Take a walk.

Maid for a Flower Boy

“Are you kidding? You said your knees are ok yesterday.” I said.

“Ugh..Fine.” Krystal pouted.

“You'll have a wrinkles, Ya know If you keep pouting!” I said as I walk away.

“Yah!” Krystal said with her mad pout. 

“Haha! I’m just joking.” I giggled.

“That's not funny.” Krystal said as I stuck a tongue and run away. “CUEVAS! Come back here!” Krystal yelled.


I went to school and find my room. I turned around and saw Krystal with a mad face. “Earmuffs Cuevas! Come back!” I

started running away. When I looked to my sides there's a two door. 


Where should I go?





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Seullie #1
Please update soon, I want more >.< hehehe
Loved your story~~!
unperdictableness #2
WAHHHH ur story is so cool!!! It's like a rpg game !!!