    <: A Few Hours Ago:>

 I was escaping at full speed in the stolen car, by a moment I thought that things could go well, I had a kind of plan... I would leave the car parked in some place of the street and go to home walking, then I would pretend that I had never left the house, when the authorities find the car they would be looking for a guy called "Sunghyun"... Not me. I just was hoping things to go well.

 I listened the sound of the siren of a patrol, I turned around and they were just behind me, how have they came so fast?...Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap...


 "Stop the car!" A deep voice said from the speaker, I accelerate even more "Don't make it more difficult! Just stop the car!" my life... How I had come to this?


 A second patrol blocked my way, I have no where to scape... I had no choice so I got off of the car


 "Let me see your papers" What? It wasn't for the car? 

 "Excuse me?" 

 "Your papers, your driver's license" The cop repeated "You just went through a red light" 

 "I... I don't have it right now" I lied, the truth was that I didn't had a license 

 "Don't move" He ordered and took out a walkie-talkie "Yes, I report a traffic violation... What?... describe him... Yes that's the number plate... Got it"  He put the walkie-talkie back his pocket... Oh "Put your hands in the car!" He ordered with a threatening tone, I immediately obeyed, the man proceeded to handcuff me  "You're under arrest for robbery..."

   < : > 


 "Hello..." I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and there were another four terrifying mans in the cell smiling at me 

 "PLEASE! LET ME OUT! I'M INNOCENT!" I shouted, I had heard about what happens to men in jail 

 "You can stop with that boy..." A muscular black man said "Nobody will listen to you"

 "Why are you here?" Another man with a gold tooth asked 

 "Because of an error..." I answered in a tiny voice, everyone in the cell - and in the next cell - burst into laughter 

 "An error?" The black man continued "What error?" 

 "Because I... I borrowed a car and I ran a red light and... and I have no license, that's an error right?" I asked with the broken voice

 "Calm down boy, you haven't killed anyone" I wondered if that was an attempt of cheering me up "You don't have to worry, If you pay the bail they'll let you go tomorrow"

 "TOMORROW?! no! I can't wait until tomorrow" I desperate said "I need o get out of here tonight!" 

 "Well, then I recommend you call someone right now" 


 ... Who I was supposed to call?, my parents?, What I was going to say? Hi umma, appa, i’m in jail because I dressed up as a delinquent and stole a car, but don’t worry because I’m still although that maybe change after spending the night with this guys… 


 "I'm so stupid..." I grumbled hitting my head against the wall 



 Dongho POV: 


 "And now? how are we going home?" Dongjin asked, he was still carrying me on the wheelchair

 "What? I don't wanna go home!" I complained

 "And then where you wanna go!?" 

 "I don't know... But I don't wanna go home or jail" Well, after stealing a car probably that was what would happen to me after my recovery... 


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Chapter 26: You write such long chapters, it's really nice! I like it when they can play around and be happy with each other! Keep up the good work author!
Chapter 25: I love this story! I wanna know who all comes back, so please update soon~!
kpopmusiclover #3
Woah wonder whose tht guy. Update soon pls ^^
ky_mi_ #4
Oooh..who is in the room?! Kevin?? ... Waaaa update soon ^^
love this story~ ^o^
i mean related to u-kiss :D :)
yay hugs~ haha i laughed so much :D that my mom even looked weirdly at me~ besides all those situations are so realistic its just epic~ i love your story :D
it even inspired me to write about u-kiss a story~
kpopmusiclover #8
ROFLMAO add in pineapples with coke and ice cream XD imagine if Kevin really did it XD HAHAHA pls update soon ^^
LOL. I started cracking up when they were in the ktchen :P
I swear Effy & Andy are a little crazy :)
Update soon ^^
yay~ thanks for update :) I love this story