Cigarettes and Starry Skies

Cigarettes and Starry Skies


Jaejoong leans further over the balcony, looking down at the silent street below, the darkness that has enveloped the entire block.  He takes a drag from the cigarette held between delicate fingers, eyeing the simply silver band wrapped around his finger.  Smoke lingers around his face for a moment, before it dissipates.  He turns tired eyes up towards the sky, wishing the stars weren’t covered by the clouds; the urge to see them overwhelms him and for a moment he wishes to be anywhere but in the city.  He wishes for open skies of bright stars, endless fields of flowers, tall trees and cool rivers.  
He leans forward again, wondering how far away the street is; 12 floors but how far that is really, he doesn’t know.  He squints without his glasses, wonders if there is anyone down there.  Vaguely wonders what time it even is, he tends to lose track these days.  Everything just blends and folds and meshes together. 
“I hope you aren’t going to jump.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he answers smoothly, sighing as warm arms wrap around his waist pulling him away from the railing slightly.  Soft hands slide up under his sweater, rubbing against his stomach and he purrs slightly, a fact he’ll take to his grave denying.  Warm lips press against his temple and he closes his eyes, his melancholy slipping away as well. 
“I’d never forgive you for leaving me.” 
“I know you wouldn’t.  And Su would never forgive me for leaving him stuck with you,” Jaejoong replies easily.  “All sad eyes and frowns,” he teases.  Turning his head to look up at Yoochun, who rolls eyes and pinches at his sides.  He squirms for a moment, laugh hidden behind his hand.  Yoochun steals the quickly burning cigarette from his hand, takes a long pull before putting it out entirely.  Jaejoong frowns at the loss, before he’s quickly distracted by plush lips against his own.  Yoochun tastes of cinnamon and cigarettes; a taste Jaejoong is quite used to and even more in love with. 
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woah, the story is just so perfect and cute \></
That was such a cute little thing that made me smile! ^_^
*flails* Ashdjshfklajfdsu I love Soulmate sho much ><